北條 祥子 吉野 博 坂部 貢 熊野 宏昭 吉野 博 坂部 貢 熊野 宏昭

化学物質過敏症やシックハウス症候群は微量な化学物質により起こる健康障害であり、世界的に患者の増加が問題になっている。しかし、世界的にも診断基準や病態などはよくわかっていない。また、これらの疾患患者の診断やスクリーニングに役立つ問診票は確立していない。そこで、本研究では、日本のMCS 患者の病態を明らかにしながら、MCS・SHS 患者の診断やスクリーニングに役立つ問診票を作成した。
吉野 博 長谷川 兼一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.507, pp.13-19, 1998-05-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The indoor thermal environment, air quality and occupant behavior in well-insulated and airtight houses in and around Tohoku district are investigated through questionnaire and field measurement. This report describes the results from the questionnaire survey conducted in summer of 1993 and winter of 1994, and thermal environment of 16 well-insulated and airtight houses in Morioka and Sendai by the field measurement in winter and summer of 1994. The number of houses investigated by the questionnaire survey is about 350. The well-insulated and airtight houses investigated have mechanical ventilation system and space heating system for a whole house. The main findings are as follows: 1. Indoor environment during the heating season of almost houses is thermally comfortable, compared with that of existing house in Japan. 2. The houses provide a comfortable indoor environment and also have a good influence on occupant' health. However, there are some problems related to dry feeling, which should be investigated in future. 3. During the summer, the room temperatures are stable compared with the change of the outdoor temperature in the day, but it doesn't decrease at night even if the outdoor temperature drops. It is possible to improve the indoor environment by cross ventilation with opening windows or night time ventilation.
趙 雲 荏原 幸久 吉野 博
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.512, pp.39-44, 1998-10-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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Ventilation calculation is important for prediction of heating/cooling load and indoor air quality in residential buildings. In past several decades, many simulation programs are developed for building research and design, but they generally need many input data and complicated modeling. A simplified and accurate prediction method is essential for speedy and convenient ventilation calculation during building design and performance evaluation. In this paper, thousands of ventilation cases are calculated by COMIS ventilation simulation program for a single room house. Using simulated results and ventilation theory, a simplified model and chart for ventilation rate is proposed in consideration of building air-tightness, type of ventilation system and climatic condition. By comparison of COMIS program and the simplified method, it can be found that there is a good agreement with relative error of less than 5 %. In addition, this simplified method is used for a study on building air-tightness level of a solar house having a forced supply ventilation system of heated outdoor air by solar collectors.
吉野 博 飯野 由香利 瀧澤 のりえ 岩下 剛 熊谷 一清 倉渕 隆 長澤 悟 永田 明寛 長谷川 麻子 村松 學
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.639, pp.643-650, 2009-05-30 (Released:2009-11-30)
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This study aims to clarify the actual installing conditions of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and their operations in public elementary schools based on 568 school data obtained from a nation wide investigation. Some results are shown as follows: 1) Insufficient thermal insulation and air tightness were provided in many school buildings in warm climate areas, 2) Heating systems were provided in almost all rooms but their installing conditions varied with respective areas, 3) Air-conditioning systems for cooling are on the increase in many areas, especially urban areas, and 4) Ventilating systems are not operated under optimum conditions because of inadequate management. We suggest that the building envelope systems should be improved and it is necessary to make guidelines and inform teachers of the essentials of maintenance for HVAC systems for efficient operation.
鍵 直樹 柳 宇 池田 耕一 西村 直也 吉野 博 小畑 美知夫 齋藤 秀樹 齋藤 敬子 鎌倉 良太
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集 (ISSN:0385275X)
vol.33, no.137, pp.39-46, 2008-08-05 (Released:2017-09-05)

持田 徹 BERGLUND L. G. 堅田 兼史 佐古井 智紀 長野 克則 嶋倉 一實 吉野 博
空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 (ISSN:0385275X)
no.72, pp.67-74, 1999-01-25

