山岸 健三 佐々木 隆行 加藤 真梨奈
no.54, pp.7-16, 2018 (Released:2018-07-18)

2005年頃から愛知県豊田市で全身黒色のクマバチが見られるようになり,外来種のタイワンタケクマバチ(Xylocopa tranquebarorum)であることが判明した。本種は台湾のみならず,中国本土の長江(揚子江)以南に広く分布しており,竹を営巣基質として利用する。本種が日本国内に広がった場合,在来種であるキムネクマバチ(通称クマバチ)(X. appendiculata circumvolans)への悪影響が懸念された。そこで,筆者らは外来種であるタイワンタケクマバチが在来種と生態的に競合する可能性や,日本における今後の分布拡大を予測するため調査を行った。1)花資源をめぐる競合について調査したところ,2種のクマバチは同じ花に飛来するものの,種間で競合している様子は見られなかった。2)本種の分布状況を調査したところ,2009年時点では合併前の豊田市全域に広がっている程度であったが,2011年には愛知県全域に分布を拡大していた。3)本種が営巣のために利用する竹を調査したところ,直径19~25mmの直立した枯れ竹に営巣し,青竹は使わなかった。しかし,畑の竹の支柱,竹箒や竹製の垣根などにも営巣することで経済的被害が見られた。4)本種の生活史と営巣活動を調査したところ,キムネクマバチと同様の生活史を持ち,4月に越冬から目覚めた新成虫が交尾し,メスが単独で枯れ竹に営巣を開始し,5~7月に花粉団子を巣の中に溜め子育てをした。新成虫は7月下旬から8月に羽化し,その後,巣の中で越冬していた。1節間(巣)あたりの新成虫数は平均6~7頭,越冬している成虫数は巣内に残された育房跡数の約9割で,越冬までの生存率は非常に高いことがわかった。5)以上のように,2種の生活様式はほぼ一致しているものの,本種は枯れ竹に営巣し,キムネクマバチは枯れ枝に営巣するため,生態的に競合する可能性は低いことがわかった。また,本種の耐寒能力と日本の各地の年最低気温を比較したところ,将来的に本種は関東以西の西日本に広く分布することが予測された。
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.37, pp.27-56, 1959-12

1. 序2. 芸術社会学の課題3. 家元集団の構造4. 芸道について5. 型ということ6. 結語By the word "Iemoto", literally an "original house", is here meant the "originator" of a school in characteristic Japanese art or ceremony, such as "Cha-no-yu" (tea-ceremony), "Ikebana" (flower arrangement), etc. The "Iemoto" system consists of an originator or head master and his pupils ar followers. In the "Iemoto" system there are so many rules which must be strictly observed by the members of the group. In the present essay the writer, from the sociological point of view sees into the relations between the head master and his pupils, studying some of the fundamental regulations that should be kept by the pupils. The "Iemoto" must keep the traditional forms of art and faithfully hand them down to posterity. The faithful observance of the forms means the maintenance of the traditions and authority of the original house. The present writer regards the pupils' respect for the traditional forms and the original house as the fundamental element to the "Iemoto" system. It may be said that the problems of the "Iemoto" system should inevitable be studied in relation to those of the characteristic Japanese family system. And as to this point the writer intends to make a thorough investigation in the near future.
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.100, pp.213-237, 1996-03

100集記念号Trivial round of daily life is not trivial but full of dramas, episodes, and spectacles. Lived body is a dramatic stage of various world experiences. Also this body is always a zero point of perspectives, SENS, behavior, and social action. Everyday world is our intersubjective social cultural world. Reality construction is our life-long daily experiences. We are living in daily world building and identity building. Landscape experiences are one of our basic world experiences in personal life history and identity building. Always human being is in a process of becoming. Human being is living in a world of imagination as well as in a practical everyday world. One genre of culture, painting is a original colourful perspective of our everyday world and human world. Human world consists of natural cultural social experiences, personal memory, and individual imagination. Constructing humanistic sociology, it is necessary to understand multiple realities and human world experiences which are sources of meanings and SENS.
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.43, pp.131-197, 1963-01

1. 序2. 奈良県にみられる諸流派3. 流派の分裂,合併,創立/鵤御流の系譜4. 法隆寺と鵤御流5. 結語The Ikaruga School is one of the schools of flower arrangement, "Ike-bana" and tea ceremony, "Cha-no-yu" in Japan. This School is connected with Horyuji Temple which is the headquarters of the Shotoku sect of Buddhism. The Temple consists of two groups of buildings, that is to say, the Sai-in (West group) and the To-in (East group). It is generally believed that the Sai-in which was called Ikaruga-Dera originally was established in the Asuka Period (in 607 A.D.) by the Crown Prince Shotoku-Taishi. "Ikaruga" is the name of the district, where the Temple stands. In this paper, I try to investigate the structure and form of the "Iemoto" System analyzing the Ikaruga School and many other schools. I think the "Iemoto" System may be divided into two parts, namely, the varied and multiform relationships into which men necessarily enter in the course of arranging flowers or tea ceremony, and the norms or standards governing behavior. This study serves to focus our attention upon a way of life, a group, and a social organization or social structure in Japan. The Japanese flower arrangement had its primitive beginnings in the age when Buddhism was imported into Japan from China. Since then, Buddhism has contributed a great deal to enhance Japanese culture, not only in the field of religion but also of Japanese art, for example, architecture, sculpture, and so on. It was one of the customs of Japanese to place flowers as a offering to Buddha in the temple. Therefore the purpose of flower arrangement was originally to decorate the Buddhist altar with flowers. Of many arts peculiar to Japan, flower arrangement and tea ceremony are especially familiar to us In daily life. A knowledge of flower arrangement is considered so important to women that even busy peoples take the time to practice arranging flowers after their business hours. Tea ceremony today is practiced by women and men, and especially by young girls. The present head master of the Ikaruga School is Kyoichi Saeki. Exhibitions of flower arrangement put on by this School are held on festival days of Horyuji Temple. A set of traditional rules is maintained by the members of this School in arranging flowers. Though this School is supported by Horyuji Temple, it is important for us to notice the mutual aid between this Temple and the Ikaruga School.
山岸 健
作新学院大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13480626)
vol.4, pp.15-36, 2006-03-23

山岸 健
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.97, pp.p89-120, 1994-07

In a sense landscape is a proper spectacle of outer world, but it is also a state of mind. We are always involved in landscape-world as well as social world. All people are living in the midst of various landscape-world. Provence in southern France is not only a proper geographical space but also a unique cosmos which is ordered by several rivers, mountains, hills, fields, and la mer Mediterranee. Provence may be called as a unique historical cultural social world and also as a local landscape-world. We can understand Provence as a stage of people's life-long experiences or a everyday life-world. I think identity is in our everyday world-experiences: social experiences, spiritual experiences, and landscape-experiences. Although we can experience some aspects of Provence in every places or corners of this country, also we can find several proper aspects or phases of this Provence in many paintings or works by Cezanne or van Gogh. Provence may be in poems by Rene Char or phrases by Alphonse Daudet. Plaine de la Camargue is in a novel titled Malicroix written by Henri Bosco. Provence may emerge in various perspectives and lived experiences of people or travellers.
山岸 健
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.32, no.3, pp.18-35, 1981-12-31 (Released:2009-10-19)
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