三村 寛一 清水 一二三 吉田 智美 塩野 祐也 檀上 弘晃 上田 真也
大阪教育大学紀要. IV, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.54, no.2, pp.45-52, 2006-02-28

伊達 萬里子 伊達 幸博 永戸 久美 樫塚 正一 五藤 佳奈 北島 見江 田嶋 恭江 三村 寛一
武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.55, pp.133-140, 2007

Titanium and Germanium used by athletes are said to alleviate pain and relax muscles.In a precedent study,Titanium seals are said to improve athlete's fundamental motor ability.In a previous study,titanium seals were placed on university rhythmic gymnasts to ascertain psychologicaland physical effects. Improvements in parameters such as fundamental motor ability wereseen in athletes who highly valued the use of titanium seals but no changes were seen in athleteswho gave the seals a low evaluation.The former group had experienced alleviation of pain and freer and easier movement through theuse of titanium seals and the information functioned as a suggestive effect.In pharmacological studies,the placebo effect must be taken into account when assessing drug efficacyto gain objectivity and scientific reliability. Psychosomatic interactions affect cognitive assessmentin the cerebral cortex influence various biological functions,resulting in different biological reactions.In the field of sport science,cognitive assessment of the placebo effect is believed to be relatedto psychological factors based on personalities and traits.In the present study,titanium,germanium and dummy were applied in the same shape and mannerto assess the placebo effect on university students and investigate individual differences in cognitiveassessment.
中谷 敏昭 灘本 雅一 三村 寛一 伊藤 稔
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.47, no.5, pp.451-461, 2002-09-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
32 46

本研究では,60歳以上の健康な日本人高齢男女の下肢筋力をフィールド場面で簡便に評価できるテストとしてCS-30テストの信頼性と妥当性およびその加齢変化を検討するとともに,性別年齢階級別評価表を作成することを目的とした. 1)CS-30テストの信頼性(再現性)は男性がγ=0.84,女性がγ=0.88と高い相関関係を示した. 2)CS-30テスト成績と膝伸展力との間に男性はγ=0.44,女性はγ=0.52の有意な相関関係が認められた. 3)CS-30テストの成績は加齢にともなって有意に低下する傾向を示した.その成績は男女ともに60-64歳群が最も高値を示し,70歳以降その値は有意に低下した. 4)各年齢群ともに男性の方が女性よりやや高い値を示したが,男女差は認められなかった. 5)5歳毎の各年齢群におけるCS-30テストの成績は,男女ともに正規分布することが認められた.以上のことから,本研究のCS-30テストは健康な日本人高齢者を対象とした下肢筋力をフィールドで簡便に評価するテストとしては有効であると考えられる.
伊達 萬里子 伊達 幸博 永戸 久美 樫塚 正一 五藤 佳奈 北島 見江 田嶋 恭江 三村 寛一 Mariko DATE Yukihiro Date Kumi Nagato Shoichi Kashizuka Kana GOTOU Mie Kitajima Yasue Tajima Kanichi Mimura
武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.55, pp.133-140, 2008-03-31

Titanium and Germanium used by athletes are said to alleviate pain and relax muscles. In a precedent study,Titanium seals are said to improve athlete’s fundamental motor ability. In a previous study,titanium seals were placed on university rhythmic gymnasts to ascertain psychological and physical effects. Improvements in parameters such as fundamental motor ability were seen in athletes who highly valued the use of titanium seals but no changes were seen in athletes who gave the seals a low evaluation. The former group had experienced alleviation of pain and freer and easier movement through the use of titanium seals and the information functioned as a suggestive effect. In pharmacological studies,the placebo effect must be taken into account when assessing drug efficacy to gain objectivity and scientific reliability. Psychosomatic interactions affect cognitive assessment in the cerebral cortex influence various biological functions,resulting in different biological reactions. In the field of sport science,cognitive assessment of the placebo effect is believed to be related to psychological factors based on personalities and traits. In the present study,titanium,germanium and dummy were applied in the same shape and manner to assess the placebo effect on university students and investigate individual differences in cognitive assessment.
秋武 寛 安部 惠子 三村 寛一
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2016, no.70, pp.17-26, 2016 (Released:2016-10-14)

