新井 智一 福石 夕 原山 道子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.5, no.2, pp.125-137, 2011 (Released:2011-02-12)
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新井 智一
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.114, no.5, pp.767-790, 2005-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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This study examines the interaction between the politics in Fussa City and the Yokota Air Force Base, that is “the politics of place, ” from a range of political, economic, and cultural processes which maintain the existence of the base.Military bases are generally established for global geopolitical purposes. However, the establishment of a military base has cultural implications for the local communities where the base is located, i.e., increased concerns about crimes committed by seavicepersons and noise by aircrafts. Although these military bases have some serious impacts, especially in Japan, geographers have not yet examined the issues regarding a particular military base and the resultant politics in the city.On the contrary, since the 1980s, Anglo-American political geographers have paid more attention to “the politics of place” This refers to the local politics that occur due to the interaction between a structural constraint and the individuality of a particular place.Therefore, this study examines “the politics of place” on the Yokota Air Base in Fussa City, Tokyo, by using resources from the local newspapers, novels, magazine articles, and council proceedings.The results are as follows : (1) Owing to the independence between the U.S. Air Force and local political and economic actors, an urban structure and local economy that depended on the Yokota Air Force Base were constructed in Fussa Town after the establishment of the base in 1945; (2) because of this structure, the local economy became to depend on Air Force personnel as consumers; (3) however, due to a shift to the floating exchanging rate and a reduction in the population of the base in the first half of the 1970s, there was a decrease in the influence that Air Force personnel had on the local economy; (4) since the 1980s, an economic agent utilized the “atmosphere” and “image” adjacent to the base to revitalize the local economy; (5) furthermore, the mass media represented Fussa City as a “base town” and conducted a review of the city in the 1960s, thus contributing to its revitalization; (6) during the economic slump in the 1970s, some local political agents were against the existence of the base. However, successive mayors of Fussa City have accepted the existence of the base, and utilized the subsidies it receives from the national government in order to construct the urban infrastructure.
新井 智一
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.4, pp.676-691, 2011-08-25 (Released:2011-11-10)
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This paper discusses locational conflicts surrounding a new waste disposal facility in Koganei City from the viewpoint of “the politics of scale”. Since 1957, Koganei, Chofu, and Fuchu cities have disposed of their waste at Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility. In 2007, Koganei City officials proposed the construction of a new facility by 2017 at the site of the Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility, which was located at the periphery of Koganei City, or at the site of a former Janome sewing machine factory, which was located at the center of the city. Although people residing near both sites protested against the construction of the new facility, the Koganei City officials decided to construct the new facility at the site of the Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility. The reason for this decision is summarized as follows: (1) Most of the citizens of Koganei City appeared to be indifferent to this locational conflict; (2) The Koganei City officials were adamant about constructing an incineration facility; (3) The actions of the people residing near the former Janome sewing factory, unlike those of the people residing near Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility, were successful in protesting given the scale of Koganei City.
新井 智一
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.4, pp.676-691, 2011-08-25

This paper discusses locational conflicts surrounding a new waste disposal facility in Koganei City from the viewpoint of "the politics of scale". Since 1957, Koganei, Chofu, and Fuchu cities have disposed of their waste at Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility. In 2007, Koganei City officials proposed the construction of a new facility by 2017 at the site of the Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility, which was located at the periphery of Koganei City, or at the site of a former Janome sewing machine factory, which was located at the center of the city. Although people residing near both sites protested against the construction of the new facility, the Koganei City officials decided to construct the new facility at the site of the Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility. The reason for this decision is summarized as follows: (1) Most of the citizens of Koganei City appeared to be indifferent to this locational conflict; (2) The Koganei City officials were adamant about constructing an incineration facility; (3) The actions of the people residing near the former Janome sewing factory, unlike those of the people residing near Nimaibashi Waste Disposal Facility, were successful in protesting given the scale of Koganei City.
