小国 喜弘 木村 泰子 江口 怜 高橋 沙希 二見 総一郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.55, pp.1-28, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to discuss theory and art in Inclusive Education (referred to as “Full Inclusion” in the United States) within regular classes or at regular schools, by focusing on the practice of Osaka City Municipal Ozora Elementary School, which is known to utilize Inclusive Education. Section 1, entitled “Explaining Ozora Elementary School,” was written by Yasuko Kimura, the former principal of the school. In section 2, we discuss the history of the movement towards Inclusive Education in Japan, which began in the 1970s. In section 3, we discuss details pertaining to teachers’ value of human rights in daily school life. In section 4, we outline the kinds of techniques that must be acquired by teachers who work in Inclusive Education schools.
木村 泰三
日本外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03014894)
vol.111, no.3, pp.156-159, 2010-05-01
藤原 敦子 木村 泰典 三神 一哉 内田 睦 建部 敦
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.48, no.10, pp.607-610, 2002-10

65歳女.肉眼的血尿で膀胱内腫瘍を指摘された.膀胱はコアグラタンポナーデの状態で,膀胱洗浄により血塊と共に悪臭の強い多量の壊死組織が排出された.膀胱鏡では左側壁から後壁を中心とする非乳頭状広基性腫瘍を認め,膀胱粘膜全体が表面不整であった.骨盤部造影CTで膀胱左側壁を中心とする8×6cmの腫瘍を認め,膀胱壁は全体に肥厚していた.1週間後の膀胱造影では左側壁からの造影剤漏出を認めた.膀胱癌T4N2M1と診断し,発熱が増悪するため膀胱全摘術及び両側尿管皮膚瘻造設術を施行した.摘出組織で表面を壊死組織で覆われた灰白色の腫瘍を認め,膀胱壁外に到達した部分に瘻孔が形成されていた.組織学的には表在性に位置する癌腫の部分と,優勢な肉腫様部分で構成され,両者の境界は明瞭であった.癌腫は扁平上皮に分化している細胞,肉腫様部分は未分化な紡錘形細胞で構成されていた.術後一時的に改善したが発熱が再燃し,2週後に敗血症で死亡したA 65-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with gross hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a non-papillary and non-pedunculated tumor on the left lateral wall of the bladder. A piece of necrotic tissue obtained from the bladder irrigation was histologically squamous cell carcinoma. A perforation at the left lateral wall of the bladder was found on the cystogram. Bone scintigraphy showed multiple metastases and computed tomography scans showed multiple lymph node metastases in the pelvic cavity. The clinical diagnosis was bladder carcinoma of T4N2M1 stage with an abscess due to a spontaneous perforation. Total cystectomy with bilateral ureterocutaneostomy was performed. She died due to sepsis 13 days after the operation. Histologically, the tumor was composed of carcinomatous and sarcomatous elements. The carcinomatous element was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma and the sarcomatous element was composed of undifferentiated malignant spindle cells. Immunohistochemical examination showed that the carcinomatous component was positive for keratin and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and the spindle cell component positive for vimentin, desmin and HCG. Therefore, we diagnosed the tumor as sarcomatoid carcinoma. We reviewed 56 cases of carcinosarcoma of the bladder in Japan and discussed the clinicopathology of the disease.
木村 泰知 荒木 健治 桃内 佳雄 栃内 香次
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09151923)
vol.J84-D2, no.9, pp.2079-2091, 2001-09-01

高丸 圭一 内田 ゆず 乙武 北斗 木村 泰知
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.306-318, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)

