徳山 英一 本座 栄一 木村 政昭 倉本 真一 芦 寿一郎 岡村 行信 荒戸 裕之 伊藤 康人 除 垣 日野 亮太 野原 壮 阿部 寛信 坂井 眞一 向山 建二郎
海洋調査技術 (ISSN:09152997)
vol.13, no.1, pp.27-53, 2001-03-31

We propose the guideline to identify fault in offshore region mainly based on MCS profiles, combining high resolution bathymetric maps and geological data such as bore hole results. Based on the guideline we distinguished total 776 faults developing around Japan since the latest Miocene and 753 faults out of total numbers of faults are interpreted to have been active by Quaternary. Together with distinguishment of fault we examined the attributes of each faults such as surface and vertical distribution, criteria of offset, age of movement, certainty of a fault and so on. <br>The results of the distinguishment and examination of the fault leads to the conclusion that the ongoing tectonic framework around Japan characterized by 1) oblique Subduction along the Nankai Trough, 2) rifting at the Okinawa Trough, 3) E-W compressionl regeme along the Japan Sea margin, 4) E-W compressionl regeme along southwestern margin of the Okhotsk Sea and off southern Hokkaido, 5) E-W compressionl regeme along the Japan Trench, 6) rifting in the central arc of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc has been established since 3 Ma, at the earliest 6 Ma. <br>We utilized high resolution data set which we enable to access. Tow big problems, however, still remain in terms of reliability of fault recognition. Those are 1) age of fault movement and 2) spatial distribution of fault. To solve the first one, new technique is required in order to obtain core samples which provide critical evidence to determine age of fault movement. As is second problem concerned, new intensive seismic survey is indispensable to make a precise fault distribution map, especially in the boundary area between land and sea.
佐藤 瑠美 張 勁 山腰 裕子 佐竹 洋 竹内 章 岡村 行信
vol.51, pp.182, 2004

岡村 行信
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2008, no.28, pp.31-39, 2008

Method and result of offshore active fault survey were reviewed. Acoustic and seismic waves are widely used for offshore topographic and geologic surveys. Higher frequency acoustic waves have high-resolution but attenuate rapidly in water or sediments, thus they are mainly used for seafloor topographic survey or shallow high-resolution seismic profiling survey. Multi-narrow beam sounding provided evolutionary detailed seafloor topographic maps that clearly show fault traces. Lower frequency seismic waves are widely used for survey of deep sea and deep subsurface geology, but their resolution is generally too low to evaluate the activity of faults in late Pleistocene or Holocene time. Multi-channel seismic profiling survey and digital signal processing technology tremendously improved quality of seismic profiles. Offshore active fault maps around Japan were published in 1980's and 1990's based mainly on analyses of single channel seismic profiles. The events of active fault have been identified only in shallow bay areas using high-resolution seismic profiles and sediment cores. In contrast, it is generally difficult to determine events in open sea areas, because of low quality of seismic profiles. Multi-channel seismic profiling system using a high-frequency sound source made it possible to obtain high quality seismic profiles in the open shallow sea area and showed an active fault in the source area of the 2007 Noto-Hanto earthquake. In the deep sea, low-frequency seismic profiling system generally show clear geologic structure including active faults, but it is difficult to determine their activity in the late Pleistocene and Holocene period. Analyses of turbidites and dive surveys using submersibles have been conducted to determine the ancient events of fault activity in the deep-sea area. There is no enough data of offshore active faults, especially in very shallow marine area along coast.
岡村 行信
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.65, no.1, pp.40-47, 2000 (Released:2008-03-27)
3 11

The eastern margin of the Japan Sea has rifted in the early Miocene. Then it hascompressed during the late Pliocene through the Quaternary. This change of stress caused basininversion along the margin, but the inversion structures vary mainly due to difference of therifting structures. In this paper, three types of basin inversion were defined. Type A basininversion is characterized by simple inversion of half grabens. Miocene normal faults reactivatedas reverse faults and the whole grabens have been uplifted. Many basin inversions of this typehave been widely formed in the Sado Ridge and Mogami Trough in the southern part of theeastern margin of the Japan Sea, to the west of the Tohoku Arc. Type B basin inversion isdefined by anticlinoriums in the major rift basins along the coastal zone of the Tohoku arc. Therifts have been partly uplifted by reverse faults and asymmetric anticlines, suggesting that partsof the extensional faults in the rifts have reactivated. Type C basin inversion forms the OkushiriRidge which continues in the N-S direction along the eastern margin of the Japan Basin to thewest of Hokkaido. It is not clear that the ridge has overprinted on the preexisting extensionalfaults. Reverse faults in the three types of basin inversion are accompanied by asymmetricanticlines or anticlinoriums. The profiles of the anticlines suggest that hinges of the anticlineshave been fixed during the growth of the anticlines. These structure and growth pattern of theanticlines can be explained by listric reverse faults and detachments at 10-20km in depth. Thegeologic structure related with extensional tectonics are generally obscure due to the lack ofpre-rift sedimentary sequences and extensive activity of volcanism in the rifting stage.Consequentry, it is difficult to clarify the relationship of the major fault systems between theextensional and compressional stages.
荒井 晃作 岡村 行信 池原 研 芦 寿一郎 徐 垣 木下 正高
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.112, no.12, pp.749-759, 2006-12-15
2 8

岡村 行信
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.96, no.3, pp.223-237, 1990-03-15
2 20