山住 勝広
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織科学 (ISSN:02869713)
vol.48, no.2, pp.50-60, 2014 (Released:2015-04-25)

山住 勝広
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.79, no.4, pp.367-379, 2012-12-30

山住 勝広
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.20, pp.61-69, 1995-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

In this paper the fundamental issue of the relation between child development and education is discussed, especially the internalization model of social influences. In general terms, internalization refers to the process by which external action and material are transmitted to internal plane. The views of internalization model usually presuppose an external-internal dualism, and are tied to an assumption that mental processes exist within the isolated individual. In a variety of theories using the notion of internalization child development through teaching-learning is viewed as wholly internal possession of external pieces of knowledge and skill, that is, internalization of ready-made standards of behaviour and cognition. To overcome the theory of teaching-learnig and development based on the views of internalization views, we need to shift to the expanded model of human mental development. This model is created in the idea of mediated action that serves as the starting category of analysis, and accounts the very specific and important role of mediating artifacts in the process of human activity. According to this idea, we can view human mental development as active and creative transformation of individual(s) operating with mediating artifacts in sociocultural activity. In connection with the idea of mediation, the semiotic version of activity theory rethinking L. S. Vygotsky's idea gives special attention to the way in which mental development emerges from the activity of a subject mediated by inter-subjective relations. This perspective provides an important correction to an assumption that the individual is a passive recipient of external social or cultural influences. Humans can change and transform their own subjective worlds through using and creating mediating artifacts of activity. An explicit analysis of the role of mediation makes it possible to conceptualize the creative character of teaching-learnig and development. From the new perspective, the telos of teaching-learnig activity can be appreciated as forming societally important new intellectual tools and patterns of collaboration rather than the acquisition of pieces of knowledge and skill. Child development through teaching-learning is creative transformation within culturally organized social (inter-subjective) environment. In this paper this conceptualizaion is proposed through an analysis of a classroom interaction in social studies.
山住 勝広
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
vol.24, no.1, pp.041-053, 2015 (Released:2017-01-17)

How can academic subject matter be integrated with children’s agentive learning? This is a persistent problem in curriculum and lesson studies. In traditional schooling, the core activity is classroom-based teaching that is intended simply to transfer the contents of the textbook to children. The dominant classroom discourse in this case is focused on low-level academic tasks. This kind of discrete teaching limits the knowledge available to both the teacher and student to that which the teacher can control and thus minimizes the level of ambiguity, uncertainty, and cognitive demand in their academic relationships. The transfer of agency from teacher to student is also minimal in discrete teaching. To move beyond this narrow idea of schooling and create learning activities that foster greater agency among students, and to determine whether an educational innovation helps children become agents of their learning activity, this article examines art-integrated science and social studies learning activities called inquiry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Lab School, which is part of the university’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. Inquiry encourages students to accept responsibility for their own learning, namely, to have a learner’s sense of agency. In order to analyze the process of implementing such an innovative and experimental pedagogical practice at the Lab School, this article draws on cultural-historical activity theory. Activity theory offers a conceptual framework that views the object-oriented collective activity system as the basic unit of analysis of human practices and development. It also focuses on ideas and tools for transforming activity and expanding the agency of participants. Based on the activity theory framework, this article explores how instructional practice can break through segregated activities and facilitate joint learning between teachers and students to foster greater children’s agency; achieving this entails analyzing ethnographic research data on inquiry-based learning activities from the Lab School. The following two questions highlight key issues related to exercising children’s agency over inquiry-based learning in pedagogical classroom practice: 1) What kind of learning activity in which students participate as they learn can provide children with opportunities to expand their agency for the practice of inquiry and scientific concept formation? 2) How can children’s engagement in creating multiple representations of their experiences and learning be meaningfully integrated into an inquiry practice such as exercising one’s agency over concept learning?(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
山住 勝広 龍崎 忠 島田 希
vol.62, 2003-08-20

ポスト産業主義への激烈な社会変化は産業化の時代に確立した教育と学習の社会システムの根本的な見直しをせまっている。ヴィゴツキーとデューイは、共に近代化の激動期にあって、その後に支配的になっていった教育と学習の組織形態とはちがった構想を練り上げた。あまり知られてはいないが、ヴィゴツキーの学習と発達の理論は見事に20世紀初頭の新教育運動に呼応している。それはデューイの新しい学校の構想、すなわち'an embryonic typical community life'ととての学校のヴィジョンと完全に共振する。両者は、その後の大量生産型教育システムとはまったくちがった学校モデルを私たちに提起しているが、それはポストモダン的な価値多元論や脱構築主義とも一線を画している。むしろ二人は、諸個人の社会的知性がそこにおいて成長し、かつ逆にその社会的知性がつくりだしていく新しいコミュニティとして、学校の社会統合的な可能性を称揚する。私たちは、いまこそヴィゴツキーでありデューイであるとの考えから、諸個人の自立的連帯をキーとするカリキュラムと教育方法の活動理論的研究を展望することにしたい。