斉藤 雅也 片山 めぐみ 伊藤 哲夫 吉田 淳一 吉野 聖 酒井 正幸
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.15, no.29, pp.207-210, 2009-02-20 (Released:2009-04-08)
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The old-fashioned orangutan house in Sapporo Maruyama Zoo was renovated with a concept of “environmental enrichment” in 2008 spring. The concept was stretched for not only the orangutan but also visitors and a zookeeper as well. In the outside field for the orangutan, there are soils, many natural plants, and some play equipments such as ropes, beds, seat swings, and ponds. On the other hand, at the observation area for visitors, they can see the movement and the condition of the orangutan at close range through the full-height glazing. In summer solar shading strategies as Sudare and louvers can provide the cool spots for the orangutan, visitors, and a zookeeper as well.
鈴木 宏彬 斉藤 雅也 吉野 博
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.662, pp.369-376, 2011-04-30 (Released:2011-07-29)
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A field survey on the living room temperature in terms of residential building types, heating space and operation throughout Hokkaido has been done in 2008 winter. The 879 residential buildings responded to the questionnaire on the types of their building, heating equipments, heating space, operations and clothing style. In addition, they measured their living room air temperature for seven days by liquid crystal thermometer card. Followings are results; 1) Average room air temperature throughout Hokkaido is 20.9 °C . 2) Central heating systems are installed in 30% of all. In the other houses only the living room was heated with convectors. The room air temperature of the central heating and living room heating is 21.6 °C and 20.8 °C , respectively. 3) For heating operation, ratio of houses with all-day heating is about 30% and that with intermittent heating is about 70%. The room air temperature of two groups is 21.5 °C and 20.7 °C , respectively. 4) The room air temperature with the convection heating systems is 1 °C lower than that with the radiation heating systems. 5) The mean occupant's clothing value in their living room is 0.6 clo for male and 1.0 clo for female. 6) According to the multi-variate analysis, it is found that the factors such as age and family size affect the living room air temperature.
土山 真司 鷲尾 健 高砂 恵美 正木 太郎 福永 淳 小川 聡 斉藤 雅也 矢野 嘉彦 錦織 千佳子
皮膚の科学 (ISSN:13471813)
vol.15, no.2, pp.51-56, 2016 (Released:2016-06-02)

40歳代,女性。幼少時期よりアトピー性皮膚炎と診断され加療を受けてきたが,最近では治療を自己中断していた。2015年春頃より全身のそう痒が増悪したため近医より当科に紹介受診となり,精査加療目的に入院した。季節の変わり目に皮疹が悪化するとの訴えがあり,うつ熱症状もあったため発汗機能異常を疑い全身温熱発汗テストを施行したところ顔面や体幹部の発汗低下を認めた。齲歯も複数あり,外分泌腺機能低下を疑い精査を進めたところ,抗 SS-A,SS-B 抗体陽性であり小唾液腺の導管に多数の細胞浸潤を認めシェーグレン症候群との診断に至った。アトピー性皮膚炎に対して外用治療を開始したところ,皮膚所見や好酸球の減少とは逆に肝逸脱酵素の数値が上昇した。シェーグレン症候群合併例のため,他の自己免疫疾患の併発についても精査したところ原発性胆汁性肝硬変が判明した。アトピー性皮膚炎では一般的に発汗機能異常が認められるが,発汗低下が著明な場合はシェーグレン症候群の合併も考慮に入れる必要があると考えられた。またアトピー性皮膚炎治療中に原発性胆汁性肝硬変に関連した肝逸脱酵素の数値が上昇した原因につき,Th1/Th2/Th17 バランスを含めて考察した。(皮膚の科学,15: 51-56, 2016)
斉藤 雅也 片山 めぐみ 伊藤 哲夫 吉田 淳一 吉野 聖 酒井 正幸
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.15, no.29, pp.207-210, 2009-02-20

The old-fashioned orangutan house in Sapporo Maruyama Zoo was renovated with a concept of "environmental enrichment" in 2008 spring. The concept was stretched for not only the orangutan but also visitors and a zookeeper as well. In the outside field for the orangutan, there are soils, many natural plants, and some play equipments such as ropes, beds, seat swings, and ponds. On the other hand, at the observation area for visitors, they can see the movement and the condition of the orangutan at close range through the full-height glazing. In summer solar shading strategies as Sudare and louvers can provide the cool spots for the orangutan, visitors, and a zookeeper as well.
斉藤 雅也 高橋 達 宿谷 昌則
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.505, pp.51-58, 1998
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This paper describes a method to calculate exergy and entropy balances of a leaf with an emphasis on photosynthesis and secretion. The purpose of investigating such balances is to have a better understanding of the exergy-entropy process of a leaf, which is a fundamental member of trees as a shading device with evaporative cooling capability for passive cooling of a building, together with the exergy-entropy process of various building environmental control systems such as lighting, cooling, and heating systems. We have derived the exergy balance equations for a leaf, taking into consideration not only the dispersion of energy due to the absorption of solar radiation and heat transfer, but also the dispersion of carbon dioxides, water vapor, and oxygen. Example calculation showed the following: exergy consumption within the leaf is 94% of the supplied exergy, which is the sum of the exergies of solar radiation, effective sky longwave radiation, and water; a half of the rest, namely 3%, is stored within the glucose, and the other is discharged with water vapor into the environment of the leaf and then consumed totally until the water vapor reaches the environment.