青井 裕介 福士 圭介 森下 知晃 亀井 淳志
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2012年度日本地球化学会第59回年会講演要旨集
pp.137, 2012 (Released:2012-09-01)

森下 知晃
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.230203, 2023 (Released:2023-07-28)

Ultramafic rocks, i.e., peridotites and pyroxenites, occur in a variety of tectonic settings on Earth. Ultramafic rocks can form as accumulation of mafic minerals from basaltic to komatiitic melts and be a major component of the Earth's mantle. The origin and history of ultramafic rocks are expected to provide information on the processes of partial melting and melt migration/extraction in the mantle and on the tectonic evolution of geologic units containing ultramafic rocks. I study ultramafic rocks in metamorphic belts, ocean floor, and mantle sections of ophiolites. My career began with a study of the Horoman Peridotite Complex in the Hidaka metamorphic belt in Japan. The ultramafic rocks and associated mafic rocks in the Horoman body record a very complex evolutionary history from the mantle conditions to crustal conditions. It is difficult to constrain the tectonic setting affecting events in the Horoman Peridotite Complex. On the other hand, ultramafic rocks in the mantle section of ophiolites and abyssal peridotites directly recovered from ocean floor to study melting processes and melt-rock interactions in the mantle can be used to constrain their tectonic setting, or at least as analogs to these tectonic settings. Studies on the Oman ophiolite by Japanese groups and literature studies of other ophiolites suggest that many ophiolites are later modified by subduction-related magmatism. Several ophiolites are being studied to elucidate the maturing process by subduction-related magmatism. Simple partial melting and melt extraction is expected in the adiabatically upwelling mantle beneath the mid-ocean ridge. In fact, abyssal peridotites directly recovered from mid-ocean ridges provided a unique opportunity to elucidate these processes. Comparison of abyssal peridotites recovered from the mid-ocean ridges and arc regions (fore arc and back arc) is key to understand the differences in magmatic processes in the two regions. Ocean science with research vessels has a well-defined working hypothesis that can only be addressed by direct sampling from the seafloor. To understand a crucial issue in Earth science as to why plate tectonics occurs on Earth, it is essential to elucidate the life of the oceanic lithosphere from its birth to its subduction into the mantle. Direct sampling of oceanic lithosphere by drilling is the key to solving this issue. I would like to emphasize that members of the Japan Association of Mineralogical science can play an essential role in leading analyses of rock samples directly recovered from seafloor. Rock samples recovered from seafloor by drilling and any methodology, as well as samples from anywhere on Earth, should be published in as papers, and these data would help integrate knowledge about the history of the Earth and planet and its future.
森下 知晃
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
pp.230203, (Released:2023-06-28)