新井 智一
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.8, pp.555-574, 2003-07-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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新井 智一
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.114, no.5, pp.767-790, 2005-12-25
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This study examines the interaction between the politics in Fussa City and the Yokota Air Force Base, that is "the politics of place, " from a range of political, economic, and cultural processes which maintain the existence of the base.<BR>Military bases are generally established for global geopolitical purposes. However, the establishment of a military base has cultural implications for the local communities where the base is located, i.e., increased concerns about crimes committed by seavicepersons and noise by aircrafts. Although these military bases have some serious impacts, especially in Japan, geographers have not yet examined the issues regarding a particular military base and the resultant politics in the city.<BR>On the contrary, since the 1980s, Anglo-American political geographers have paid more attention to "the politics of place" This refers to the local politics that occur due to the interaction between a structural constraint and the individuality of a particular place.<BR>Therefore, this study examines "the politics of place" on the Yokota Air Base in Fussa City, Tokyo, by using resources from the local newspapers, novels, magazine articles, and council proceedings.<BR>The results are as follows : (1) Owing to the independence between the U.S. Air Force and local political and economic actors, an urban structure and local economy that depended on the Yokota Air Force Base were constructed in Fussa Town after the establishment of the base in 1945; (2) because of this structure, the local economy became to depend on Air Force personnel as consumers; (3) however, due to a shift to the floating exchanging rate and a reduction in the population of the base in the first half of the 1970s, there was a decrease in the influence that Air Force personnel had on the local economy; (4) since the 1980s, an economic agent utilized the "atmosphere" and "image" adjacent to the base to revitalize the local economy; (5) furthermore, the mass media represented Fussa City as a "base town" and conducted a review of the city in the 1960s, thus contributing to its revitalization; (6) during the economic slump in the 1970s, some local political agents were against the existence of the base. However, successive mayors of Fussa City have accepted the existence of the base, and utilized the subsidies it receives from the national government in order to construct the urban infrastructure.
新井 智一
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2020年度日本地理学会春季学術大会
pp.78, 2020 (Released:2020-03-30)

新井 智一
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.116, no.2, pp.275-286, 2007-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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In Japan, several American air force bases have raised the problem of aircraft noise pollution. This paper considers how municipalities around American air force bases have dealt with this problem. The study clarifies the relationship between aircraft noise pollution and compensation received in the municipalities around Yokota Air Force Base, an American air force base located near Tokyo, and the political actions taken by the municipalities against such pollution.Yokota Air Force Base was established in 1945. The functions of this base had expanded by the 1960s, so aircraft noise pollution intensified. Only Akishima City Council adopted many resolutions against aircraft noise. Aircraft noise pollution was not eliminated. Some inhabitants of Akishima City went to court to require the United States of America not to fly at night.The aircraft noise pollution intensified in Akishima City and Mizuho Town, which are located in the area where the runway of the base was extended. The national government has granted the municipalities subsidies as compensation for aircraft noise pollution. Fussa City, Musashi-Murayama City, and Mizuho Town have received large national subsidies. These municipalities did not adopt many resolutions against aircraft noise.The national government has increased the subsidies since 1974 in exchange for the consolidation of American air force bases in the Kanto Region into Yokota Air Force Base. The public finances of Akishima City have depended on subsidies because of urbanization.The compensation provided by the national government has been based on territoriality, although the pollution is unterritoriality. The political actions of the municipalities around the base have been segmented so aircraft noise pollution has not been eliminated.
新井 智一
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2010年度日本地理学会秋季学術大会
pp.20, 2010 (Released:2010-11-22)

1.研究の目的 近年,ごみ処理場の老朽化に伴う建て替えとその場所をめぐる問題が各地で生じている.本研究は,東京都小金井市における新ごみ処理場建設場所の決定過程を検討し,建設場所の決定要因について考察する. 2.二枚橋処理場の閉鎖と新処理場建設問題 東京都小金井市・調布市・府中市は1957年に,「二枚橋衛生組合」を設立し,3市の縁辺部にまたがる二枚橋処理場で一般廃棄物を焼却処理してきた.1980年代以降,処理場の老朽化が問題となり,組合は2006年度限りで処理場を閉鎖することを決定した.他市と共同処理について協議を進めてきた2市と対照的に,小金井市は財政再建や武蔵小金井駅南口再開発事業などの政治的課題の処理に追われ,ごみ問題を議論してこなかった. 小金井市は国分寺市に対し,ごみの共同処理と,小金井市が市内に新処理場を建設することを打診し,2006年に合意した.小金井市は二枚橋処理場跡地と,ジャノメミシン工場跡地を新ごみ処理場建設候補地とし,市民検討委員会による議論や市民説明会を経て,二枚橋処理場跡地を新ごみ処理場建設場所と決定した. 3.2候補地の問題点 二枚橋処理場は野川流域の低地に所在し,北側には国分寺崖線が走る.加えて,南東部に所在する調布飛行場の滑走路延長上に位置するため,煙突の高さは約60mに制限されていた.そのため,煙突から排出される煙や悪臭が,崖線上の小金井市東町1丁目・5丁目付近に被害を及ぼしてきたとされる. 一方,ジャノメミシン工場跡地は,小金井市が市役所新庁舎の建設を見込んで取得した市有地である.小金井市の中心に位置し,北側をJR中央本線に接し,南側には小金井第一小学校や小金井市立図書館,西側にはマンションがある. 4.新処理場建設場所の決定要因 二枚橋処理場周辺地区の住民は,50年にわたり環境的不公正を受けてきたとされるものの,新処理場建設にあたり,「受苦圏」が変化することはなかった.市長選挙・市会選挙の投票率や,市民説明会の参加者・質問者数を分析すると,新処理場建設候補地周辺の2地区を除き,この問題をめぐる小金井市民の関心は高くなかった.また,市民検討委員会の議論を検討すると,小金井市の行政は,処理方法をめぐる議論を新処理場建設場所決定後に先送りすることによって,ジャノメ跡地に建設することを避けようとする意図があったと推測できる. 一方,二枚橋処理場周辺地区の住民も,公害についての独自調査や,他地区・他市へのアピールをおろそかにしてきた.これに対し,ジャノメ跡地周辺地区の住民は市民検討委員会において,同跡地での開発が地下水に影響を与える可能性があるとする,市の地下水保全会議の見解を指摘した.このことは,市民検討委員会においてジャノメ跡地の評価を下げた大きな要因となった.新処理場建設問題をめぐる市民の無関心と,2候補地周辺住民による対応の違いが,二枚橋処理場跡地に新処理場を建設することとなった大きな要因であると考えられるのである.
