森田 慎一郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.197-204, 2004-03-10

Recently, it has been claimed that Japanese style management needs to be reconstructed. In this article, in order to examine what part of Japanese style management ought to be reconstructed, the writer reviews researches on Japanese business employees'job satisfaction and attempts to reveal the structure of their working mind. Findings indicate that Japanese business employees'working mind consists of not only job satisfaction but also satisfaction in company. It is also indicated that Japanese business employees'voluntary individual turnover is more influenced by satisfaction in company than job satisfaction. The writer further proposes that future Japanese style management should attach greater importance to enhancing business employees'job satisfaction.
森田 慎一 杉谷 想一 小林 由夏 原 弥子 野中 雅也 藤原 真一 堀 高史朗 飯利 孝雄
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.104, no.4, pp.573-578, 2007 (Released:2007-04-05)

高橋 美保 森田 慎一郎 石津 和子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.2, pp.100-107, 2012 (Released:2012-11-20)
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This study investigated the images that people have of the unemployed. In Study 1, general images of the unemployed were ascertained through qualitative and quantitative research. Various images, both positive and negative, were found for the unemployed in general. In Study 2, a scale to measure the level of stigma associated with the unemployed was created based on the images from Study 1. The results yielded four sub-scales for stigma associated with the unemployed. University students seemed to show more stigma for the unemployed on some sub-scales than typical adults did. Working experiences, such as an internship or a part-time job during student life, would promote the reduction of the stigma associated with the unemployed.
森田 慎一郎
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.31, no.2, pp.155-166, 2018

This study compares regular and involuntary non-regular workers who hold white-collar jobsregarding the relation between their job satisfaction and mental health. In determining job satisfaction,particular attention was given to the support provided by supervisors and co-workers. Data werecollected from 441 regular workers and 311 involuntary non-regular workers using a web-basedquestionnaire survey and then analyzed.First, five subscales regarding job satisfaction were created using factor analysis: specifically, theindividual contributions and activities, supervisors' active listening attitude, amount of discretionallowed in their jobs, evaluation by others and treatment, and supervisors' capabilities and ability tomanage. In addition, a scale for the number of supportive coworkers and an index for determining mentalhealth conditions were created.A t-test showed that compared to involuntary non-regular workers, regular workers had highersatisfaction regarding individual contributions and activities, the amount of discretion allowed in theirjobs, and evaluation by others and treatment. However, they had lower satisfaction regarding thesupervisors' active listening attitude. Following this, using running multiple regression analysis, it wasfound that the mental health condition of regular workers was impacted by age and the extent to whichthey were satisfied with their supervisors' active listening attitude. For the involuntary non-regularworkers, this impact came from the amount of satisfaction associated with individual contributions andactivities, the supervisors' active listening attitude, as well as the number of supportive co-workers andage. Thus, these findings indicate that the supervisors' positive and active listening attitude towards theirsubordinates who approach them for consultation is an ideal way to counter negative mental healthconditions for both regular and involuntary non-regular workers.
森田 慎一 迫田 正和 吉原 勝利
鹿児島県森林技術総合センター研究報告 (ISSN:1883017X)
no.16, pp.11-14, 2013-03

奄美は,イエシロアリなど,家屋に甚大な被害を及ぼす恐れがあるシロアリの活動が盛んな地域である。筆者らは鹿児島県日置市吹上と奄美市笠利町との2か所において野外杭打ち試験を実施し,同じ処理でも奄美市の試験地での被害が大きいことを確認している(図師ほか 2010)。一方,奄美地域は世界自然遺産の登録候補地として,貴重な動植物や自然環境の保護・保全が重要な課題となっている地域でもあることから,木材の保存処理にあたっては環境への負荷ができるだけ少ない方法が望まれる。そこで,銅などの金属塩を含まず,急性,慢性の毒性も低いとされている(角田 1999a)ホウ素系薬剤を用いた処理を検討した。ホウ素系薬剤としては,ホウ酸,ホウ砂,八ホウ酸二ナトリウム四水塩(以下 DOT)があり,製材の日本農林規格(農林水産省 2007)等では「ほう素化合物系」として,「ほう砂・ほう酸混合物又は八ほう酸ナトリウム製剤」として掲載されている。「ほう素化合物系Iの薬剤は性能区分K1にのみ記載されており,室内での防虫効果のみを期待される位置づけに過ぎない。これらとは別に,木材の難燃化剤のひとつとしてホウ素系の薬剤が用いられており(日本木材保存協会 2012),シロアリの防除効果を同時に調っているものもある。リュウキュウマツの建材利用の一環としてシロアリ防除処理は不可欠と考えられることから,今回,県内企業で注入処理ができるDOTとホウ素系難燃化剤(以下FR)による注入処理を行った試験体を用いて,シロアリ食害に対する抵抗性を試験した。
森田 慎一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.6, pp.534-539, 2006-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between intention to serve the same company for long years and job satisfaction in Japanese workers. Four hundred eighteen Japanese workers completed a questionnaire to assess intention to serve for long years and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction was measured by two scales. One scale was consisted of the items which were deviced in the preliminary study concerning satisfaction with the company, and the other was consisted of the items based on the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. A factor analysis on the former scale yielded four factors: fosterage by company, order in company, company's name recognition, and expansibility of company. A factor analysis on the latter yielded four factors: contribution and activity, recognition and benefits, supervision, and discretion on job. The multiple regression analysis showed that “expansibility of company” was the most important predictor of intention to serve for long years.
高橋 美保 森田 慎一郎 石津 和子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.335-343, 2015-03-31