岸 玲子 吉野 博 荒木 敦子 西條 泰明 東 賢一 河合 俊夫 大和 浩 大澤 元毅 柴田 英治 田中 正敏 増地 あゆみ 湊屋 街子 アイツバマイ ゆふ
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.116-129, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)
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Recently, we have published a book containing evidence-based public health guidelines and a practical manual for the prevention of sick house syndrome. The manual is available through the homepage of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/06-Seisakujouhou-11130500-Shokuhinanzenbu/0000155147.pdf). It is an almost completely revised version of the 2009 version. The coauthors are 13 specialists in environmental epidemiology, exposure sciences, architecture, and risk communication. Since the 1970s, health problems caused by indoor chemicals, biological pollution, poor temperature control, humidity, and others in office buildings have been recognized as sick building syndrome (SBS) in Western countries, but in Japan it was not until the 1990s that people living in new or renovated homes started to describe a variety of nonspecific subjective symptoms such as eye, nose, and throat irritation, headache, and general fatigue. These symptoms resembled SBS and were designated “sick house syndrome (SHS).” To determine the strategy for prevention of SHS, we conducted a nationwide epidemiological study in six cities from 2003–2013 by randomly sampling 5,709 newly built houses. As a result 1,479 residents in 425 households agreed to environmental monitoring for indoor aldehydes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). After adjustment for possible risk factors, some VOCs and formaldehyde were dose-dependently shown to be significant risk factors. We also studied the dampness of the houses, fungi, allergies, and others. This book is fully based on the scientific evidence collected through these studies and other newly obtained information, especially from the aspect of architectural engineering. In addition to SHS, we included chapters on recent information about “multi-chemical sensitivity.”
一條 佑介 小林 光 野﨑 淳夫 成田 泰章 吉野 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.60, pp.777-781, 2019-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)
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This study explored the changes of space radiation dose rate both indoor and outdoor associated with a decontamination operation for a wooden house in a low dose area. As a result, the maximum space radiation dose rate measured at 1 m height from the floor inside the house before the decontamination operation was 0.19 µSv/h. The maximum space radiation dose rate after the decontamination operation was 0.12µSv/h. Furthermore, the results of a comparison of the space radiation dose rate between pre- and post-decontamination operation indicate a decrease in the rate at most measurement points, and the average reduction rate of the space radiation dose rate in the post-decontamination operation condition was around 20%.
吉野 博厚
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.36, no.3, pp.128-149, 1982-05-25

Neogene marine sediments and volcanics are widely distributed in the so called "North Fossa Magna" region. The Suwa District, located in the southwest corner of the region, contains the Median Tectonic Line and the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, which have been active since the Neogene. In terms of geological structure, the Suwa District is divided into two geologically different areas by the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line. 1) The stratigraphy of the Miocene series in the Suwa District is as follows: The Miocene series in the Moriya Area, located on the south side of the Lake Suwa, is called the Moriya subgroup. This subgroup is divided into the lower Moriya formation, which consists of clastic sediments with basal conglomerate, and the upper Gongenzawa formation, which consists of volcanics. The Miocene series in the Yokokawagawa Area, located on the north side of the lake, is known as the Takabochi subgroup. This subgroup is divided into the lower Yokokawagawa formation, which consists of coarse clastic sediments with andesite, and the upper Takabocchi formation, which consists of fine clastic sediments with basalt. The Gongenzawa formation can be correlated with the Yokokawagawa formation, and both can be correlated with the Uchimura formation in the Uchimura region. The Takabocch formation can be correlated with the Kokuzo basalt in the Uchimura region. The intrusions of Tertiary Granitoids, which consist of granodiorite, quartzdiorite, porphyrite, dolerite and rhyolite, are widely developed in both areas. 2) On the basis of the assemblage of secondary minerals identified in the volcanic rocks, the alteration and/or metamorphic area can be divided into the following six zones: I: Mixed layer mineral-Saponite Zone II: Chlorite-Mixed lay V: Actinolite-Chlorite Zone VI: Biotite-Actinolite Zone The zonation and distribution indicate that the alteration and/or metamorphism resulted from thermal or hydrothermal effects on the Tertiary Granitoids. 3) The geologic development of the area, especilly in the Miocene is mentioned below: (1) The Miocene basin was formed by collapses and the creation of sedimentary basin along the Median Tectonic Line in the Moriya stage. (2) Widespread and strong volcanism took place with collapses again in the Uchimura stage. At that time the center of the basin shifted northwards. (3) Plutonism and related metamorphism took place after the subsidence of the basin stopped. (4) After the plutonism an upheaval movement generated the volcano-plutonism at the crest of the area of maximum upheaval. This was accompanied simultaneously by hydrothermal alteration along the faults.
藤澤 泰雄 矢吹 信喜 五十嵐 善一 吉野 博之
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学) (ISSN:21856591)
vol.67, no.2, pp.I_8-I_17, 2011 (Released:2012-03-26)