Children need a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day, a standard proposed by various national guidelines. To our knowledge, however, it is unclear whether there is any positive association between motor ability and vigorous intensity time in preschool children. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the relationship between motor ability and step counts or vigorous physical activity time in preschool children (n=754, 383 boys and 371 girls). We measured the subjects' motor ability while performing 6 activities. The performance in each activity was rated on a 5-point scale (5-1), as suggested by Japanese previous study. Daily physical activity was assessed using accelerometers (Lifecorder EX, Suzuken, Japan) throughout the day for 7 consecutive days. LC intensity assessed LC1-6 (lower intensity than runnning) and LC7-9 (higher intensity than running). LC7-9 time (min/day) was from 23.4±8.3 to 24.4±8.2 in boys and from 18.0±5.2 to 18.9±7.8 in girls on weekdays and from 15.5±9.1 to 17.0±10.7 in boys and from 15.2±8.3 to 15.5±9.4 in girls on weekends, respectively. The total fitness scores were weakly but significantly positively correlated with step counts in both sexes and LC7-9 time in girls. Until B rank in the total fitness scores, step counts (step/day) needed 14685.4 boys and 12419.0 girls on weekdays, and 11384.4 boys and 10398.0 girls on weekends, respectively. LC7-9 needed 24.1 boys and 18.5 girls on weekdays, and 21.4 boys and 17.1 on weekends at least, respectively. Our findings were suggested daily step counts and LC7-9 time to improve motor ability in preschool children.
伊達 萬里子 樫塚 正一 田嶋 恭江 田中 美紀 三村 寛一
武庫川女子大学紀要 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.51, pp.29-37, 2003

Athletes strive to achieve peak performance in competition. They work to become more competitive through training and various means in their daily lives. Hard training, however, may negatively affect their physical condition. For example, at present, setbacks and injuries occur easily, and athletes must work hard to make a quick recovery. Recently many athletes are making an effort to incorporate physical means in order to improve, even by a little, their physical conditioning. The conventional approach was to reduce pain and return their original conditioning. Recently, however, the incorporation of such physical means for the purpose of improving athletic performance has become mainstream. Examples of physical means include items used by laymen as health products in addition to minerals such as titanium, tourmaline, and germanium. Germanium has the effect of increasing our natural ability to heal ourselves. Titanium in particular is considered capable of strengthening not only one's ability to heal but also athletic performance. Titanium alloys are employed in various fields, and in competitive sports, titanium carbonate is widely used as a means to improve athletic performance and reduce pain. Titanium carbonate is said to adjust biological current within the body and produce a relaxing effect. It also improves circulation, and as a result, it stimulates metabolism and is said to eliminate fatigue. Sports athletes in our university did not experience any effects upon use, and thus the effects of titanium carbonate are questionable. Accordingly, the present research examines the psychological and physical effects of titanium. First, does it improve athletic performance? Secondly, titanium's reliability and its relation to athletic performance are made clear. Our results demonstrate that in the highly reliable group titanium was received favorably and contributed to improving athletic performance.
三村 寛一 壇上 弘晃 塩野 祐也 上田 真也 姫野 國廣 三村 達也 安部 惠子
大阪教育大学紀要 第4部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.57, no.2, pp.171-179, 2009-02

