望月 拓実 柴田 紘希 横山 剛士 川崎 登志喜 中路 恭平
体育・スポーツ経営学研究 (ISSN:24323462)
pp.370001, (Released:2023-03-02)

Due to the increasing enrolment in universities and their role as a hub for lifelong participation in sports, the improvement of the sports life of university students is now positioned as an important issue. A review of previous studies on the sports life of university students identified the following issues: the existence of a quarter of Non-exercisers, half of those who are members of an athletic club exercise six or more days a week, and half of those who are members of a circle use off-campus facilities and bear the financial and time costs. However, no studies have examined these issues according to the characteristics of the university or department to which the students belong. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to examine the sports life of students according to the characteristics of their universities and faculties, and to clarify the details of their actual conditions and issues.A questionnaire survey was conducted at 41 universities across the country, asking questions about current exercise frequency, barriers to exercise, current exercise status, and venues and costs of activity. The participants were categorized by athletic environment into “Members of an athletic club”, “Members of a circle”, “Other exercisers” and “Non-exercisers”. Further analysis was conducted based on three characteristics: the “Establisher”, “University size”, and “Faculty”.As a result of the analysis, the following four points were identified as the actual conditions and issues in the sports life of university students.1: Non-exercisers are most common among students at large universities, public universities, and general faculties.2: There was a high frequency of physical education and sports department activities at medium and small universities.3: Circle students at large universities and private universities do not have access to on-campus facilities, and the cost of their activities is high.4: Students at small universities, public universities and general faculties feel that they do not have the opportunity to exercise.
新出 昌明 齋藤 隆志 川崎 登志喜
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.28, pp.21-30, 1998

The purpose of this study was to describe how the volunteers who participated in the Nagano Olympic Games think about their own activities. Data was gathered from questionnaires obtained from one thousand and sixty-four volunteers in the Nagano Olympic Games. The data was analyzed by a process known as principal component analysis. (1) The volunteers describe mental reward, value of life, mental conditions, behavioral conditions, social contribution and personal criticism. These were six factors extracted as the major images of their own activities. (2) They considered mental reward, value of life, mental conditions, behavioral conditions and social contribution positively where as they reacted against personal criticism. (3) Scores of mental reward, value of life and mental conditions were higher in males than in females. (4) Scores of mental reward, mental conditions, behavioral conditions, social contribution and personal criticism related to their age. The younger generations image score higher on mental reward and personal criticism. The older generation think they need good behavioral conditions in order to receive social contributions. These results would be useful in training and preparing for volunteers.
川崎 登志喜

1. 研究の概要本研究は先行研究を基に、イベント効果の中でもスポーツイベントに深く関わる「ダイレクト効果」「コミュニケーション効果」「直接的波及効果」「間接的波及効果」「パブリシティ効果」の5つの効果に、「運動生活に及ぼす影響」「市民生活に及ぼす影響」「地域住民によるオリンピックの評価」の3項目を加えた計8項目の大項目から導き出された質問項目を設定し、長野オリンピック開催1ヶ月前と閉幕1ヶ月後、閉幕1年後の計3回にわたって調査を実施し、長野オリンピックが地域住民に及ぼす効果を測定しようと試みた。2. 主な結果の概要(1) ダイレクト効果:すべての項目において、開催前に比べて認知度が増していることが明らかになった(P<0.001)。しかしながら、「はあてぃ長野推進運動」「オリンピックアンバサダー」「スノーレッツクラブ」の3項目は、多くの市民に認知されなかった。(2) 直接的波及効果:「スポーツ施設が充実した」は開催前(4.08)から閉幕後(3.94)と平均値が減少し、期待通りではなかったという市民の評価ではないかと思われる(P<0.01)。また、オリンピックの理念である「国際平和」「国際交流」についてはそれぞれ平均値が上昇し、オリンピック(大会理念)効果が現れたと思われる。(3) 運動生活に及ぼす効果:スポーツイベントがその他のイベントと最も異なる効果を期待したい運動生活に及ぼす効果については、最も効果があったのは「スポーツへの関心」であった。(4) 市民意識に及ぼす効果:「開催を誇りに思う」「街を他人に自慢できる」(P<0.001)など、長野市民としてのアイデンティティーの向上がみられた。