新井 智一
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2008, pp.301-301, 2008

1.はじめに 東京大都市圏郊外に位置する多摩地域西部では2000年以降,ショッピング・モール,大規模スーパーマーケットやホーム・センターの進出が著しい.従来の商業地理学では,いわゆる大店法の改正や大店立地法の成立に見られるような,流通規制緩和に伴う大規模商業施設の進出についての研究は数多いものの,商業施設の進出をより大きな政治的背景から検討したものは少ない.そこで本研究は,多摩地域西部における大型ショッピングセンターの進出について概観し,このうち西多摩郡日の出町の「イオンモール日の出」開業の政治的背景について明らかにすることを目的とする. 2.多摩地域西部における大型ショッピングセンターの進出 多摩地域西部において,2000年以降に開業した主な郊外型大規模商業施設は,アウトレット・モール,ショッピング・モール,大規模スーパーマーケット,大規模ホーム・センターに分けられる.また,開業前の土地利用に着目すると,自動車・自動車部品メーカーの工場閉鎖,百貨店の物流センターの再配置,製造業による都市開発事業への展開,銀行の福利厚生施設売却,などの背景が大規模商業施設の用地を供給していることがわかる. 3.イオンモール日の出の開業と秋留台開発計画 こうした経済的背景の一方で,多摩ニュータウンにある三井アウトレットパーク多摩南大沢などは,不動産会社などが都有地を買取するなどして開業させたものであり,東京都の多摩ニュータウン開発からの撤退という政治的背景も見られる.こうした政治的背景について,日の出町のイオンモール日の出を事例とし,さらに検討する. イオンモール日の出のある地区は秋留台地に含まれる.東京都や秋留台地域の自治体は,1984年に首都圏中央連絡自動車道(圏央道)の整備が表面化して以降特に,秋留台の開発をうたってきた.これを受けて1993年に東京都都市計画局は,「秋留台地域総合整備計画」(以下,秋留台計画)を策定した. 秋留台計画は,「多摩地域の自主性を高めるための先端技術産業の導入と就業の場の確保」を目的とし,旧秋川市を中心として68,000人の人口増加と36,000人が働く産業を誘致するとした.また,秋川市・五日市町・日の出町の合併を暗に促進した.その結果,秋川駅周辺において「あきる野とうきゅう」を中心とした商業施設の集積が進んだ.また,いくつかの工業団地造成や土地区画整理が進んだ.しかし,計画策定後の深刻な景気低迷により,目標に遠く及んでいない. 秋留台計画においてイオンモールのある三吉野桜木地区は当初工業・住宅地区として,また3市町合併の際には行政地区として開発される計画であったが,未開発地区として取り残されていた.そうした状況の下でイオンがショッピング・モールの進出を日の出町に打診し,全面的な賛同を得た.しかし,この地区と秋川駅との距離は1kmほどしかなく,2007年の開業前後から数多くの店舗が秋川駅周辺の商業施設を離れ,イオンモールに移転するという問題が生じている. イオンモールの進出は秋留台計画の変更を伴うものであったものの,都や秋留台地域自治体の議会では秋留台計画についてほとんど議論されていない.秋留台計画頓挫の後処理を進めるために,都や秋留台地域の自治体がこの計画を省みないことによって,イオンモール日の出は開業に至ったと考えられる. このように,多摩地域西部では,上位スケールの政治的・経済的背景が新たな商業空間の創出を促していると結論づけられるのである.