Though much research has been conducted regarding stress or mental health problems from the job hunting activities of university students, few studies have focused on its positive effects on their later lives. In this study, the long-term effects of the job hunting activities of university students on their beliefs about failure and life-career resilience were investigated. Data was gathered through internet research from the university students in their third or fourth year. Of the students studied, 200 were currently engaged in job hunting activities, 69 were already finished with their job hunting activities and 131 were the students were not concerned about job hunting activities at that time. Variance analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted using all factors, including the experience of failure, the experience of overcoming failure, 4 factors of beliefs about failure and 5 factors of life-career resilience. The results showed the possibility that job hunting activities generate resilience of continuous coping and reality acceptance which are both negatively related to anxiety and depression in students who have finished the job hunting. This result suggests that the resilience derived from job hunting has a positive effect on later mental health.
森田 慎一郎
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.17, no.3, pp.252-262, 2006-12

稲葉 英男 森田 慎一
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.61, no.585, pp.1841-1848, 1995-05-25

This work deals with physical properties of a fine capsulated latent heat storage material-water mixture. The fine capsulated material consists of pentadecane (C_<15>H_<32>, melting point of 283.1 K) as the core latent heat storage material and melamine resin as the coating material. The measured results of the physical properties of the test mixture, i. e. , density, latent heat and viscosity, were analyzed for the temperature region of solid and liquid phases of the core latent heat storage material (pentadecane). It was clarified that the additional properties law could be applied to the estimation of density and latent heat of the fine capsulated latent heat storage material. Moreover it was found that the viscosity of the test mixture increased with an increase in concentration of the fine capsulated latent heat storage material. Useful correlation equations of viscosity for the fine capsulated latent heat storage material-water mixture were derived in terms of temperature and concentration.顕熱に潜熱を上乗せすることによる多量の熱搬送が可能な微細潜熱蓄熱材を分散した混合水は、従来の低温水(顕熱)に代わる有効な熱搬送媒体の一つと考えられる水中に微細潜熱蓄熱体を分散混合する方法としては、エマルション化する方法および微細カプセル化混合する方法などが考えられる。エマルション化は、界面活性剤を用いた潜熱体の微細化そして安定分散化により均質混合水を容易に得ることが可能である。しかし、界面活性剤を用いるために高粘性の混合水となり、管内搬送時の圧力損失が大きくなる欠点を有する。固-液潜熱物質を微細カプセル化し、水と分散混合する方法は、均質な混合水をえるためにカプセル化潜熱物質を十分に微細化する必要がある。この微細カプセル化潜熱物質を分散した混合水は、連続相を水のみとすることができるために、圧力損失の増大を抑えることが可能である。この種の潜熱蓄熱材料は、水中にカプセル化された微細な潜熱体が分散している複雑な系を有することから、その物性の測定方法の検討などで困難な問題を伴い、その結果基礎データとしての物性値の評価が十分になされていない現状にある。本研究は、ペンタデカン(C15H32,凝固点Tfp=283.1K)を芯物質としメラミン樹脂をカプセル被覆とする微細カプセル化潜熱物質を水と混合した潜熱蓄熱材料の基礎データとしての密度、潜熱および粘性の測定結果を示すものである。微細なカプセル化潜熱物質混合水の密度および潜熱量の測定は、試料の温度制御が比較的安易な体積計法および示差走査熱量法により行われた。吉田は、直径100μm程度の多核カプセル化潜熱物質混合水の粘性測定を回転粘度計を用いて行い、非ニュートン挙動が示されることを明らかにすると共にべき乗則モデルによる近似を行っている。この種の混合水の粘性は、一般に非ニュートン挙動を示すことが知られている。本研究にいける粘性測定は、せん断速度を変化可能な回転粘度計を用いて行われた。物性値測定は、芯物質の固-液相変化を伴う温度範囲(T=273.1~298.1K)、そして微細カプセル化潜熱物質の質量割合Cca=10.2~40.8mass%の範囲において行われた。物性値測定の結果は、この種の潜熱蓄冷材料を用いた蓄冷システムの伝熱および流動特性予測に役立つ基礎資料を提供するものと思われる。
森田 慎一郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.45, pp.179-188, 2006-03-10

Today, it is essential to help the students who intend to become professionals, because the ratio of those students is supposed to increase in the future. The purpose of this paper is to provide useful knowledge for promoting those students'career development. First, previous psychological studies regarding the vocational decision in the students intending to become professionals were reviewed. As a result, it became clear that (a) the level of vocational decision in those students is higher than that in the other students, that (b) the level of vocational decision in those students has relation to 'job orientation'in them, and that (c) the scale to assess orientation toward a profession (Profession Orientation Scale) has not been developed. Second, according to (c) , previous sociological studies regarding the definition of a profession were reviewed in order to construct the concept of 'profession'that could become a framework of Profession Orientation Scale. As a result, it was found that the concept of 'profession'was constructed by five features ; altruism, autonomy, human relationships in professional community, qualification, and skill upgrading training.