勝田 茂 高松 薫 田中 守 小泉 順子 久野 譜也 田渕 健一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.141-149, 1989-09-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

Attempts were made to clarify whether or not fiber composition of the m. vastus lateralis could be predicted with running performance. Biopsy samples from 32 well-trained and 17 untrained adult males were examined for the percentage area of fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) fibers which might be related to the physical performance better than the fiber type distribution. In addition, each subject completed 50-m sprint and 12-min run tests. A multiple regression analysis revealed that in the trained males predictive accuracy (R^2) for the percentage area of FT fibers (% areaFT) from the ratio of a 50-m sprint speed to a 12-min run speed (50 m・S/12 min・S) was higher than that from most of other variables,e.g. 50 m・S, 12 min・S, or the combination of 50 m・S and 12 min・S; R^2 of 50 m・S/12 min・S was 80.3%(p&lt0.05). A positive correlation between 50 m・S/12 min・S and %areaFT also existed for the untrained subjects (R^2=63.7%, p&lt0.05). The linear regression equations of %areaFT (Y) on 50 m・S/12 min・S (X)were Y=-68.6 + 76.2X (r=0.896, p&lt0.05) and Y=-47.5 + 61.1X (r=0.798, p&lt0.05) for the trained and untrained males, respectively. There was no significant difference in the regression equations between the trained and untrained males. For all subjects, the equation was Y=-59.8 + 69.8X (r=0.876, p&lt0.05) and the standard error of estimate of %areaFT on 50 m・S/12 min . S was 8.86%. These results suggest that the performances of a 50-m sprint and a 12-min run are valuable indicators in, accurately, easily and noninvasively, predicting the percentage area of FT and ST fibers of the m. vastus lateralis from adult male.
久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
9 6

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden) . The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows:Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities.In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.
岡本 翔平 駒村 康平 田辺 解 横山 典子 塚尾 晶子 千々木 祥子 久野 譜也
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.64, no.8, pp.412-421, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

目的 近年,生活習慣改善のためにインセンティブを付与することが注目されているが,その効果に関するエビデンスは十分ではない。そこで,本研究では,参加者が報奨獲得に抱く動機が,プログラムの継続率に影響を与えるかを検証する。方法 東北地方,中部地方,関東地方,近畿地方,中国地方の6つの自治体において40歳以上の住民を対象としたインセンティブ付き健康づくり事業(健幸ポイントプロジェクト)の参加者7,622人のうち,必要な調査項目に欠損のない4,291人を分析対象とした。健幸ポイントプロジェクトの継続は,日々の歩数の計測と指定の運動教室への参加を基に判断した。また,運動等の結果得られる報奨の現金性が高いかどうかの判定には,参加者がその報奨を選択した理由を用い,生存時間分析により,脱落のハザード比を推計した。さらに,健幸ポイントプロジェクト参加前の身体活動状況,喫煙・飲酒状況や食事への配慮等を調整した上でも解析を行い,どのような特性を持つ参加者が脱落しやすいかについても検討を行った。結果 多変量解析の結果により,報奨の選択理由として「地域貢献」を選択した場合,「現金に近い・近くのお店で使用可能」を参照基準とした脱落のハザード比は,男性では1.63(95% CI:1.18-2.25),女性では1.40(95% CI:1.08-1.81)となった。さらに,脱落確率に対して,参加前の運動実施状況,喫煙状況,男性では就業状況,女性では身体の衰えの影響が認められた。結論 本研究により,健康づくり事業参加者において,地域貢献のような内発的動機よりも現金性を実感できるような報奨が継続確率を高めることが示唆された。また,継続率をより高めるには,インセンティブ付与のみならず,もともとの身体活動状況等に応じて運動を継続できる工夫が必要であることも明らかになった。
前田 有美 横山 典子 高橋 康輝 土居 達也 松元 圭太郎 上野 裕文 久野 譜也
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.2, pp.269-278, 2007-04-01 (Released:2007-05-25)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combined resistance training and aerobic training with protein intake after resistance training on body composition in obese middle-aged women. The subjects were 42 middle-aged women (age : 56.5±4.3 years, BMI : 26.6±2.3 kg/m2), who were classified into three supplementation groups: Protein group (PG), Isocalorie placebo group (IG), and Noncalorie placebo group (CG) by Double Blind Randomized Trial. The training program consisted of combined resistance training and aerobic training for 10 weeks, 5 times per week: twice a week in a university training room and 3 times per week at home. The subjects took the nutrient supplement immediately after each resistance training session. We measured body weight (Bw), body fat volume (Bf) by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and cross-sectional area (CSA) of muscle of the thigh extensor group (Te), flexor group (Tf), and psoas major (Pm) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before and after the 10-week training period. Irrespective of group, Bw and Bf showed a significant decrease after the training period compared to before (p<0.001), and the CSA of Te muscle showed a significant increase after the training period (p<0.01). Moreover, the interaction of time×group was accepted in the CSA of Pm muscle (p<0.05), and the increase in muscle volume for PG was the highest increase among the three supplementation groups (p<0.05)(PG : 2.1±0.8 cm2, IG : 1.3±1.0 cm2, CG : 1.3±0.9 cm2). These results suggest that combined training in middle-aged obese women improves body composition, and resistance training with protein intake may increase the CSA of muscle of psoas major.
久野 譜也
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.24, no.3, pp.148-152, 2000-08-01 (Released:2016-11-01)
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狩野 豊 高橋 英幸 森丘 保典 秋間 広 宮下 憲 久野 譜也 勝田 茂
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.352-359, 1997-01-10

