原口 哲子 髙橋 佳子 大久保 晃樹 西小野 美咲 榊 美紀 原口 優清
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.14, no.3, pp.197-201, 2019 (Released:2019-08-27)

【緒言】解熱鎮痛剤であるアセトアミノフェンはWHO(世界保健機関)方式がん疼痛治療法では代表的な薬剤の一つとして位置づけられている.【症例】75歳,女性. 左上葉肺がん術後再発.多発骨転移によるがん疼痛に対しアセトアミノフェンを使用していたが,同薬剤の商品を変更しアレルギー症状が出現したため中止し,症状は消失した.同薬剤の別の商品へ変更し継続した.【考察】アレルギー症状はアセトアミノフェンの添加剤が原因と推察された.【結論】アセトアミノフェンによるアレルギー症状の出現時,規格を変更することで薬剤使用を継続できる可能性がある.
中井 孝幸 小野 美咲 宮城 喬平
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.729, pp.2359-2369, 2016

&nbsp;Approximately four and a half year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake happened on March 11<sup>th</sup>, 2011. Many people are still living in temporary houses. In this article, we regard Miyagi prefecture as an example of the most damaged area, and analyze the difference of users' awareness and sphere before and after the earthquake. The purpose is to arrange and grasp the image of new library.<br>&nbsp;We conducted a survey of all users at 4 libraries, Higashimatsushima, Kesennuma, Minamisanriku and Natori, which are located in the coastal area. Higashimatsushima City Library, having had no damage, started to operate again with the existing building. Kesennuma Library started operating at an early date, closing the damaged section. Minamisanriku Town Library moved to another site and started operating in a temporary wooden building due to the severe damage from Tsunami. Natori City Library was demolished after the disaster, and rebuilt a temporary wooden facility in the same site.<br>&nbsp;Users' sphere shows the similar tendency both on weekdays and weekends. As for Kesennuma and Natori, many users come from nearby. As for Higashimatsushima, they come from a distance of about 6km and as for Minamisanriku, some people come from 20km away. At Kesennuma, user's staying time get longer because students study. The other libraries have smaller number of users staying for a long time, so there is only about 30 to 40 minute of time differences between the weekdays and weekends.<br>&nbsp;On weekends the majority are the children and students, and on weekdays house wives and elderlies. However, signi cant differences between weekends and weekdays couldn't be seen in users' purpose and awareness. The 60% of users are from the ooded area in Higashimatsushima (where the large area were ooded) and Minamisannriku in which they suffered from a great damage of Tsunami. The large part of Natori was also ooded , but users from ooded area are less than that of Higashimatsushima. In Kesennuma, 34% of the library users who lived in the ooded area are still in the temporary housing. 25% of the citizens moved into other places due to the damage of the disaster, but many of them still continue to use the library. The frequencies of use increased in all 4 libraries whether the people live in the ooded place or not, before and after earthquake. Some of them have never used the library until the disaster, and increased the number of people are visiting to seek out for some comfort.<br>&nbsp;It was dif cult for users who suffered damage from Tsunami to use libraries immediately after the disaster. On the other hand, many people say that libraries should have reopened sooner. For getting back a normal life in an unfamiliar environment, it is necessary to have some place to visit in public space. It is important for libraries to play a role not only as the place to read books, but also as the place for people to get together.
中井 孝幸 小野 美咲 宮城 喬平
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.729, pp.2359-2369, 2016

&nbsp;Approximately four and a half year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake happened on March 11<sup>th</sup>, 2011. Many people are still living in temporary houses. In this article, we regard Miyagi prefecture as an example of the most damaged area, and analyze the difference of users' awareness and sphere before and after the earthquake. The purpose is to arrange and grasp the image of new library.<br>&nbsp;We conducted a survey of all users at 4 libraries, Higashimatsushima, Kesennuma, Minamisanriku and Natori, which are located in the coastal area. Higashimatsushima City Library, having had no damage, started to operate again with the existing building. Kesennuma Library started operating at an early date, closing the damaged section. Minamisanriku Town Library moved to another site and started operating in a temporary wooden building due to the severe damage from Tsunami. Natori City Library was demolished after the disaster, and rebuilt a temporary wooden facility in the same site.<br>&nbsp;Users' sphere shows the similar tendency both on weekdays and weekends. As for Kesennuma and Natori, many users come from nearby. As for Higashimatsushima, they come from a distance of about 6km and as for Minamisanriku, some people come from 20km away. At Kesennuma, user's staying time get longer because students study. The other libraries have smaller number of users staying for a long time, so there is only about 30 to 40 minute of time differences between the weekdays and weekends.<br>&nbsp;On weekends the majority are the children and students, and on weekdays house wives and elderlies. However, signi cant differences between weekends and weekdays couldn't be seen in users' purpose and awareness. The 60% of users are from the ooded area in Higashimatsushima (where the large area were ooded) and Minamisannriku in which they suffered from a great damage of Tsunami. The large part of Natori was also ooded , but users from ooded area are less than that of Higashimatsushima. In Kesennuma, 34% of the library users who lived in the ooded area are still in the temporary housing. 25% of the citizens moved into other places due to the damage of the disaster, but many of them still continue to use the library. The frequencies of use increased in all 4 libraries whether the people live in the ooded place or not, before and after earthquake. Some of them have never used the library until the disaster, and increased the number of people are visiting to seek out for some comfort.<br>&nbsp;It was dif cult for users who suffered damage from Tsunami to use libraries immediately after the disaster. On the other hand, many people say that libraries should have reopened sooner. For getting back a normal life in an unfamiliar environment, it is necessary to have some place to visit in public space. It is important for libraries to play a role not only as the place to read books, but also as the place for people to get together.
小野 美咲 今井 克己 安武 健一郎 渡邉 啓子 岩本 昌子 大和 孝子 竹嶋 美夏子 森口 里利子 上野 宏美 中野 修治
公益社団法人 日本栄養士会
日本栄養士会雑誌 (ISSN:00136492)
vol.64, no.11, pp.641-648, 2021 (Released:2021-11-01)

大学付属医療施設を利用した参加型臨床実習が受講者の意識に及ぼす影響について、独自に設定した科目の到達目標に対する教育効果評価指標を用い評価した。実習内容は大学付属医療施設に通院している患者の栄養支援の見学と、グループワークによる担当症例の検討、および栄養支援計画の立案とした。効果の検討はアンケートにより行った。アンケートは本科目受講により認識の変化が期待される管理栄養士の能力としてのコミュニケーションおよび専門的知識に関する10項目とし、項目に対する受講者の重要性の認識の変化と、自己評価の変化を把握した。受講前後および栄養支援見学後に実施したアンケートの継時変化をFriedman検定にて解析した。重要性の認識では、身だしなみ、態度、対話力、想像力、記録力、聴き取り力、意思疎通力、調理および食材の知識の8項目が受講により上昇傾向を示した(全てp <0.05)。栄養学の専門的知識の重要度は変化しなかった(p=0.064)。自己評価では10項目全て上昇傾向に変化した(p <0.001)。大学付属医療施設を利用した参加型臨床実習は、コミュニケーションおよび専門的知識に対する重要性の認識の強化および自信の向上に貢献する可能性がある。
小野 美咲 中野 修治
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.79, no.4, pp.204-211, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-10-02)

中野 修治 竹嶋 美夏子 小野 美咲
