宇田川 光弘
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2017, no.186, pp.186_113-186_128, 2017-01-30 (Released:2017-04-07)

After 60 years of the history of Japan’s official development assistance (ODA), two approaches stand out as the main philosophy of Japan’s foreign aid – aid for developing nations’ self-help and human security, as recently expressed in the Development Cooperation Charter of 2015. While ‘self-help’ was much emphasized around the 1990s, when Japan emerged as a top donor, ‘human security’ has been regarded as more important element since the early 21st century.This essay argues that the relationship between self-help and human security has been ambiguous in Japan’s aid policy. While self-help is one of the key concepts in the analysis of the realist approach (such as Kenneth Waltz) in the theory of international politics, human security is in the more liberal or humanitarian tradition. Furthermore, it does not clear who makes ‘self-help’ efforts in economic development. Japan’s aid philosophy assumes that the developing state (or government) makes efforts toward development, but in reality, the government of developing states may not work for the interests of its peoples. In this case, the self-help efforts of individuals may end up with no returns for them. It is pointed out that Japan, relatively homogeneous, regards nation’s self-help as natural and normal, but the introduction of two level analysis – state level and person level – makes clear that many developing states have divisions within the state, and self-help efforts by all sectors of the state rarely happen.In recent years, Japan has more emphasized the importance of ‘human level’ in development, by adopting human security in its development aid. However, there is no coherent explanation or examination how this notion of human security relates to self-help efforts. Human security has become more important in recent years, because the state itself can become the source of threat to peoples, or the state cannot protect its peoples from the various threats, such as infectious diseases, financial crisis, terrorism, and refugees. Despite the fact that Japan introduced human security in its aid policy in the late 1990s, Japan’s contributions to human security area has not been adequately recognized, because the majority of Japan’s aid money is still spent for the establishment of economic infrastructure, and given in the form of yen loan.Emerging donors, including China, often take a similar approach to international aid, emphasizing the respect for recipient countries’ right to independently select their own path of development. It seems odd for Japan to stick to the aid principle similar to that of undemocratic emerging donors, particularly with regard to the fact that Japan’s political relations with China, which received substantial amount of Japanese aid, have been more tensional in recent years.
宇田川 光弘
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集 (ISSN:0385275X)
vol.7, no.18, pp.117-130, 1982-02-25 (Released:2017-09-05)

樋口 佳樹 宇田川 光弘 佐藤 誠 木村 建一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.72, no.612, pp.31-38, 2007-02-28 (Released:2017-02-25)
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In the previous study, the authors have already described the heat load simulation method considerling thermal effects of the external environment of a house. In this study, effect of housing density and housing direction in the housing area on the room temperatures and the heating and cooling loads is studied by the simulation method developed by the authors. While the heating load of the house in higher density area considerably increases in winter, the cooling load slightly decreases in summer. The simulation results showed that in case the housing density is less than 33%, the increase of the total heat load consisting of heating and cooling throughout an year is within 10% and in case the housing density is 53%, the total heat load increased by 30% comparing the house without adjacent buildings. It was found that the effects of adjacent buildings on the room thermal environment and heating and cooling loads are rather large in the housing area in the suburbs of large cities. The consideration of the adjacent buildings in the heat load simulation is necessary for the building model built in the housing area. When the effect of adjacent buildings is ignored, the space heating load may be underestimated.
渡辺 定夫 花木 啓祐 野澤 康 宇田川 光弘 出口 敦 篠崎 道彦

宇田川 光弘 木村 建一
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.265, pp.125-132, 1978-03-30

1) 多数室の室温, 除去熱量の計算に壁体の熱伝導を含んだ形で室についての熱平衡式よりなる連立方程式を室温あるいは除去熱量を未知数として解く方法を用いた。この方法では収束計算は不要であり, 室数の次元の連立方程式を解けばよい。また, 熱伝導, 室温変動の計算には後退差分を用いたので計算途中に部材の熱的性質や計算時間間隔の変更が可能であり, 応答係数を用いる方法に比べより広い条件についてのシミュレーションを行なうことができる。2) 室温の計算に必要な連立方程式は対象室数の次元であるため冷暖房システムと室とを組み合わせたシミュレーションにも適用しやすい。この場合, あらかじめ自然室温を計算しておき, 自然室温と除去熱量との関係を用いれば室についての方程式を簡単することができ, シミュレーションの実行上便利である。3) 室温, 除去熱量と外乱との関係をそれぞれの外乱別に表現したが, これを用いて気象条件の室内に及ぼす影響を建築全体について定量的に把握することができる。4) 屋根10cm, 外壁5cmの外断熱を施し, 2重ガラスとしたタウンハウス中間住戸について断熱戸のある場合とない場合の暖房の状態をシミュレートした。断熱戸のない場合でも晴天日は夜間においても南室は暖房が不要であり, 北室でも約500kcal/hの暖房を行なえば室温20℃の設定を保つことができた。また, 断熱戸は負荷を60%程度に減少させ, 室温を0.5〜1.5℃高める効果があることが示された。5) 室内相互ふく射は連立方程式には含まれていないが, 計算精度を高めるためには考慮する必要がある。相互ふく射の扱いは壁体での熱平衡式に線型化したふく射の項を入れれば可能であるが, 各壁面の温度が相互に関連するため室数のみの方程式とするのは困難であり, 方程式が建築全体の壁の総数+室数の次元となる。このため実用的には何らかの簡略化を行なう必要がある。6) 計算時間間隔はここでは1時間としたが, 時間間隔と計算精度との関係を明らかにし, 計算目的, 精度に応じ適切な計算時間間隔を選定する必要があろう。