宮下 純夫 新井 孝志 長橋 徹
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.47, pp.307-323, 1997-04-24

北海道中央部を構成する日高帯には, 周囲の砂泥質堆積岩と同時期に形成された現地性緑色岩が多数分布している。これらは, 日高帯西縁のイドンナップ帯, 日高帯西部, 日高帯東部の3帯の緑色岩に区分される。年代は, イドンナップ帯のものが白亜紀中頃, 日高帯西部は後期白亜紀後半, 日高帯東部は古第三紀暁新世-始新世と推定される。緑色岩の全岩組成はいずれもN-MORBの特徴を示す。これらは, イドンナップ帯においてはユーラシアプレートとイザナギ-クラプレートとの洩れ型トランスフォーム境界, もしくはイザナギ-クラ海嶺, 日高帯西部については沈み込み境界に対して高角な海洋プレート内の洩れ型トランスフォーム断層, 日高帯東部についてはクラ-太平洋海嶺に由来すると推定される。日高帯は, 後期白亜紀後半から古第三紀にかけて海嶺の多重衝突を経験した特異な付加体で, 日高火成・変成作用の発生によりこの付加体は大陸性地殻へと転化した。これは, 海嶺の相次ぐ衝突による付加体深部の異常な温度上昇, 大量の陸源砕屑物の供給による付加体の急激な成長, 東側から古千島弧が接近してきたなどの複合によっていると考えられる。
宮下 純夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.98, no.3, pp.213-230, 1989

Magma reservoir models beneath ocean ridges are reviewed with reference to the spreading rates and the mode of fractional crystallization. Faster spreading rates (5cm/year) cause a large and long-lived magma chamber in which a thick plutonic sequence would be succesively produced away laterally from the chamber. Basalts extruded at fastspreading ridges underwent various degrees of low pressure fractionation causing conspicious chemical zonation in the chambers. On the other hand, small and transient magma chambers may be present beneath slow-spreading ridges. Comparatively less-evolved basalts, where petrological characteristics are governed mostly by the deep-seated processes such as degree of partial melting and polybaric fractionation, could appear at slow-spreading ridges because of absence of a large crustal magma chamber.<BR>Since sheeted dikes in ophiolites intruded vertically and the foliation of mantle tectonites were approximately horizontal in original, the configuration of the magma chamber interlayered between the tectonites and sheeted dike complex, if it existed, can be infered from the structure of a cumulate-gabbro sequence. The appearance of a thick plutonic sequence in the ophiolite where the crystallization order is olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene suggests that it was generated at a fast-spreading ridge. In such thick plutonic sequence, the fine-scale igneous layering (=time plane) obliquely across the major lithologic boundary of the plutonic sequence may reflect the horizontal chemical zonation of the magma chamber. On the other hand, the appearance of abundant whelritic cumulates crystallized at mantle deths and suffered high temperature deformation suggests that the ophiolite was generated at a slow-spreding ridge.<BR>Spreading rates of ancient ocean ridges at which the ophiolites were generated may be roughly estimated from the considerations on geochemical variation of the basaltic rocks. The occurrence of evolved basalts interpreted by extensive low pressure fractional crystallization suggests fast spreading rates, whereas the appearance of less evolved basalts showing complicated geochemical features such as different incompatible element ratios and crossing REE pattern suggests rather slow spreading rates.<BR>The studies on ophiolites would bring significant informations not only on the dynamic process beneath present-day ocean ridges but also on the tectonic framework and the evolution of ancient spreading center.
山崎 秀策 宮下 純夫
vol.55, pp.302, 2008

従来,伊豆マリアナ孤を代表とする島弧地殻の構成岩類は,サンプル採集の困難性から地球物理的な手法を中心として推定されてきた.白亜紀にアラビア半島上へ衝上したオマーンオフィオライトは,中央海嶺起源のMORB海洋地殻と,そこに貫入する島弧火成岩類の存在が知られており,この後期火成活動の起源がオフィオライト衝上時のオブダクションに由来するというモデルが提唱されている(Ishikawa et al., 2005など).これはすなわち,海洋地殻内に生じた沈み込み火成活動による初期島弧の発生を意味する.本発表では,オマーン北部地域において,ボニナイトを伴う超塩基性岩類の解析に基づき,この初期島弧発生プロセスを議論する.
松本 剛 宮下 純夫 荒井 章司 森下 知晃 前田 仁一郎 熊谷 英憲 大友 幸子 DICK Henry J. B.
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.5, pp.705-719, 2003-10-25
6 4

To characterise the crust-mantle boundary (petrological Moho) and to find evidence of ophiolite model, we investigated the lithology and the development process of the oceanic crust. We carried out geological and geophysical studies of Atlantis Bank core complex located at the eastern margin of the Atlantis-II active transform in the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) using deep sea submersibles and remotely operated vehicles. Unaltered lower crust and uppermost mantle rocks were observed at the southwestern slope of Atlantis Bank. The lower crust of this part of Atlantis Bank is similar to the ophiolite exposed ashore. On the other hand, a large number of dike intrusions into gabbroic massifs were observed at the eastern wall and at the southern slope of the bank. This corresponds to the dike-gabbro transition in the ophiolite model. Dike intrusions were also observed in the mantle peridotite domains. This may, however, suggest melt intrusions into the bank near the spreading axis posterior to the mantle peridotite that was dragged out along the detachment faults, or may suggest possible horizontal melt intrusion from the segment centre to the segment edge characterised by a thin plutonic layer. The northern ridge-transform intersection RTI of the Atlantis-II active transform presents an L-shaped nodal basin, while the southern RTI presents a V-shaped one. The difference between northern and southern RTI types suggests differences in the structure and basement rock types. A fossil transform fault and RTI relics at the northern side of the spreading axis west of the Atlantis-II active transform were observed, suggesting a sudden change of the spreading direction in SWIR from 20 Ma
宮下 純夫 木村 学 MELINIKOV M. ROZHDESTVENS SERGEYEV K.F 榊原 正幸 石塚 英男 岡村 真 木村 学