本研究は小学校5から6学年の児童78名を対象に,ライフコーダ,IT機器を用いて,1日の活動量を測定分析した後,活動量の少ない児童男女25名を対象に,半監視型運動指導を1ヶ月間実施した結果,11日の活動量は,活発な児童が非活発な児童より,また男児が女児より高い値を示した。2一週間の活動量は,男女ともに,月曜日から水,木曜日にかけて値が低くなり,金曜日で再び値が高くなる傾向が認められた。31ヶ月間の半監視型運動指導により,休息時間のLC運動強度は5つのパターンに分類することができ,1ヶ月間では,3つのパターンに分類することができた。以上の結果から,ライフコーダを用いた運動指導は身体活動量の向上に有効であることが示唆された。This research selected the upper-classes child with few active masses out of an athletic ability test result and action observation of a teacher, and aimed at examining whether half-surveillance type movement instruction which used life coda and IT apparatus is effective in the improvement in the amount of body activities. As a result, when change of the exercise intensity on the 1st in school life was seen by un-active juvenile S.A and active juvenile Y.U, compared with the active child, not contributing to the increase in quantity of motion and the number of steps was suggested, and other children also had same.Then, aiming at the quantity of motion of an unactive child, and the increase in the number of steps, half-surveillance type movement instruction which used IT apparatus was performed. As a result of returning a comment to a teacher from data the previous day, it played to the courtyard at the morning 20-minute recess which was indoors on the previous day, and contributing to the increase in an active mass was suggested. When the un-active quantity of motion for one week of juvenile S.A and the number of steps were seen based on the data on the 1st, the high value was shown on Health Sports Day. Moreover, it was a tendency which shows a high value in a day of the week with gymnastics and club activities, and the recess sum total LC exercise intensity on which it focused was applied to Friday, and was an upward tendency. As a result of analyzing the recess sum total LC exercise intensity of other un-active children, it could classify into five patterns and was able to classify into three patterns about one month. From the above result, it was suggested that movement instruction which utilized life coda and IT apparatus is effective in improvement in the amount of body activities.
鉄口 宗弘 東 庸介 三村 寛一
大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.60, no.2, pp.59-68, 2012-02

三村 寛一 / 野中 耕次 / 安部 惠子
大阪経大論集 (ISSN:04747909)
vol.58, no.2, pp.9-20, 2007-07-16

東 庸介 鉄口 宗弘 難波 康太 三村 寛一 渡邊 俊之
大阪教育大学紀要 第4部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.59, no.2, pp.175-185, 2011-02

本研究は,大学野球選手を対象に,体幹機能が投球動作にどのような影響を及ぼしているのか検討することを目的とした。その結果,遠投上位群は,身長,体重,胸囲,体組成項目全ての筋肉量,メディシンボール投げ,背筋力において有意に高い値を示し,腹筋・背筋バランス上位群は,コントロールにおいて下位群よりも有意に高い値を示した。 以上より,優れた投球動作には下肢で生まれた力を上肢に伝達するための体幹の動きが重要であることが示唆され,強く速いボールを投げるためには腹筋・背筋の筋力が重要となるが,正確なボールを投げるためには,腹筋と背筋をバランス良く鍛えることが重要であると示唆された。
秋武 寛 安部 惠子 三村 寛一
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2016, no.70, pp.1-10, 2016 (Released:2016-10-14)

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between footprint, motor ability, and obesity with aging in 4- to 12-year-old children (n=3944, 1957 boys and 1987 girls). We measured the footprint using Pedoscope, and measured the subjects' motor ability while performing 25m sprint, broad jump, and ball throw. The footprint was classified into normal feet and flat feet. Sprint and broad jump ability with non-normal foot girls were significantly lower than those for the normal foot after the age of 7. Obesity with non-normal foot types was significantly higher than obesity with normal feet after the age of 10 boys. Sprint ability with non-obesity boys were significantly higher than obesity after the age of 10, jump ability with non-obesity was significantly higher than obesity after the age of 8, and throw ability with non-obesity boys were significantly higher than obesity after the age of 10. Sprint ability with non-obesity girls were significantly higher than obesity after the age of 7, jump ability with non-obesity was significantly higher than obesity after the age of 8, 11, and 12. Sprint ability with non-obesity of normal feet were significantly higher than obesity of normal feet from 10- to 12-year-old boys and the age of 12 girls, obesity of flat feet the age of 12 boys and the age of 9 and 10 girls. Broad jump with non-obesity of normal feet were significantly higher than obesity of normal feet the age of 11-12 boys and 12 girls, obesity of flat feet the age of 12 boys and 10 girls, non-obesity of flat feet the age of 12 girls. In conclusions, in terms of footprint, motor ability, and obesity in children, it was suggested that it was important occasion to change after 9 years old.
中村 浩也 内藤 誠二 平岡 義光 三村 寛一
大阪教育大学紀要. IV, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.54, no.1, pp.23-32, 2005-09-30

