梅垣 敬三 尾関 彩 西島 千陽 佐藤 陽子 千葉 剛
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.91, no.12, pp.696-701, 2017 (Released:2018-12-31)

There is concern about the occurrence of adverse events related to the use of supplements containing vitamins and minerals, but the actual condition is not understood well. Therefore, we examined the characteristics of adverse events due to the use of supplements containing vitamins and minerals by extracting the adverse events from the database in “Information system on safety and effectiveness for health food(HFNET)”, which collects health food reports both inside and outside the country. Eighty-five adverse cases (domestic 24, foreign 61) were extracted from the HFNET by July 2016. The data revealed that the causal factors of adverse events due to the use of supplements containing vitamins and minerals were their overdose, their use as the medicine, their concomitant use with other medicines, and their use by infants and sick people. Although many cases were due to the use of vitamin D supplement, most of the cases were related with its overdose found in overseas. To ensure the safety of supplements containing vitamins and minerals, it would be necessary to pay attention to their use by vulnerable individuals including infants and sick people, their overdose, and their use in combination with other medicines.
新保 みさ 尾関 彩 草間 かおる 中澤 弥子 笠原 賀子
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.80, no.3, pp.177-184, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-07-06)

【目的】本報告の目的は,管理栄養士養成課程におけるオンラインによる海外プログラムについて報告し,その評価を行うこととした。【活動内容】長野県立大学健康発達学部食健康学科の2年生30名に10日間のオンラインによる海外プログラムを実施した。研修先はニュージーランド(以下,NZ)で,プログラムの内容は英語,専門分野(Nutrition 1:NZの伝統菓子の講義・調理実演や調理実習,Nutrition 2:NZの管理栄養士とのセッション,Nutrition 3:栄養の基礎知識・NZの食文化や食生活指針等に関する講義),その他(学生交流など)などだった。プログラム終了後,目標達成度,国際的な視野の向上,NZの栄養・食の課題を説明できるか,海外プログラムの満足度を調査した。【活動成果】全日程に出席した者は27名(90%)だった。調査の回答者は26名(87%)で「海外の栄養士・管理栄養士の活動の現状を説明できる」という目標を達成できた・ほぼ達成できたと回答した者は23名(88%),オンラインによる海外プログラムに満足した・少し満足したと回答した者は23名(88%)だった。満足度に影響したことには現地の学生等との交流や調理実習や試食等の体験をあげた者が多かった。【今後の課題】今回実施したオンラインによる海外プログラムでは,機材や人員,時差,通信のトラブル等の課題があったが,プログラムの目標達成度や満足度は高かった。
山田 茂 大橋 文 尾関 彩
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
no.50, pp.157-161, 2013-03

In this study we have investigated the relationship between hypertrophy of skeletal muscle byexercise and fasting to examine the relationship between exercise and nutrition. The animalused in the experiment were retired female mice. Exercise was carried out by tenotomymethod. Groups were divided into four groups with five animals in each group. After theseventh day, groups of mice that ate a diet were fed for 6 days were bled under anesthesia, andwere sacrificed. Each plantaris muscle and the soleus muscle, liver, spleen, kidney, heart wereremoved; after that, each weight was measured by the electromagnetic scale. The no-foodgroup began fasting the day after the start of resistance training. After five days, mice weresacrificed in a similar manner; the weight of the organs was measured in a similar manner. Inthis experiment, the following findings were revealed. Muscle weight increased by resistancetraining without the influence of the presence or absence of the meal. Hypertrophy rate waslower in plantaris muscle compared with the soleus muscle. When the meal has been ingested,resistance exercise has been found to affect the heart weight. Regardless of diet, exerciseresistance is the average value; statistical difference was not observed. When resistanceexercise was performed, the weight of kidney in diet group showed lower values compared tothe no food group. Further, even if resistance exercise was not performed, the food groupshowed a statistically significantly lower value compared to the no food group. The weight ofthe spleen, regardless of the presence or absence of the resistance exercise, showed a low valuewithout meals. The weight of liver was not observed the effect of the resistance exercise andof the diet.In this study we have investigated the relationship between hypertrophy of skeletal muscle byexercise and fasting to examine the relationship between exercise and nutrition. The animalused in the experiment were retired female mice. Exercise was carried out by tenotomymethod. Groups were divided into four groups with five animals in each group. After theseventh day, groups of mice that ate a diet were fed for 6 days were bled under anesthesia, andwere sacrificed. Each plantaris muscle and the soleus muscle, liver, spleen, kidney, heart wereremoved; after that, each weight was measured by the electromagnetic scale. The no-foodgroup began fasting the day after the start of resistance training. After five days, mice weresacrificed in a similar manner; the weight of the organs was measured in a similar manner. Inthis experiment, the following findings were revealed. Muscle weight increased by resistancetraining without the influence of the presence or absence of the meal. Hypertrophy rate waslower in plantaris muscle compared with the soleus muscle. When the meal has been ingested,resistance exercise has been found to affect the heart weight. Regardless of diet, exerciseresistance is the average value; statistical difference was not observed. When resistanceexercise was performed, the weight of kidney in diet group showed lower values compared tothe no food group. Further, even if resistance exercise was not performed, the food groupshowed a statistically significantly lower value compared to the no food group. The weight ofthe spleen, regardless of the presence or absence of the resistance exercise, showed a low valuewithout meals. The weight of liver was not observed the effect of the resistance exercise andof the diet.