藤田 禎規 岸 良示 中沢 潔 高木 明彦 長田 圭三 龍 祥之助 宮津 修 渡邉 義之 西尾 智 松田 央郎 石川 由香子 三宅 良彦 中村 雅 望月 孝俊
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.26, no.5, pp.737-743, 2006-09-25 (Released:2010-09-09)

症例は52歳, 女性.心室細動 (Vf) による心肺停止状態となり, 植込み型除細動器 (ICD) 植込み術を施行した.以後Vf発作は認めなかったが, 発作性心房細動 (Paf) によるICDの不適切作動を頻回に認めた.Pafは多剤無効でアミオダロンを使用したが, 甲状腺機能亢進症を生じたため継続不能となった.アミオダロン中止により, 再びPafによるICDの不適切作動を認めた.このため薬物コントロールは困難と考え, カテーテルアブレーションによる房室プロツク作成術および心房リードの追加を行いDDIRペーシングとした.その後はICDの不適切作動は認めなかったが, 7カ月後に失神発作を生じた.ICD記録では, 頻拍イベントは認めなかったが, 入院後の心電図モニターで失神前兆と一致して心停止を認めた.心房波は75bpmの自己調律で, ICDの心内心電図記録から, 心房波のオーバーセンシングによる心室ペーシング抑制と考えられた.
松田 央
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.47, no.1, pp.65-89, 2000-07
松田 央 Hiroshi MATSUDA
vol.54, no.2, pp.35-48, 2008-01

The author of the fourth Gospel is named John and understands Jesus Christ as the Logos. The Logos means the Word of God. John's Christology is called Christology of the Logos. Jesus is not so much a prophet who communicates to people the Word of God as the Word of God itself. Jesus, the Logos exists with God (Father) from the eternal beginning, and has the divine nature. Christian God is God of the Trinity who has three persons (personae), the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus, the Son and Logos was sent from the Father to the world, and born as a human being (John 1: 14, 18). This event is named the incarnation of the Logos. The glory of God approached more nearly to us through Jesus who was the incarnated Logos, and could move with Jesus' flesh. The existence of God became more familiar to people in the New Testament than in the Old Testament. We can be formed as the form of Christ and have the divine nature through Christ's person.
松田 央 Hiroshi MATSUDA
vol.51, no.2, pp.115-137, 2004-12-20

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), a German philosopher designates European Nihilism (der europaische Nihilismus) which is a radical character in the western occurrence, a spiritual movement in the long-range western history, according to Heideggerian interpretation. Nietzsche thinks that Christianity is the origin of European Nihilism and it created European moral values. The Christian morality was the highest value to the European traditional culture. However according to Nietzsche's view, the aim of the Christian morality, namely kingdom of God is not yet achieved and the European morality is never improved. Accordingly there appeared atheism that denies God's existence. Nietzsche talks of 'God's death' in "The Joyful Knowledge (Die frohliche Wissenschaft)", the number 125. Nietzsche denied the Christian God and developed Perspectivism, named the eternal recurrence to endure European Nihilism. He tried to conquer himself and experience the eternal joy which was the affirmation of his life. Moreover he created a new god, named the superman (Ubermensch) which is the subject of the conquest of the self, and proclaimed 'the God's death' to revive truly human beings. However we must notice that Nietzsche's thought of the superman has its source in Christian God-man thought.
長田 圭三 三宅 良彦 中沢 潔 松田 央郎 藤田 禎規 西尾 智 龍 祥之助 高木 明彦 岸 良示 原田 智雄
Japan Heart Foundation
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.38, no.3, pp.17, 2006

症例は47歳,女性.2002年より動悸症状あり,心電図で心房拍動(AF)を認めたため当院紹介受診.頻回に発作繰り返すため,pilsicainide 150mg/3× 処方.投与開始後約1週で歩行中突然の胸部圧迫感を生じ,失神・転倒し頭部打撲.当院救急搬送となった.来院時心電図上洞調律,QT延長なし.経過観察となった.以後動悸・失神は認めなかったが,2005年4月末より動悸あり,5月受診時3:1~2:1の心房粗動(AFL)を認めた.失神,<BR>AFL精査加療のため心臓電気生理学検査施行.AFL持続,頻回刺激で停止しないためpilsicainideを投与. 粗動周期延長をきたし1:1AFLに移行,その後VTに移行し血圧低下したためDCを要した.VTはPESで再現性を持って誘発,burstで停止可能.VPS3連刺激でVF誘発された.<BR>Pilsicainide投与により2種類の致死性不整脈の顕性化を認めた失神症例を経験したので報告する.
松田 央
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.59, no.1, pp.79-93, 2012-06

To talk of God means to talk of experience of God. Only those who have experience God can bear witness to God. Theologians themselves must deepen their experiences of God in everyday life. And it is necessary to construct a universal methodology so that more people may have experiences of God. I will suggest a methodology based on Christian Zen in this treatise. However, is it right to introduce the thought of Zen into Chistianity at all? Does not such a new attempt turn into a sort of syncretism? First of all, this issue should be discussed. Daisetsu Suzuki, a Japanese student of Zen, has already discussed this issue. I think that Christian Zen is not a syncretism but a new Christianity which contains both orthodox Chistology and a training of mind based on the tradition of Zen. But it is very difficult to convey the essence of Zen to ordinary people. The words of Zen transcend common logic. So I will introduce the thought of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Zen priest born in Vietnam. He also has a deep insight into Christianity. His keyword for thought is "mindfulness". Mindfulness means a deep awareness and a sort of energy which throws a light on all existences and acts. According to Hanh's view, Zen training aims to make the energy of mindfulness penetrate into each act in everyday life. He also suggests that the spirit of mindfulness and the Holy Spirit of Christianity are almost the same. The Holy Spirit is an invisible divine power or energy that emanates from God. The Holy Spirit is also a person(persona)of God. We can find a point of contact between Chritianity and Zen by thinking about the relation between the Holy Spirit and the spirit of mindfulness.