An onomatopoeia is a useful linguistic expression to describe sounds, conditions, degrees and so on. It is said Japanese is rich in onomatopoeic expressions. They are frequently used in daily conversations. The meaning and surface structure of an onomatopoeia varies diachronically. There seem to be regional variations in usage of onomatopoeias. It is necessary to investigate the actual condition of onomatopoeia quantitatively in order to apply onomatopoeias into artificial intelligence. This paper studies practical usages of onomatopoeias in spoken modern Japanese language. To explore Japanese onomatopoeias nowadays, we investigate regional assembly minutes collected from all areas in Japan. The corpus of regional assembly minutes, which has about 300 million words, is the target of the investigation of this study. The minutes of Japanese regional assemblies contain all transcriptions of the utterances in the assemblies. This corpus is suitable for our research since attributes of the speakers are clear and speakers are distributed nation-wide. The first research is about total frequency and regional distribution of onomatopoeias. The onomatopoeias, which represent a request for a promotion of policy, e.g., ``shikkari'', ``dondon'', are used at high frequency in regional assemblies. There are no remarkable regional differences in frequencies of these onomatopoeias though western Japan has slight higher frequency. The second research is about the meaning of the onomatopoeias. Most of onomatopoeias are polysemous. The meaning of the onomatopoeia differs by context. The authors have manually checked through 10,827 sentences, which contain 153 kinds of onomatopoeia, and then classified the meaning of each onomatopoeic expression. We analyzed for the following subjects: i) ambiguity of onomatopoeic expression, ii) regional differences in meaning, iii) new meanings in modern spoken language, iv) special usage in assemblies, and v) onomatopoeias in the named entities. The third research is about false extraction of onomatopoeias in the morphological analysis. The extraction errors are analyzed from the viewpoint of surface structure and appearance position. In terms of surface structure, it is clear that the word length of an onomatopoeic expression, which has highly false extraction, is shorter. The onomatopoeic expressions, which end with special morae, namely moraic obstruent, moraic nasal and long vowel, have a higher rate of false extraction. In terms of appearance position, dialectal grammar is the main factor causing false extraction. About 25% of false extraction is found in the sentence-closing particles in dialectal grammar. The result of quantitative analysis of the onomatopoeia in modern spoken Japanese language serves as the basic data which contributes to engineering. The results of the analysis in our research are exhibited through the WWW. It is hoped that results will contribute broadly to the practical use of onomatopoeia in the engineering field.
筒井 貴士 我満 拓弥 大城 卓 菅原 晃平 永井 隆広 渋木 英潔 木村 泰知 森 辰則
一般社団法人 言語処理学会
自然言語処理 (ISSN:13407619)
vol.21, no.2, pp.125-155, 2014

近年,国会や地方議会などの会議録が Web 上に公開されている.会議録は,首長や議員の議論が書き起こされた話し言葉のデータであり,長い年月の議論が記録された通時的なデータであることから,政治学,経済学,言語学,情報工学等の様々な分野において研究の対象とされている.国会会議録を利用した研究は会議録の整備が進んでいることから,多くの分野で行われている.その一方で,地方議会会議録を利用した研究については,各分野で研究が行われているものの,自治体によりWeb上で公開されている形式が異なることが多いため,収集作業や整形作業に労力がかかっている.また,各研究者が重複するデータの電子化作業を個別に行っているといった非効率な状況も招いている.このような背景から,我々は多くの研究者が利用することを目的として,地方議会会議録を収集し,地方議会会議録コーパスを構築した.本稿では,我々が構築した地方議会会議録コーパスについて論ずる.同コーパスは,Web上で公開されている全国の地方議会会議録を対象として,「いつ」「どの会議で」「どの議員が」「何を発言したのか」などの各種情報を付与し,検索可能な形式で収録した.また,我々は会議録における発言を基に利用者と政治的に近い考えをもつ議員を判断して提示するシステムを最終的な目的としており,その開発に向けて,分析,評価用のデータ作成のために会議録中の議員の政治的課題に対する賛否とその積極性に関する注釈付けをコーパスの一部に対して行った.本稿では,注釈付けを行った結果についても報告する.
木村 泰三

筑波大学博士 (医学) 学位論文・平成23年8月31日授与 (甲第5916号)
木村 泰知 渋木 英潔 高丸 圭一 乙武 北斗 小林 哲郎 森 辰則
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.5, pp.580-593, 2011 (Released:2011-07-20)

This paper presents an automatic question generation method for a local councilor search system. Our purpose is to provide residents with information about local council activities in an easy-to-understand manner. Our designed system creates a decision tree with leaves that correspond to local councilors in order to clarify the differences in the activities of local councilors using local council minutes as the source. Moreover, our system generates questions for selecting the next branch at each condition in the decision tree. We confirmed experimentally that these questions are appropriate for the selection of branches in the decision tree.