田中 俊彦 村上 周三 吉野 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.314, pp.121-130, 1982-04-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

(1)換気量が一定のとき, 天井・壁の結露量と乾燥時間の関係は直線的である。(2)天井・壁の結露量が140g(入浴時間約15分)で一定のとき, 乾燥時間y(min)は, 換気量x(m^3/h)の関数としてy=1920/x+25で近似される。(3)図4.6より, 換気量が100m^3/hのときは, 2〜3人の入浴(シャワー出湯時間10分〜15分)を想定すると, 床に残る水の影響を考慮して, 換気扇を90〜120分運転する必要がある。(4)給気口形状, 浴室外温度が乾燥時間に及ぼす影響は非常に小さい。
長谷川 兼一 吉野 博 池田 耕一 柳 宇 熊谷 一清 三田村 輝章
一般財団法人 住総研
住宅総合研究財団研究論文集 (ISSN:18802702)
vol.35, pp.345-357, 2009 (Released:2018-01-31)

吉野 博 村上 周三 赤林 伸一 倉渕 隆 加藤 信介 田辺 新一 池田 耕一 大澤 元毅 澤地 孝男 福島 明 足立 真弓
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.10, no.19, pp.189-192, 2004-06-20 (Released:2017-04-14)
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The purpose of this survey is to clarify the status of standards on ventilation requirements for residential buildings in European and North American countries. This paper reports the minimum ventilation rate for the residential buildings in eleven countries which are described in the literatures. The airflow rate and air change rate are calculated for a model house proposed by The Architectural Institute of Japan. As a result, the values of air change rate is around 0.5 ACH in almost all countries.
村上 周三 吉野 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.325, pp.104-115, 1983-03-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
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住宅の気密性能に関する昭和36年以後の研究報告を一覧にして表-1に示す。わが国ではすでに大正13年に野村が, また昭和3年に大谷が室に存在する隙間の換気に及ぼす影響を実験的に検討しており, 隙間の量を部位別に目測し, その結果を示している。渡辺は, それらの結果を基に, 室容積1m^3当りの隙間面積が, 木造真壁造の和室では構造が粗の場合90cm^2以上, 中の場合60〜50cm^2, 密の場合30cm^2以下であり, コンクリート造の洋室では, 10〜15cm^2であることを述べている。その後, 昭和36年に, 前田, 石原等はコンクリート造集合住宅を対象として部位別の気密性能を減圧法(後述)により初めて定量的に測定した。最近では, 楢崎等が単室及び数室の気密性能及び防音実験住宅の気密性能を, 筆者らは各種住宅25戸を対象に, 市川等は集合住宅を, 浅野は各種住宅10戸を, 旭ダウ(株)の研究グループは北海道の断熱改修もあった。これはサッシの隙間の約3倍の量に達する。また, 3つの集合住宅における部位別のαAを比較した結果, 目につかない隙間は28〜126cm^2と大幅に異った。(3)建物に設置された後のサッシの気密性能は, 本来備わっているはずの性能よりもはるかに劣ることがある。今回測定した中では, Q_<l0>が, 性能試験値の6倍に達するものもあった。(4)住宅全体の気密性能を, 単位床面積当りの隙間の相当開口面積によって表し, 既往の測定結果を含めてグレード表に位置づけた結果, 各国における気密性能の水準が明らかとなり, わが国における気密性能の目標水準を設定するための手がかりを得ることができた。(5)気密性能の異なる3つの集合住宅において, 既設の台所換気扇を運転し室内圧を測定したところ, αAが2.4cm^2/m^2である防音気密住宅の場合, 排気量360m^3/hで-12.8mmAqにも下がった。この住宅で便所系統の換気扇を同時運転したところ, 便所系統のダクトから逆流が生じた。気密住宅において, 逆流やドア開閉時のトラブルを考慮して, 室内圧低下を-4mmAq程度にとどめるためには, 給気ダクトの径を175〜200mmにする必要のあることが, 実測及び数値計算より明らかとなった。
長谷川 兼一 吉野 博 後藤 伴延
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.85, no.768, pp.169-176, 2020 (Released:2020-02-28)
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According to statistical data reported by the Japanese government, the major causes of death for Japanese people are cancer, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. The incidence rate of cerebrovascular disease in particular is higher during winter than summer (Hayama, 2011). One possible reason for this seasonal difference is that exposure to low temperatures can cause fluctuations in blood pressure. In houses with poor thermal insulation, indoor temperature differences between heated and non-heated spaces, such as the bathroom, corridors, and lavatory can be larger during winter. Many houses in the Tohoku region have a poor thermal environment during winter, and the incidence rate of cerebrovascular disease in this area is the highest compared to the other areas in Japan. Hasegawa and Yoshino (1985) investigated indoor thermal environment