櫻井 綾子 大河内 昌弘 山本 陽一 加地 謙太 田村 泰弘 浅田 馨 服部 孝平 後藤 章友 神谷 泰隆 大野 恒夫
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会学術総会抄録集 第59回日本農村医学会学術総会 (ISSN:18801749)
pp.65, 2010 (Released:2010-12-01)

症例は、70才男性。20年前より、糖尿病(2型)、高血圧、胃潰瘍を指摘され、内服治療を継続され、glimepiride 2mg、pioglitazone 15mg, Voglibose0.9mg最近1年のHbA1cは、6.1~6.8%で推移していた。H21年6/14に、急に、複視を認めるようになり、救急外来を受診された。来院時、意識清明で、瞳孔・対光反射に異常なく、右方視による複視(右眼内転障害)を認めた(pupillary sparing)。眼瞼下垂、舌偏位、顔面神経麻痺、四肢の麻痺は全て認めず、Barre sig、Finger-nose testに異常を認めなかった。頭部CT&MRI&MRAでは、lacunar infarctionを認めるのみで、内頸動脈・後交通動脈分岐郡脳動脈瘤や海綿静脈洞血栓症は認めなかった。加えて、両下肢の感覚神経障害を認め、アキレス腱、膝蓋腱反射の低下を認めた。眼科的にも眼球運動異常を認めるのみで、眼底異常、視野異常は認めなかった。以上より、脳の器質的な疾患による動眼神経麻痺は考えにくく、糖尿病性動眼神経麻痺と診断した。治療としては、リハビリ治療に加え、血糖コントロールの強化、血小板凝集抑制薬、血管拡張薬、アルドース還元酵素阻害薬、ビタミンB12製剤を併用したところ、1ヶ月程度で右眼内転障害および、複視は消失し、以後症状の再発は認めなかった。糖尿病性合併症としての動眼神経、外転神経麻痺は比較的まれな疾患であるため、脳梗塞の一症状と間違われやすいと考えられる。しかし、急性発症し、高齢者に多く、糖尿病の罹病期間・コントロール状態・眼底所見とは無関係に発症すること、一側の動眼神経、外転神経麻痺が多く、 瞳孔機能は保たれる(pupillary sparing)特徴的な所見から、比較的鑑別は容易であること、加えて、多くは数か月以内に回復する予後の良さから、その疾患を知ることは、疾患の迅速な鑑別・治療および患者指導に役立つと考えられ、典型的な自験例をここに報告する。
趙 丹寧 駒村 樹里 真崎 昌子 茶山 裕 山本 陽一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PS-006, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

山本 陽一
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.44, no.1, pp.21-33, 2018-07-31 (Released:2019-08-15)

We examined the effects of volunteering experience on volunteer intention for junior high school students and high school students (N = 170) who had involved in short-term volunteer activities in the community. As a result of the factor analysis, the volunteer motivation was classified into three groups including "other-oriented motive", "self-oriented motive" and "required motive" (e.g., the school required their participation). Also, the subjective experience during the volunteering was classified into two groups including the "interpersonal positive experience" (e.g., getting along with other volunteers) and "negative experience" (e.g., not being helpful). The result of pass analysis found that empathic concern in volunteering predicted helping effects on helpers (satisfaction), in which interpersonal positive and negative experiences mediated. However, no effect of personal distress was found. Helping effects on helpers and volunteering intention were predicted by other-oriented motive, and volunteering intention was predicted by self-oriented motive, which were mediated by interpersonal positive experience and helping effects on helpers. Required motive decreased helping effects on helpers, mediated by negative experience.
山本 陽一
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.2004, pp.181-188,198, 2005-09-30 (Released:2008-11-17)

Professor Tierney points out the significance of the permissive natural law theory, which is identified as the main stream among rights theories since the 12 th century. On the one hand, the so-called modern natural law theory, one of whose exponents is obviously Thomas Hobbes, insists on the superiority of natural right over natural law. On the other hand, the permissive natural law theory makes both concepts of natural right and natural law combined mutually with each other. According to Professor Tierney, the latter type of natural law theory should be regarded much more important than the former type of natural law. While the permissive natural law theory has been applied in the course of history, the community and its members have been brought into a kind of association that produces something new in the world. We can see such cases in the constitutionalism of the Conciliar Movement in the 15 th century and also in the ideal of religious freedom in the 17 th century. Both of these grew up within the framework of the permissive natural law theory. This theory is one of the elements that mobilized the community and its people for the development of constitutional government. His analysis of rights, however, never told us how conflicts were resolved among people before canonists in 12th century Europe contrived the rights theories. In pre-modern societies people had appealed to various ways of ordeal. Adam Smith, a natural law philosopher, worked out the mechanism of the historical development of modern society. He recognized the difference between the judicial procedure of modern society and the ordeal of pre-modern society. Although he sometimes seemed too modern to understand enough about ordeals, Smith never lost sight of the importance of the problem. I think that it is suitable to start from his insight if we are to argue sufficiently for natural law theories.
山本 陽一 兪 善英 松井 豊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.590-595, 2015

Fund-raising activities on behalf of victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake during the year after the earthquake were investigated in residents of the South Kanto area (<i>N</i> = 749), which is adjacent to the disaster area. The percentage of people that raised funds was 67.4%. We investigated the effects of the following on fund-raising activities: demographic variables (sex, age, and educational background), trait empathy (empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress), former experience with fund-raising activities, effects of similarity to victims (e.g., experienced inconveniences because of the disaster, or had problems returning home), and psychological closeness to victims (e.g., have family members or acquaintances that suffered from the disaster, or that once lived in the disaster area). The results indicated that fund-raising activities were affected by former experience with fund-raising, similarity to victims, psychological closeness to victims, empathic concern, and being female. The relationship between fund-raising activities for victims and empathy are discussed.
山本 陽一 兪 善英 松井 豊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.590-595, 2015 (Released:2015-02-25)

Fund-raising activities on behalf of victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake during the year after the earthquake were investigated in residents of the South Kanto area (N = 749), which is adjacent to the disaster area. The percentage of people that raised funds was 67.4%. We investigated the effects of the following on fund-raising activities: demographic variables (sex, age, and educational background), trait empathy (empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress), former experience with fund-raising activities, effects of similarity to victims (e.g., experienced inconveniences because of the disaster, or had problems returning home), and psychological closeness to victims (e.g., have family members or acquaintances that suffered from the disaster, or that once lived in the disaster area). The results indicated that fund-raising activities were affected by former experience with fund-raising, similarity to victims, psychological closeness to victims, empathic concern, and being female. The relationship between fund-raising activities for victims and empathy are discussed.