1 0 0 0 OA ICG副作用の3例

河内 正男 杉本 裕之 富江 鋭毅 安斉 勝行 花田 英輔 斉藤 達也 小笠原 寛 栗原 稔 矢嶋 輝久 竹内 治男 八田 善夫
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.47, no.3, pp.437-441, 1987-06-28 (Released:2010-09-09)

ICGは安全性が高く, おもに肝機能検査として臨床に汎用されている.しかし副作用は皆無ではなく, 強いショック例や死亡例も存在する.今回我々は当科および関連施設において過去8年間に経験したICG副作用例を検索した.ICG検査施行2, 753例中, 死亡例は認められなかったが, 明らかにICGと関連した副作用症例が3例 (0.11%) 存在した.第1例は43歳男性, ヨード過敏症不明.ICG静注後1分30秒でショック症状出現, 心停止, 呼吸停止したが, 蘇生術で救命し得た.第2例は55歳女性, 診断は慢性肝炎, ICG静注後1分で血圧低下, 悪心, 嘔吐出現し, 抗ショック療法で改善した.本例はヨード過敏症を有していた.第3例は59歳女性, 診断は肝硬変症で, ヨード過敏症は認めない.ICG静注後より悪心, 悪寒を訴えたが, 安静のみで消失した.ICGの副作用は軽症例を含めると全国で100例以上の報告を数えるが, このうちショック症状を呈したものは20例以下で, 死亡例は5例である.副作用発現頻度は施設によりばらつきがあるが, 0.05~0.3%である.ICGには微量ながらヨードが含まれており, ヨード過敏反応による場合も多いとされているが, ヨードテスト陰性例においても, また, 薬剤その他のアレルギーの既往の無い例も数多く報告されている.ICGによる副作用は稀ではあるが, 死亡例も存在することから, 術前, 術中の細心の注意が必要であることを再認識する意味で, 若干の考察を加え報告した.
斉藤 達也
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.118, no.12, pp.2106-2131, 2009-12-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

Under the Sui 隋 and Tang 唐 Dynasties, most of the Sogdian people living in China assumed one of the following nine surnames in accordance with the land or city of their origin: Kang 康, An 安, Cao 曹, He 何, Shi 史, Shi 石, Mu 穆, Bi 畢, and Mi 米. The place of origin of a family can actually be easily identified because of the regular correspondence between the surname and the toponym associated with the respective region. For instance, the surname 'Kang' 康 was given to those Sogdian families coming from the Land of Kang 康國, i.e. Samarkand. One finds only very few references to the history and reasons lying behind the diversification of the Sogdian surnames on Chinese soil. The present paper attempts to explore some of the basic aspects of this subject. Chapter One looks into the relation between Sogdian surnames and the names of their land of origin mainly by examining the linguistic facet of the problem. Chapter Two investigates relevant historical documents which allow us to trace the formation of each Sogdian surname. I examine the historical evidence for possible clues as to the background and reasons for choosing a certain surname. In both Chapters One and Two, I actually re-visit the most commonly accepted theory concerning the correspondence between Sogdian surnames and their place of origin, i.e. toponyms serving as surnames originate from rough phonetic transcriptions, or rather abridgements, in Chinese characters of actual Sogdian place names. These abbreviated toponyms were then given to the Sogdians depending on the region of origin. My investigation, however, reveals an opposite picture. Most of the Sogdian surnames were actually adopted for reasons not directly related to phonetic transcriptions. There is a consistent tendency of one group coming from a specific region to adopt one particular surname. Between ca. 560 and 600, we start seeing compounds as the 'Land of Shi' 史國 or 'Land of He' 何國. It is at this stage that the word 'land' 國 is used in conjunction with the surnames, and not the other way round. Chronologically speaking, in the early phase of Sogdian presence on Chinese soil, which starts with the Later Han 後漢 dynasty, Kang 康 was the only surname generally used for all members of this ethnic group regardless of their region of origin. Later, however, we witness a diversification. Probably as early as the latter half of the 5^<th> century, the surname An 安 may have also been used by people of Sogdian origin. Sometime between the end of the 5^<th> century and middle of the 6^<th> century, the Sogdians seem to have started adopting surnames like Cao 曹, He 何, Shi 史, and Mu 穆. Slightly later, three other names, i.e. Shi 石, Bi 畢, and Mi 米, also came to be employed. In Chapter Three, I try to explain the reasons and social background behind this diversification, and turn my attention to the relation between marriage customs and surnames. This chapter is based on a collation of relevant data extracted from funeral inscriptions between the 6^<th> century and 10^<th> century. My survey reveals the existence of a total of 83 cases in which at least one of the partners had one of the following surnames indicating Sogdian origin: Kang 康, An 安, and Mi 米. Amongst these, only three seem to have been couples in which both husband and wife bore the same surname. This fact suggests that for the most part, the marriage between Sogdian couples followed the Chinese custom of surname exogamy 同姓不婚. This fact leads me to believe that the diversification of the Sogdian surnames from one to nine served an obvious social function. This process made it possible for people coming from the same ethnic stock to get married while still respecting the Chinese taboo of surname exogamy. Actually, in 483 the Northern Wei dynasty 北魏 decreed that surname exogamy should be strictly observed. This might have been one of the(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
齋藤 智寛 佐竹 保子 冨樫 進 川合 安 堀 裕 長岡 龍作 斉藤 達也

山下 寛樹 石田 利恵子 斉藤 達也 以頭 博之
vol.1995, no.2, 1995-03-27
