本多 仁禮士
vol.2005, no.37, pp.33-45, 2004

Robert Burns is one of the most famous English poets since the Meiji era in Japan. The elementary school song &ldquo;Light of Firefly&rdquo; was written as a parody of Burns' &ldquo;Auld Lung Syne&rdquo;. Therefore, many Japanese have had an attachment to him. Since the Meiji era, many books have been written and published about this poet's works and his life.<BR>I studied who introduced Robert Burns and his works for the first time into Japan, and who familiarized his &ldquo;For a' That, and a' That&rdquo; to the then Japanese in which his true humanity was portrayed. Toshio Nanba, the leading Robert Burns scholar in Japan, contributed eight bibliographies on Robert Burns since 1958 to The <I>Bulletin of Japan Comparative Literature Association</I>. And eventually, he published the <I>Bibliography of Robert Burns in Japan</I> as a corpus of bibliographical work on Burns in 1977. Furthermore, in 1982 he wrote the article titled <I>Burns in the Meiji Era Influence</I>. He described that the first introduction of Robert Burns was made in Kanichi Hashizume's <I>Saigoku Risshihen Retsuden</I> Nanba also pointed out that one of the earliest introductions of &ldquo;<I>For a' That, and a' That</I>&rdquo; into Japan was in <I>The New Magazine Devoted to the Study of Language and Literature</I> issued in August, 1892.<BR>In this article here, I would like to bring to your attention, that the first introduction of Robert Burns was made in the <I>Saigoku Risshihen</I> translated by Masanao Nakamura in 1871. In this book, he introduced Robert Burns as the poet. Of course, Toshio Nanba had known this fact. Nevertheless, he claimed that the first introduction of Robert Burns was made in Kanichi Hashizume's <I>Saigoku Risshihen Retsuden</I> I also point out that another initial introduction of &ldquo;<I>For a' That, and a' That</I>&rdquo; was in the <I>Transcription of Lecture on English Literature</I> issued issued in April, 1892. Finally, I would like to point out a possibility. That is, some Japanese had heard &ldquo;<I>For a' That, and a' That</I>&rdquo; which was read at a party 'A NIGHT WI' BURNS' in Yokohama Settlement in 1864. It wasn't an event for the Japanese at that time, but a Japanese was presented as a juggler.
本多 仁禮士
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
vol.2006, no.38, pp.27-38, 2005 (Released:2009-09-16)

Saigoku-rissi-hen by Masanao Nakamura is one of the most famous translations of the Meiji era in Japan. Self-Help, the enlightening original, was written by Samuel Smiles. When Nakamura returned to Japan from England in 1868, he was given a copy of Self-Help by his British friend, H. Freeland. Self-Help was widely read in the 19th century in the West. At that time, Saigoku-rissi-hen and another example of an enlightment text, Gakumon-no-susume written by Yukichi Fukuzawa, were both million-seller books in the Meiji era in Japan.Comparing Saigoku-rissi-hen with the original Self-Help, we can observe many omissions and free translations. This is because Nakamura judged some contents unsuitable and others difficult to translate. This was an inevitable result of Japanese-to-English literary translation in Japan considering the basic level of cross-cultural and technical understanding prevalent at that time. From Saigoku-rissi-hen, we can understand Nakamura's painstaking efforts to achieve an accurate word-for-word translation.In his translation, Nakamura used many Japanese words for one English word; that is, his work shows a lack of unity in terms of translation. For example, he used two terms for “chemist” and three terms for “chemistry”. However, he never used “seimi (gaku)” which was a general term for “chemistry” in use at that time in Japan. Nakamura was originally a scholar of Chinese classics so he disliked the term “seimi (gaku)” which was a mere transliteration of the Dutch, “chemie”. As a scholar of Chinese classics, he probably wanted to set great value on the meaning of Kanji characters.In Saigoku-rissi-hen, we can find another example of a lack of unity. He used six terms for the word “school”. The modern school system started in 1872 in Japan and as a result Nakamura did not know what “school” was when he published his translation. He, therefore, used many different terms for “school” by exercising his imagination.Masanao Nakamura, one of the most famous Enlightment scholars in the Meiji era, tried ha ugh his translation of “chemistry” and “school”.
本多 仁禮士
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
vol.2005, no.37, pp.33-45, 2004 (Released:2010-05-07)