The relationship between the thigh muscle composition and the sprinting performance was investigated in 11 male adult sprinters (age/20.8±0.9 yrs, 100 m sprint time/11.20±0.33 sec). Axial images of the thigh muscle were taken by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at upper (70%) and middle (50%) position in femur. From these images, cross-sectional areas (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris, the hamstring and the adductor muscles were measured. The results of the regression analysis showed significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and both CSA of adductor and hamstring muscles at 70% position (r=-0.72 and r=-0.67, respectively). There were no significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and CSA of adductor or hamstring muscles at 50% position, and neither quadriceps femoris mudcles at 70 nor 50% positions. These results suggest that greater muscle volume of hamstring and adductor at upper position affect sprinting performance.
久野 譜也
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.1-7, 2003-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
4 1

In order to establish a health promotion program for Taiyo Village in Ibaragi Prefecture, we initiated a research project at University of Tsukuba in 1996. The purpose of this research project are as follows : 1) Examine health promotion in the independent elderly, who make up the majority of the elderly population ; 2) Develop measures to prevent strokes, falls and fractures, which account for about half of the cases in which the elderly become bedridden ; 3) Establish a safe and effective exercise program according to scientifically proven health guidelines ; 4) Assess the efficacy of strength training, which has not been incorporated into most elderly exercise programs, in preventing the elderly from becoming bedridden due to falls and fractures ; 5) Develop a program that can be easily adapted by different municipalities ; and 6) Accumulate success stories at Taiyo Village and disseminate them throughout Japan. The results of this 7-year Taiyo Village project have yielded several important points: 1) Establishment of guidelines to improve life functions; 2) Development of an exercise program to improve and maintain functional ability for life ; and 3) Reduction in medical costs. The results of the present study suggest that when promoting the health of the elderly, it is important to not only study the efficacy of an exercise program, but to also establish a regional program that effectively utilizes research findings.
久枝 光 中村 好男 久野 譜也 福永 哲夫 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.345-355, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1

本研究では1) レジスタンストレーニングにおける高速度運動が, トレーニング後の運動速度に与える影響を明らかにすること, および, 2) トレーニングでの運動速度の差異が筋の肥大に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的とし, 健常な一般人に対して, 週4回8週間の肘関節屈曲トレーニングを行った.トレーニングには一定負荷を用い, 急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動によるトレーニング (Type R) と, 低速度運動によるトレーニング (Type S) の2種類を行った.トレーニングに用いた運動速度の差異がトレーニング効果に与える影響を明らかにするために, 一定負荷のもとにおこなう肘関節屈曲の運動速度, 肘関節屈曲の等速性筋力および上腕屈筋群の筋横断面積を検討した.その結果, Type Rは高速度域 (300deg/s) での等速性筋力を有意に増加させなかった.一方, 一定負荷のもとに行う運動速度の増加率はType Rにおいて高い傾向がみられた.これらの結果より, 急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動によるトレーニングは同様式の運動速度を増加させるが, 運動様式が異なる高速度域の等速性筋力を必ずしも増加させないことが示唆された.さらに, 筋横断面積の増加率はType Rにおいて有意に高値を示した.このことから, 低速度運動に比べ急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動は, 8週間のトレーニングにおいて, より筋の肥大を起こしやすいということが示唆された.
久野 譜也 田辺 解 吉澤 裕世
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.35, no.2, pp.91-97, 2011 (Released:2016-04-15)
1 2

我が国では,今後10 年間で高齢化の加速度的進行に加えて人口減がみられることにより,健康は単に個人の課題としてだけではなく大きな社会的課題となり,国民の安心及び経済力の維持という視点でも重要な課題となる.特に,生活習慣病の克服は重要な命題であるが,国民が生活習慣,特に運動と食事をうまくコントロール出来れば,それらの課題への対処法になる可能性が示唆されている.しかしながら,運動や食事コントロールの困難さは依然として解決されていない.さらに,望ましい運動量の実施ができている国民は,依然として全体の3割にすぎない.それゆえ,生活習慣予防における運動の重要性のエビデンスの蓄積をさらに拡充すること,「運動をいかに生活スタイルに溶け込ませるのか」という研究が現在求められている.
吉澤 裕世 横山 典子 金 正訓 菅 洋子 久野 譜也
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.61, no.4, pp.383-392, 2012-08-01
2 1

