大戸 安弘 梅村 佳代 川村 肇 木村 政伸 天野 晴子 八鍬 友広

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梅村 佳代
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.52, no.1, pp.157-169, 2003-10-31

In the early Edo period, Nara had 6,000 families, a population of 35,000 and 3,000 houses. Minami Handa Nishi area in Nara was a small town, and it's population decreased from 130 to 70 in the Edo period. It's time of grand prosperity was in Genroku ages, and it gradually decreased in the number of houses and families. Minami Handa Nishi area had many religious sects, the most common religious sect was the Jhodo Sect. The second most common religious sect was the Jhodo-Shinsyu Sect. The third most common sect was the Yuuzuunenbutsu Sect. Other sects included the Shingon Sect, the Hokke Sect and the Tendai Sect. The Jhodo Sect had about 70 percent of the believers in this area, and the Jhodo-Shinsyu Sect had about 20 percent of the believers. In Nara, the number of families in each household increased. This happend because the Edo nation increased the amount of tax that each household was responsible for. Some people in the Minami Handa Nishi area were rich and controlled all other people. The names of their businesses were "Yoshinoya" and "Yamatoya " etc. In Edo period, Nara had many small familial organizations, and many nuclear families. The majority style of families was parents and one or two children. It had many families with no children. For example, the name of "Yoshinoya" had 15~20 family menbers and kept 4~5 employees about the middle Edo period, but each family of the "Yoshinoya" household had from 4~5 members.