遠藤 匡俊 張 政 ENDO Masatoshi ZHAN Zheng
季刊地理学 (ISSN:09167889)
vol.63, no.1, pp.17-27, 2011-03-01

世界の狩猟採集社会の特徴の一つとして集団の空間的流動性があげられる。これまで複数の異なる民族を対象として流動性の程度を比較した研究例はほとんどみられなかった。本研究の目的は,アイヌとオロチョンを例に,集団の空間的流動性の程度を比較することである。分析の結果,以下のことが明らかとなった。集落共住率(U)を算出した結果,同一集落内に定住する傾向が強く集落を構成する家があまり変化しなかった紋別場所のアイヌでは,集落共住率(U)が0.9∼1.0である家の総家数に占める割合は73%ほどであった。一方,多くの家が集落間で移動する傾向が強く集落構成が流動的に変化していた三石場所のアイヌでは,集落共住率(U)が0.9∼1.0である家の総家数に占める割合は43%ほどであった。三石場所のアイヌと同様に,集落構成が流動的に変化していたオロチョンでは,集落共住率(U)が0.9∼1.0である家の総家数に占める割合は25%とさらに低く,0.1∼0.2の家は33.3%,0.3∼0.4の家は25%であった。13年間における集落共住率(U)の経年変化をみると,オロチョンの値は常に0.11∼0.33であり,三石場所のアイヌよりも下回っていた。アイヌの事例を1戸ずつ検討しても,集落共住率(U)の値が常に0.4未満であるような事例は1例もなかった。アイヌ社会のなかでも三石場所のアイヌ集落においては集団の空間的流動性が大きかったが,オロチョンの一家の場合にはさらに流動性が高かった可能性がある。Membership within a residential group was not stable in hunter-gatherer societies, such as those of the San (Bushman), Mbuti Pygmy, Hadza, Hare Indian, Inuit, Orochon, and Ainu. So far the differences of the degree of fluid residential groupings among hunter-gatherers have not been revealed well. The purpose of this study was to measure the degree of fluid residential groupings of settlement dwellers between the Ainu and Orochon by making use of a co-residing ratio (U), and to consider the backgrounds of their differences.The numerical value of the co-residing ratio (Ui) of the household i was calculated as follows:Ui=mi / MiMi:the number of households that resided with household i at the same settlement in one year and also resided at any settlement after a given number of years. Mi≥1.mi:the number of households that resided with household i at the same settlement in one year and also resided with household i at any settlement after a given number of years, including household i.The numerical value of the degree of the co-residing ratio (U) per household was within the range of 0 to 1. When the degree of the co-residing ratio (U) increases from 0 to 1, the fluidity of residential groupings of settlement becomes lower.When we focused on the 74 Ainu households that resided at any settlements in 1856, 1862, and 1868 in the Monbetsu district, a given number of years of the co-residing ratio(U) was six years for each time frame 1856-1862 and 1862-1868. The co-residing ratio (U) was 0.9~1.0 in about 73% of 144 households. Samely when we focused on the 46 Ainu households that resided at any settlements in 1856, 1858, 1864, 1865, 1868, and 1869 in the Mitsuishi district, a given number of years of the co-residing ratio (U) was two years, six years, one year, three years, and one year for each time frame. The co-residing ratio (U) was 0.9~1.0 in about 43% of 230 households. On the other hand, when we focused on one Orochon household in 1910, 1925, 1928, 1932, 1935, 1938, 1945, 1947, and 1957, one Orochon household in 1900, 1920, 1921, and 1931, and one Orochon household in 1908 and 1913, the co-residing ratio (U) was 0.9~1.0 in only about 25% of 12 households. In the Orochon households 33.3% of 12 households showed 0.1~0.2 degree of the co-residing ratio (U).Next, when we focused on the 46 Ainu households that resided at any settlements in all time frames 1856, 1858, 1864, 1865, 1868, and 1869 in the Mitsuishi district, and one Orochon household that resided at any settlement in all time frames 1925, 1928, 1932, 1935, and 1938, the numerical value of the co-residing ratio (U) of Orochon was lower than that of the Ainu in the Mitsuishi district during almost all thirteen years.Therefore it is postulated that the degree of fluid residential groupings of settlement dwellers was higher in the Orochon than in the Ainu, and was higher in the Mitsuishi district than in the Monbetsu district. And also it is estimated that the Orochon settlement was formed mainly by moved households and the Ainu settlements in the Mitsuishi district were formed by moved households and stayed households, and the Ainu settlements in the Monbetsu district were formed mainly by stayed households.
張 政遠
Nishida Philosophy Association
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.6, pp.198-187, 2009 (Released:2020-03-23)

本稿では、西田幾多郎の哲学におけるシンパシーという概念を考察し、とりわけ感情移入と共感との差異・他者問題に注目したい。この研究は、M. シェーラー のシンパシーの本質に関する現象学的分析で手がかりとし、西田の他者論を類推 説や感情移入説ではなく、現象学的に読み直す研究である。シンパシーの現象を 解明することが、今後の日中哲学交流を深めるだろうと期待したい。
張 政遠
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.4, pp.79-91, 2007 (Released:2020-03-24)

In this paper, I shall discuss Nishida’s philosophy of acting intuition. I shall argue that acting intuition can be understood as a situated action. Situated action is not a philosophical concept, but is from the theory of situatedness in cognitive science. I shall interpret acting intuition as a third position based on the situatedness in our historical world. Like the concept of situated action, acting intuition is a philosophical position that is anti-intellectualism. The later development of Nishida’s philosophy shifts from the position of experience to a socially and historically oriented dimension. The world where we are experiencing and acting is not an imaginary world, but a world that is situated in society and history. Nishida does not use the word “situation”in his philosophy. However, we can see that Nishida has a similar word in “foothold.”Without this foothold or ground, a person will not be able to act in the concrete world. In this sense, to become the thing is an acting intuition, which is always in situ. Acting intuition is a philosophical position abridging cognitive science on one hand, and the phenomenology of action on the other.
牧野 英二 白 琮鉉 李 美淑 韓 慈卿 李 京珪 李 秋零 廖 欽彬 張 政遠 李 明輝 彭 文本 近堂 秀 相原 博

本研究は、次のような研究成果を挙げた。第一に、日本、韓国、中国・台湾の漢字文化圏におけるカント哲学の翻訳・受容の現状と課題を解明した。第二に、日本、韓国、中国・台湾におけるカント哲学研究の国際的なネットワークを構築することができた。第三に、日本、韓国、中国・台湾におけるカント哲学の翻訳・受容の影響作用史の課題を解明することができた。 最後に、本研究の一部は、すでに『東アジアのカント哲学』に発表された。
遠藤 匡俊 張 政
季刊地理学 = Quarterly journal of geography (ISSN:09167889)
vol.63, no.1, pp.17-27, 2011-03-01