Robert Burns is one of the most famous English poets since the Meiji era in Japan. The elementary school song “Light of Firefly” was written as a parody of Burns' “Auld Lung Syne”. Therefore, many Japanese have had an attachment to him. Since the Meiji era, many books have been written and published about this poet's works and his life.I studied who introduced Robert Burns and his works for the first time into Japan, and who familiarized his “For a' That, and a' That” to the then Japanese in which his true humanity was portrayed. Toshio Nanba, the leading Robert Burns scholar in Japan, contributed eight bibliographies on Robert Burns since 1958 to The Bulletin of Japan Comparative Literature Association. And eventually, he published the Bibliography of Robert Burns in Japan as a corpus of bibliographical work on Burns in 1977. Furthermore, in 1982 he wrote the article titled Burns in the Meiji Era Influence. He described that the first introduction of Robert Burns was made in Kanichi Hashizume's Saigoku Risshihen Retsuden Nanba also pointed out that one of the earliest introductions of “For a' That, and a' That” into Japan was in The New Magazine Devoted to the Study of Language and Literature issued in August, 1892.In this article here, I would like to bring to your attention, that the first introduction of Robert Burns was made in the Saigoku Risshihen translated by Masanao Nakamura in 1871. In this book, he introduced Robert Burns as the poet. Of course, Toshio Nanba had known this fact. Nevertheless, he claimed that the first introduction of Robert Burns was made in Kanichi Hashizume's Saigoku Risshihen Retsuden I also point out that another initial introduction of “For a' That, and a' That” was in the Transcription of Lecture on English Literature issued issued in April, 1892. Finally, I would like to point out a possibility. That is, some Japanese had heard “For a' That, and a' That” which was read at a party 'A NIGHT WI' BURNS' in Yokohama Settlement in 1864. It wasn't an event for the Japanese at that time, but a Japanese was presented as a juggler.
一井 太郎 張 成年 望岡 典隆 酒井 光夫 吉村 拓 山田 陽巳 本多 仁

胃内容物の検討にはそのホスト生物の種判別も重要であることからDNAを用いた重要水産動物稚仔の種同定についても継続した。イカ類の種判別に基づいた研究成果を利用し、系群及びイカ類の資源変動やイカ類を利用する魚類資源の動態についての研究を行った。また、まぐろ類については新規核遺伝子マーカーを用いた系統類縁関係についても検討した.イカ類幼生、ウナギ類幼生及びイセエビ類幼生について胃内容物ゲノム解析を継続するとともに、結果の取り纏めを行った。イカ類(アカイカ)とウナギ類(ウナギ、ハモ、アナゴ)については真菌類と微細真核生物に一致するDNAが多く検出されるとともに、ホスト自体の変異型も多く検出されたが、餌生物由来と考えられるDNA分子は検出できなかった。イセエビ科(Palinuridae)、セミエビ科(Scyllaridae)幼生からも同様な生物群とホスト変異型が検出されたが、尾索動物や刺胞動物といったゼラチナスプランクトンのDNAが共通して検出され、これらが餌生物として利用されていることが示された。イセエビ(Panulius japonicus)の近縁種であるカノコイセエビ(Panulirus longipes bispinosus)と大西洋の種(Panulirus echinatus)は秋季に採集された標本であり、これらのゼラチナスプランクトンが検出されたが、春季に採集されたイセエビからはこれらの生物が検出されず、硬骨魚類のDNAが検出された。この違いが季節や海域、あるいは種によるものかどうかは今後の検討課題である。
大方 昭弘 伊藤 絹子 片山 知史 本多 仁 大森 迪夫 菅原 義雄

砂浜浅海域に生息するアミ類は、沿岸魚類の生活上不可欠の食物源であり、浅海域魚類群集の生産構造の中核的地位を占めている。しかし、水深3m以浅の砂質海岸の砕波帯に生息するアミ類の生物生産過程および沿岸物質循環系における機能については明らかではない。本研究は、仙台湾砂質海岸の波打ち際斜面に生活し、数量的にも多いアミ類Archeomysis kokuboiの示す物質経済の特異性を明らかにし、浅海域生物群集との機能的結合関係を見いだすことを目的に行われ、下記のような結果が得られた。1.砕波帯における水深5m以浅に出現するアミ類のほとんどはArchaeomysis属であり、特に水深3m以浅にはA. kokuboi、3m-5mにはA. grebnitzkiiが卓越し、5-15mの水域にはAcanthomysis属が多い。魚類の胃内容組成にも、このような水深によるアミ類の分布状態の違いが反映している。2.汀帯の砂質斜面に生息するA. kokuboiの高密度分布域は、潮汐とともに移動するが、汀帯下端部からの距離はほぼ一定である。アミが潜砂するこの高密度域の砂の中央粒径値は2.0-2.3の範囲にある。日中は汀帯砂中に潜砂するものが多く、夜間には汀帯の沖側、水深1-2m付近を群泳しながら鞭毛藻やCopepodaなどを摂食している。3.水温15℃、照度0-100luxの条件におけるA. kokuboiのアルテミアを食物とする日摂食率は、湿重量で24.8%、乾重量で39.7%であった。1日24時間の摂食量のうち夜間は74.9%、昼間は25.1%であった。4.摂取されたアルテミアのアミ体物質への転化効率は、15℃において他の温度条件におけるよりも大きく、体長別にみると、小型が24.6-44.2%、中型が15.4-36.4%、大型が8.9-13.8%であり、成長とともに低下する。放射性同位元素Cでラベルしたアルテミアの投与量とアミ体内残留量との比は、12時間後52%、24時間後38%であった。5. A. kokuboiは一生の間に少なくとも2回以上産卵する可能性があり、個体群としては年間6発生群以上であることが確認された。4-6月生まれの群は成熟が速く小型で産卵し、11-1月生まれの群は成長が遅く、春季に大型群となって産卵に参加する。このように、本種は周年にわたって砕波帯魚類群集の生産構造の中核種として重要な役割を果たしていることが明らかにされた。