Ultramafic rocks, i.e., peridotites and pyroxenites, occur in a variety of tectonic settings on Earth. Ultramafic rocks can form as accumulation of mafic minerals from basaltic to komatiitic melts and be a major component of the Earth's mantle. The origin and history of ultramafic rocks are expected to provide information on the processes of partial melting and melt migration/extraction in the mantle and on the tectonic evolution of geologic units containing ultramafic rocks. I study ultramafic rocks in metamorphic belts, ocean floor, and mantle sections of ophiolites. My career began with a study of the Horoman Peridotite Complex in the Hidaka metamorphic belt in Japan. The ultramafic rocks and associated mafic rocks in the Horoman body record a very complex evolutionary history from the mantle conditions to crustal conditions. It is difficult to constrain the tectonic setting affecting events in the Horoman Peridotite Complex. On the other hand, ultramafic rocks in the mantle section of ophiolites and abyssal peridotites directly recovered from ocean floor to study melting processes and melt-rock interactions in the mantle can be used to constrain their tectonic setting, or at least as analogs to these tectonic settings. Studies on the Oman ophiolite by Japanese groups and literature studies of other ophiolites suggest that many ophiolites are later modified by subduction-related magmatism. Several ophiolites are being studied to elucidate the maturing process by subduction-related magmatism. Simple partial melting and melt extraction is expected in the adiabatically upwelling mantle beneath the mid-ocean ridge. In fact, abyssal peridotites directly recovered from mid-ocean ridges provided a unique opportunity to elucidate these processes. Comparison of abyssal peridotites recovered from the mid-ocean ridges and arc regions (fore arc and back arc) is key to understand the differences in magmatic processes in the two regions. Ocean science with research vessels has a well-defined working hypothesis that can only be addressed by direct sampling from the seafloor. To understand a crucial issue in Earth science as to why plate tectonics occurs on Earth, it is essential to elucidate the life of the oceanic lithosphere from its birth to its subduction into the mantle. Direct sampling of oceanic lithosphere by drilling is the key to solving this issue. I would like to emphasize that members of the Japan Association of Mineralogical science can play an essential role in leading analyses of rock samples directly recovered from seafloor. Rock samples recovered from seafloor by drilling and any methodology, as well as samples from anywhere on Earth, should be published in as papers, and these data would help integrate knowledge about the history of the Earth and planet and its future.
森下 知晃 小寺 忠広
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩鉱 (ISSN:09149783)
vol.93, no.2, pp.52-63, 1998 (Released:2006-08-30)
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森下 知晃
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.106, no.11, pp.800-811, 2000-11-15 (Released:2008-04-11)
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北海道, 幌満かんらん岩体に産する輝石・スピネル-シンプレクタイトの組織を定量的に記載する基礎データとして, シンプレクタイトの3次元構造を連続2次元BSE像から推定した.シンプレクタイトは斜方輝石マトリクス中に粗粒な枝分かれ状単斜輝石と棒状, 板状, 枝分かれ状スピネルが分布している構造を呈している.シンプレクタイト中の単斜輝石はシンプレクタイトの周りの単斜輝石とひとつながりであると推定され, 組織の形成は, 形成時に接していた輝石の結晶軸に支配されて, 外側から内側に向かって進行したと考えられる.予察的に得られた単斜輝石のモードはほぼ一定であった.スピネルと単斜輝石の分布はお互いに密接に関係しており, スピネルが両輝石の境界に産するときは板状を呈する.スピネル粒子の多くは両輝石の境界と接している.これらの観察事実はスピネルが両輝石の境界に選択的に形成されたことを示唆する(小畑ほか, 1997).
森下 知晃 荒井 章司 田村 明弘 石田 義人
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-14, 2008 (Released:2008-05-12)

A peculiar amphibolite rich in deep vivid green-colored amphibole porphyroblast was found as a boulder in the Chiroro River of Hidaka Town, Hokkaido, Japan. The amphibolite mainly consists of deep vivid green-colored amphibole (porphyroblast), colorless amphibole (matrix) and plagioclase with a small amount of chlorite, epidote and chromian spinel. Deep vivid green-colored amphibole porphyroblast is more than 20 modal % in the rock. Chromian spinel rarely occurs as inclusions in deep vivid green-colored amphibole porphyroblast. The Cr2O3 content of the deep vivid green-colored domain is usually ∼1 wt% (up to 2.5 wt% nearby chromian spinel) whereas that of colorless amphibole in the matrix is low, < 0.1 wt%. Deep vivid green-colored amphibole porphyroblast is heterogeneous in chemical compositions within each grain and is divided into three domains as follows: (1) high-Cr2O3 (∼1 wt%, up to 2.5 wt%) and Al2O3 (> 10 wt%) green-colored domain, (2) relatively high-Cr2O3 (∼1 wt%) and low- Al2O3 (< 10 w%) green-colored domain and (3) low-Cr2O3 (< 0.1wt%) and Al2O3 (< 10 wt%) colorless domain. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns of both deep vivid green-colored amphibole porphyroblast and colorless amphibole in the matrix are characterized by low light REE with positive Eu anomaly. The Cr#[= Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio] and TiO2 content of chromian spinel in the amphibolite are similar to those in a serpentinite complex of the Kamuikotan Zone. The amphibolite was formed by either amphibolitization of a rock containing chromian spinel derived from the surrounding serpentinite complex or extensively metasomatized serpentinite due to interaction with surrounding metamorphic rocks.
稲村 征之 森下 知晃 Milusi Ibrahim MILUSI Ibrahim
日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集 (ISSN:13486543)
vol.2011, 2011-09-05

