霜山 博也 井上 寛雄 曽我 千亜紀 山田 庸介 大澤 健司 米山 優
vol.2012, pp.49-54, 2012-09-14

In this paper, responding to the Heidegger's criticism of information, shows the route which advances informatics further by compensating the definition of the information. Not from the field of a substance or science but from a philosophical field. That is, the information as a difference in Gilbert Simondon which changes both relationship. Furthermore, it is shown that all the information penetrates in various levels in a reverse cone. And it is the ethic and the bond into which a group is united.
曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 山田 庸介 清水 高志 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第24回全国大会
pp.176-179, 2009 (Released:2010-02-26)

It is possible to suppose two main positions when we consider the information network of the Internet. On the one hand, there is a position where we give importance to the information itself and examine the network, forgetting the informations' barer. On the other hand, there is a position where which does not recognize the force of information itself and attaches importance to its bearer. Indeed, both positions hold the same supposition in common. They distinguish the information and its bearer and they diminish one of these two terms. In other words, they deal with problems by taking a monist position after they had already recognized a dualism. The problem is that they can argue only one term's importance, action and force. It is necessary to cope with both terms or to unite both terms after their distinction. After all, we understand the information network as a dynamic entity in which action and passion of information and its bearer (i.e. subject) continually change places.
藤林 献明 齋藤 壮馬 山田 庸 北村 哲
研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College (ISSN:13489399)
vol.15, pp.95-104, 2018

This study intended to develop a new method for assessing the ability to perform lateralstretch-shortening cycle movement with a time limit (TSSC-ability), and to investigate therelationship between TSSC-ability and several footwork performances. We devised and thenmeasured the rebound side jump test (RSJ test) in 30 elementary school children. The RSJ testscore was evaluated by the length of jumping distance and brevity of contact time. We foundthat there were no significant correlations among TSSC-ability in front, side, and upperdirections. Conversely, the RSJ test score was significantly correlated with the ability tochange direction. These results demonstrate the significance of using not only a generalperformance measuring method but the RSJ test for evaluating the comprehensive commonability to perform the stretch-shortening cycle movement.
山田 庸介
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第22回全国大会
pp.258-261, 2007 (Released:2010-01-22)

曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 山田 庸介 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第26回全国大会
pp.83-88, 2011 (Released:2012-03-20)

Hypertext gives the opportunity to awake the readers' consciousness to an active behavior toward reading. It pushes them over the border between the reader and the writer and allows the act of reading to become an act of writing. However, is it such a simple process to transform the reading into writing? Is it even acceptable to think that creativity could be born from a process involving texts that have already been written? In this paper, we will ask ourselves how can one reach the creation of new information through the action of editing and what conditions this process requires.
清水 高志 曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 山田 庸介 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第24回全国大会
pp.172-175, 2009 (Released:2010-02-26)

The massive effects of innovation in information technology and its spread have been discussed from various angles for some time now. Formerly, the central issue was streamlining information conveyance, but technology issues have brought cognitive theory and sociological trends too within the scope of the discussion, while there is also an increasingly conspicuous movement toward reassessing the idea of "information" itself. Based on data from previous discussions, this paper shall propose a distinct interpretation of the structure of networked continuity, by newly utilizing considerations "continuous being" and "predicate".
西嶋 尚彦 鈴木 宏哉 大塚 慶輔 田中 秀典 中野 貴博 高橋 信二 田渕 裕崇 山田 庸 加賀谷 淳子 福永 哲夫 久野 譜也 松田 光生
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.213-224, 2003-08-01
3 2

The purpose of this study was to confirm the causal structure model of muscle, motor and living functions utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM). As subjects, 103 community-dwelling older men and women, aged 65.7±6.9 years of age, participated in the study to measure muscle cross-sectional area, maximum voluntary contractions, muscle power, 4 physical performance tests, and 16 questionnaires regarding ability of activities of daily living. The causal structure model of muscle, motor and living functions was hypothesized to be a hierarchical causal structure. The causal structure model of muscle function was hypothesized to be a hierarchical causal structure consisting of 3 sub-domains of muscle mass, muscle strength, and muscle power. Data analysis procedures were as follows : a) testing of construct validity of muscle function variables using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in SEM ; b) testing of causal structure using SEM ; c) testing of factor invariance using multi-group analysis for gender. The highest goodness of fit indices was obtained in the causal structure model of muscle, motor and living functions (NFI=.928, CFI=.978, RMSEA =.061). The causal coefficient of muscle function to motor function was. 98 (p<.05), followed by .34 for motor function to living function. From the results of multi-group analysis, the measurement invariance model indicated the highest goodness of fit indices (TLI=.968, CFI=.977). It was concluded that the hierarchical causal relation was among muscle, motor and living functions, and in which muscle function was consisted of 3 sub-domains.