松林 達史 清武 寛 幸島 匡宏 戸田 浩之 田中 悠介 六藤 雄一 塩原 寿子 宮本 勝 清水 仁 大塚 琢馬 岩田 具治 澤田 宏 納谷 太 上田 修功
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.34, no.5, pp.wd-F_1-11, 2019-09-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

Forming security plans for crowd navigation is essential to ensure safety management at large-scale events. The Multi Agent Simulator (MAS) is widely used for preparing security plans that will guide responses to sudden and unexpected accidents at large events. For forming security plans, it is necessary that we simulate crowd behaviors which reflects the real world situations. However, the crowd behavior situations require the OD information (departure time, place of Origin, and Destination) of each agent. Moreover, from the viewpoint of protection of personal information, it is difficult to observe the whole trajectories of all pedestrians around the event area. Therefore, the OD information should be estimated from the several observed data which is counted the number of passed people at the fixed points.In this paper, we propose a new method for estimating the OD information which has following two features. Firstly, by using Bayesian optimization (BO) which is widely used to find optimal hyper parameters in the machine learning fields, the OD information are estimated efficiently. Secondly, by dividing the time window and considering the time delay due to observation points that are separated, we propose a more accurate objective function.We experiment the proposed method to the projection-mapping event (YOYOGI CANDLE 2020), and evaluate the reproduction of the people flow on MAS. We also show an example of the processing for making a guidance plan to reduce crowd congestion by using MAS.
武 寛 伴場 主一 大原 美奈子 林田 晃寛 廣瀬 英軌 廣畑 敦 山本 桂三 吉田 清 大江 透
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.47, no.SUPPL.1, pp.S1_105, 2015 (Released:2016-12-14)

軽度の漏斗胸を認める16歳男性. 高校入学時よりボクシング部に入部. 練習で初めて胸部にパンチを受けた際に失神. AEDで心室細動を認め, 電気的除細動を施行. 神経学的後遺症なく回復し, 精査のため当院紹介. 12誘導心電図では, 高位助間で不完全右脚ブロックを認めるも, サンリズム負荷は陰性, 加算平均心電図も陰性であった. 心エコーでは, 左室収縮能は良好で, 冠動脈CTでも異常は認めなかった. 心臓MRIでは器質的心疾患はなく, 遅延造影も陰性であった. 電気生理学的検査で, 右室心尖部, 右室流出路からの3連期外刺激を行うも心室細動は誘発されず. 漏斗胸のためCT上, 胸骨後面は右室前面に接しており, 胸部へのパンチが心臓振盪を引き起こしたと考えられた. 心臓振盪を再現するために, 心室単回期外刺激をR on Tとなるタイミングで行ったが, 最大3連発の心室期外収縮を認めるのみであった. ボクシングの練習中に心臓振盪を起こした漏斗胸の1例を経験したので報告する.
秋武 寛 安部 惠子 三村 寛一
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2016, no.70, pp.17-26, 2016 (Released:2016-10-14)

Children need a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day, a standard proposed by various national guidelines. To our knowledge, however, it is unclear whether there is any positive association between motor ability and vigorous intensity time in preschool children. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the relationship between motor ability and step counts or vigorous physical activity time in preschool children (n=754, 383 boys and 371 girls). We measured the subjects' motor ability while performing 6 activities. The performance in each activity was rated on a 5-point scale (5-1), as suggested by Japanese previous study. Daily physical activity was assessed using accelerometers (Lifecorder EX, Suzuken, Japan) throughout the day for 7 consecutive days. LC intensity assessed LC1-6 (lower intensity than runnning) and LC7-9 (higher intensity than running). LC7-9 time (min/day) was from 23.4±8.3 to 24.4±8.2 in boys and from 18.0±5.2 to 18.9±7.8 in girls on weekdays and from 15.5±9.1 to 17.0±10.7 in boys and from 15.2±8.3 to 15.5±9.4 in girls on weekends, respectively. The total fitness scores were weakly but significantly positively correlated with step counts in both sexes and LC7-9 time in girls. Until B rank in the total fitness scores, step counts (step/day) needed 14685.4 boys and 12419.0 girls on weekdays, and 11384.4 boys and 10398.0 girls on weekends, respectively. LC7-9 needed 24.1 boys and 18.5 girls on weekdays, and 21.4 boys and 17.1 on weekends at least, respectively. Our findings were suggested daily step counts and LC7-9 time to improve motor ability in preschool children.
秋武 寛 安部 惠子 三村 寛一
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2016, no.70, pp.1-10, 2016 (Released:2016-10-14)