アルバニアには南北に伸びるオフィオライトが分布しているが、その火山岩の地球化学的特徴は東西で異なり,東側は島弧的火山岩類,西側は中央海嶺的火山岩類特徴を示す(Dilek et al., 2008).本研究では西側北部に位置するゴムシケ、プーカ岩体を研究対象としている。プーカ岩体は主に斜長石を含む変形を受けたかんらん岩とガブロ脈が分布している一方,ゴムシケ岩体は輝岩脈,ガブロ脈,数十cm~10m程度の脈状のダナイトを伴うレールゾライトが分布している.ゴムシケ岩体のレールゾライトの鉱物化学組成は中央海嶺かんらん岩と似ており,部分溶融度が低いことを示している.ゴムシケ岩体にはスピネルのCr#[=Cr/(Cr+Al)原子比]に大きな違いがある二種類のダナイトが存在する.一つはCr#が0.3程度,もう一つは0.7程度である.前者は中央海嶺で採取されたダナイト,後者は前弧域ダナイトの化学的特徴と類似している(Arai, 1994).このことからゴムシケ岩体は中央海嶺的セッティングで形成された後に,島弧的セッティングに移行する際の影響を受けている可能性がある.
森下 知晃 町 澄秋 ファン ミゲル グオターナ 田村 明弘
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.124, no.11, pp.941-946, 2018-11-15 (Released:2019-02-15)

Boulders of biotite-phenocryst-rich, high-K basaltic rock were discovered in the upper stream of the Kuzuryu River in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture. The biotite phenocrysts are zoned, with pale brown cores and dark brown margins. Relics of mafic minerals, replaced by carbonate minerals, contain chromian spinel. Although the primary chemical composition is affected by the formation of secondary minerals such as carbonate, the SiO2 and K2O contents of the studied rock are 48-49 wt% and 3.6 wt%, respectively, which are within the chemical range of absarokite. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element and primitive-mantle-normalized trace element patterns of the studied volcanic rocks are characterized by high LREEs/HREEs, high concentrations of LILEs, and negative anomalies of HFSEs (Nb, Ti). These petrological and geochemical characteristics represent a primary composition that has never before been reported in the Hokuriku district.
松本 剛 宮下 純夫 荒井 章司 森下 知晃 前田 仁一郎 熊谷 英憲 大友 幸子 DICK Henry J. B.
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.5, pp.705-719, 2003-10-25
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To characterise the crust-mantle boundary (petrological Moho) and to find evidence of ophiolite model, we investigated the lithology and the development process of the oceanic crust. We carried out geological and geophysical studies of Atlantis Bank core complex located at the eastern margin of the Atlantis-II active transform in the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) using deep sea submersibles and remotely operated vehicles. Unaltered lower crust and uppermost mantle rocks were observed at the southwestern slope of Atlantis Bank. The lower crust of this part of Atlantis Bank is similar to the ophiolite exposed ashore. On the other hand, a large number of dike intrusions into gabbroic massifs were observed at the eastern wall and at the southern slope of the bank. This corresponds to the dike-gabbro transition in the ophiolite model. Dike intrusions were also observed in the mantle peridotite domains. This may, however, suggest melt intrusions into the bank near the spreading axis posterior to the mantle peridotite that was dragged out along the detachment faults, or may suggest possible horizontal melt intrusion from the segment centre to the segment edge characterised by a thin plutonic layer. The northern ridge-transform intersection RTI of the Atlantis-II active transform presents an L-shaped nodal basin, while the southern RTI presents a V-shaped one. The difference between northern and southern RTI types suggests differences in the structure and basement rock types. A fossil transform fault and RTI relics at the northern side of the spreading axis west of the Atlantis-II active transform were observed, suggesting a sudden change of the spreading direction in SWIR from 20 Ma
針金 由美子 森下 知晃 Snow Jonathan 田村 明弘 道林 克禎 小原 泰彦 荒井 章司
vol.2011, pp.56-56, 2011

森下 知晃 水上 知行 田村 明弘

森下 知晃 小澤 一仁 鈴木 勝彦 芳川 雅子

本研究では,本来直接観察・サンプル採取を行えない日本列島のような島弧深部相当(最上部マントル/下部地殻)でのプロセスを理解するために,アルバニアなどに露出するオフィオライトに着目し,野外調査および,採取した試料の解析を行った。その結果, 島弧深部相当,特にマントル相当の岩相について下位から上位にかけて(1)中央海嶺とは異なり,流体の流入を伴うようなマグマ活動に関連した岩相が上位にかけて増加すること(2)かんらん岩層の上位には,シリカの付加が普遍的に観察されること(3)これまで中央海嶺環境で形成されて来たと考えられていた西側部分について,一部が島弧でのマグマ活動および加水作用をうけていることを明らかにした。
阿部 なつ江 馬場 聖至 荒井 章司 富士原 敏也 杉岡 裕子 鈴木 勝彦 山野 誠 平野 直人 中西 正男 道林 克禎 石川 正弘 町田 嗣樹 志藤 あずさ 伊藤 亜妃 仙田 量子 水上 知之 清水 健二 森下 知晃