in houses of Yamagata prefecture, which is included in Tohoku region, during the heating season and the death rate of cerebrovascular disease in 1983 and 1984. As a result, the temperature difference between the heated living room and the unheated rooms was found to be great. Also it was revealed that if the lavatory temperature was low or the bedroom was not heated, the occupants living in such houses statistically tended to be susceptible to cerebral vascular accident. In order to clarify the association between the indoor environment of residential buildings and cerebrovascular disease, an epidemiological survey of 188 elderly persons living in Yamagata Prefecture in the Tohoku region of Japan was conducted. The specific areas investigated included three rural towns (former Yahata town, former Haguro town and Asahi town) and these areas are same as the investigated areas about 30 years ago. The survey was divided into three phases. The first phase (Phase 1) was a cross-sectional questionnaire on housing characteristics related to the indoor thermal environment and occupants' lifestyle habits among elderly persons. This paper describes the results obtained from this questionnaire and presents the characteristics of the indoor thermal environment and occupants' lifestyle habits during winter. Moreover, an association between the increase in rate of death due to cerebrovascular disease and factors that influenced the indoor environment of houses is examined using multivariable logistic regression analysis. The multivariable logistic regression analysis shows that always feeling a draft in the living room while operating heating equipment (AOR, 8.14; 95%CI, 1.55-42.8) and low temperature in a living room at morning (AOR, 0.87; 95%CI, 0.78-0.98) was positively associated with an increased rate of death due to cerebrovascular disease for former Yahata town. These results indicate that a poor indoor thermal environment may contribute to an increase in the rate of death due to cerebrovascular disease. In addition, a high salt diet may contribute to the onset of cerebrovascular disease. When participants moved from a living room to a bathroom during winter, they reported thermal sensations, such as ‘warm’, ‘neutral’ and ‘cold’. AOR for ‘cold’ when entering a bathroom (AOR, 0.17; 95%CI, 0.05–0.58) was significant for former Yahata. These results indicate that occupants in this town did not feel cold, although the indoor temperatures among surveyed towns were similar. AOR for light clothing when staying at home was significant for former Yahata town and participants were thinly dressed during heating season. Therefore they may be more readily exposed to a cold indoor environment than other towns.
小林 光 一條 佑介 野崎 淳夫 二科 妃里 成田 泰章 後藤 伴延 吉野 博
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
no.60, pp.789-793, 2019-06

<p>This study explored changes in spatial radiation dose rate both indoor and outdoor associated with a decontamination operation for a wooden house in a high dose rate region in Fukushima. As a result, the averaged spatial dose rate at 1m height from the floor before the decontamination was 1.73μSv/h and the dose rate after the decontamination was 0.86μSv/h. Furthermore, the results of a comparison of the dose rate between pre- and post-decontamination indicates a decrease in the dose rate at almost all points. The reduction rate of spatial dose-rate was 40 to 50% at the center of the house.</p>