In the present research, first we evaluated the association between urban area size and commuting modes with physical activity among working people. Then we investigated the longitudinal effects of urban area size and commuting modes on increased physical activity due to health guidance intervention. The subjects were 401 male employees (aged 46.3±7.8) of A corporation, and were split into two groups, metropolitan area group (N=235) and local area group (N=166), based on the population density of place of work. IPAQ-E was used for evaluation of walking environments, and physical activity was assessed using pedometers. The intervention consisted of an exercise-focused health guidance over the course of one year. The cross-sectional study admitted that in comparison with the local area group the metropolitan area group had more than physical activity (p<0.01). Not only the size of urban area but commuting modes were significantly related to the level of daily physical activity (p<0.001). In longitudinal study, regarding the effects of the intervention for the physical activity, the study showed the possibility that urban area size was not directly effective but traffic safety in residential area (p<0.05) and willingness to take a walk (p<0.01) were effective. The cross-sectional study suggested that the size of the urban area and commuting modes had independently an effect on the physical activity of working people. The longitudinal study, on the other hand, suggested that the size of the urban area and commuting modes may not any direct influence on the effects of physical activity intervention.
渡邉 信晃 榎本 好孝 大山〓 圭悟 狩野 豊 安井 年文 宮下 憲 久野 譜也 勝田 茂
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.4, pp.520-529, 2000-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
5 3

The purposes of this study were 1)to investigate the relationship between sprint running performance and isokinetic hip strength, and 2)to clarify the muscles that are important in sprinting from the standpoint of isokinetic strength and muscle cross-sectional area(CSA).Sixteen male(100m sprinting time 10.99±0.46s)and 12 female(12.50±0.44s)subjects ran 60m and their sprinting speed was measured from 30 to 60m.Isokinetic strength of hip and knee flexion and extension(Nm)were mesured at 60, 180 and 300 deg/s.Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)was used to determine the muscle cross-sectional area of the thigh(upper, middle and lower femur)and trunk.In females, there were no significant correlations between sprinting speed and isokinetic strength.In males, there were significant correlations between sprinting speed and hip strength(absolute value)at all angular velocities(r=0.51-0.75, p<0.05-0.01), except for hip extension at 300 deg/s.Extension at 60 deg/s was significant(r=0.64, p<0.01)only in the male knee.In males, there were significant correlations between the peak torque of hip extension and muscle CSAs of the hamstring and adductor(r=0.50-0.63, p<0.05-0.01), as well as between the peak torque of hip flexion and muscle CSAs of the psoas major and adductor(r=0.59-0.83, p<0.05-0.001).These results suggest that sprint running performance in males is influenced by the strength of hip flexion and extension.In addition, the muscle volume of the hamstring, adductor and psoas major muscles appears to play an important roles during sprint running in males.
久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
体力科學 = Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden). The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows : Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities. In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.
久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01
9 6

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden). The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows : Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities. In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.
勝田 茂 高松 薫 田中 守 小泉 順子 久野 譜也 田渕 健一
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.p141-149, 1989-09

Attempts were made to clarify whether or not fiber composition of the m. vastus lateralis could be predicted with running performance. Biopsy samples from 32 well-trained and 17 untrained adult males were examined for the percentage area of fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) fibers which might be related to the physical performance better than the fiber type distribution. In addition, each subject completed 50-m sprint and 12-min run tests. A multiple regression analysis revealed that in the trained males predictive accuracy (R^2) for the percentage area of FT fibers (% areaFT) from the ratio of a 50-m sprint speed to a 12-min run speed (50 m・S/12 min・S) was higher than that from most of other variables,e.g. 50 m・S, 12 min・S, or the combination of 50 m・S and 12 min・S; R^2 of 50 m・S/12 min・S was 80.3%(p&lt0.05). A positive correlation between 50 m・S/12 min・S and %areaFT also existed for the untrained subjects (R^2=63.7%, p&lt0.05). The linear regression equations of %areaFT (Y) on 50 m・S/12 min・S (X)were Y=-68.6 + 76.2X (r=0.896, p&lt0.05) and Y=-47.5 + 61.1X (r=0.798, p&lt0.05) for the trained and untrained males, respectively. There was no significant difference in the regression equations between the trained and untrained males. For all subjects, the equation was Y=-59.8 + 69.8X (r=0.876, p&lt0.05) and the standard error of estimate of %areaFT on 50 m・S/12 min . S was 8.86%. These results suggest that the performances of a 50-m sprint and a 12-min run are valuable indicators in, accurately, easily and noninvasively, predicting the percentage area of FT and ST fibers of the m. vastus lateralis from adult male.
勝田 茂 奥本 正 鰺坂 隆一 久野 譜也 向井 直樹

久野 譜也
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.24, no.3, pp.148-152, 2000
7 2