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between footprint, motor ability, and obesity with aging in 4- to 12-year-old children (n=3944, 1957 boys and 1987 girls). We measured the footprint using Pedoscope, and measured the subjects' motor ability while performing 25m sprint, broad jump, and ball throw. The footprint was classified into normal feet and flat feet. Sprint and broad jump ability with non-normal foot girls were significantly lower than those for the normal foot after the age of 7. Obesity with non-normal foot types was significantly higher than obesity with normal feet after the age of 10 boys. Sprint ability with non-obesity boys were significantly higher than obesity after the age of 10, jump ability with non-obesity was significantly higher than obesity after the age of 8, and throw ability with non-obesity boys were significantly higher than obesity after the age of 10. Sprint ability with non-obesity girls were significantly higher than obesity after the age of 7, jump ability with non-obesity was significantly higher than obesity after the age of 8, 11, and 12. Sprint ability with non-obesity of normal feet were significantly higher than obesity of normal feet from 10- to 12-year-old boys and the age of 12 girls, obesity of flat feet the age of 12 boys and the age of 9 and 10 girls. Broad jump with non-obesity of normal feet were significantly higher than obesity of normal feet the age of 11-12 boys and 12 girls, obesity of flat feet the age of 12 boys and 10 girls, non-obesity of flat feet the age of 12 girls. In conclusions, in terms of footprint, motor ability, and obesity in children, it was suggested that it was important occasion to change after 9 years old.
清武 寛 幸島 匡宏 松林 達史 戸田 浩之
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

一般道での交通渋滞やテーマパークにおける長い待ち時間など,いわゆる混雑が問題視されている. それ故,交通円滑化や待ち時間削減のために,信号制御や入場制限などの制御による対策が行われている. 一般的に,制御策の検討にはマルチエージェントシミュレータ(MAS)が用いられるが,主に経験則に基づいた制御策による試行が行われている. 本論文では,自動的に最適な制御策を探索する手法を提案する.
三村 寛一 秋武 寛 谷口 恵理 織田 修輔 宮本 利夫 梶 綾子 田中 哲也
大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.61, no.1, pp.253-262, 2012-09

本研究は,K市における一般人,指導者,中学生を対象に,熱中症に対する知識・理解の実態を把握することと今後の熱中症対策の方向性について検討することを目的とし,アンケート調査を実施した。その結果,指導者は一般人と中学生に比べて熱中症に対する知識が豊富であった。また,昨年に引き続き8割以上の指導者が生徒に熱中症予防の指導を行っているにも関わらず,生徒に上手く知識が伝わっていないことが明らかになった。以上の結果より,今後の熱中症予防の対策の方向性として一般人,中学生に対する啓発活動に加えて,熱中症予防に対する具体的な指導の必要性が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to investigate the cause of heat stroke and learned to take precautions against heat stroke for general public, instructors and students in K city. As the report showed, instructors had got adequate knowledge over heat stroke compared with general public and students. However, it was obvious that although more than 80 percent of instructors made preventive heat stroke lessons for students during the past year, the most of them got a poor awareness of the knowledge of heat stroke. In conclusion, it reflected that it was necessary to make general public and students understand concrete heatstroke prevention, and formally added it to the education activities , so as to establish the directivity of the heatstroke prevention measures in the future.