本研究では,全日本実業団選手権大会で優勝経験のある9人制バレーボール選手の主カメンバー14名を対象に,その体力的特徴を明らかにするとともに,プレシーズン期におけるレジスタンストレーニングの効果について検討した結果,以下の知見が得られた。1) 9人制バレーボール選手は,ポジションによって,形態および無酸素パワー,敏捷性が異なることが示唆された。2) 高負荷のレジスタンストレーニングにより,最大筋力が有意に向上した。3) スピードを重視した体幹筋のレジスタンストレーニングにより,腹筋群の筋持久力が有意に改善した。以上の結果から,7月の本格的なシーズンを前に,期分けを考慮した、レジスタンストレーニングプログラムの必要性が認められた。今後は本格的なシーズンの開幕に向けて,スピードを重視した爆発的なパワー系トレーニングと全身のコンディショニングが課題と考えられる。
重松 良祐 田中 喜代次 大島 秀武 三村 寛一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.179-187, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
5 1

This study was conducted to determine the effect of exercise training in water (water exercise) in sedentary obese women. Twenty-three women, aged 23-58 years (mean±SD 41.7±11.7), partici pated in this study. Any volunteer with diagnosed disease or taking prescribed medication that might influence the outcome of this study was excluded from participation. The women were allocated either to the exercise group (n =15, weight =65.2±12.3 kg, %body fat=39.2±7.0%) or the control group (n = 8, 62.4±8.3 kg, 34.0±2.4%), respectively. The exercise program consisted of dynamic movements for 60 minutes per session, three days per week for 16 weeks. The exercise intensity was set at approximately 65% of the age-related maximal heart rate. The attendance rate on the program was 89.2±3.0%. The body mass and %body fat of the exercise group decreased significantly by 4.7±1.9 kg (P<0.05) and 3.6±2.4% (P<0.01), respectively, compared with the preexercise values. Significant improvements in their aerobic capacity, trunk flexibility and vertical jump (P<0.05) were also observed. Their energy intake and the amount of other daily physical activity remained essentially unchanged throughout the study. No significant changes in any of the parameters measured occurred, in the control group. These findings indicate that water exercise improved the body composition and physical fitness of obese women.
三村 寛一 秋武 寛 谷口 恵理 織田 修輔 宮本 利夫 梶 綾子 田中 哲也
大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.61, no.1, pp.253-262, 2012-09

本研究は,K市における一般人,指導者,中学生を対象に,熱中症に対する知識・理解の実態を把握することと今後の熱中症対策の方向性について検討することを目的とし,アンケート調査を実施した。その結果,指導者は一般人と中学生に比べて熱中症に対する知識が豊富であった。また,昨年に引き続き8割以上の指導者が生徒に熱中症予防の指導を行っているにも関わらず,生徒に上手く知識が伝わっていないことが明らかになった。以上の結果より,今後の熱中症予防の対策の方向性として一般人,中学生に対する啓発活動に加えて,熱中症予防に対する具体的な指導の必要性が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to investigate the cause of heat stroke and learned to take precautions against heat stroke for general public, instructors and students in K city. As the report showed, instructors had got adequate knowledge over heat stroke compared with general public and students. However, it was obvious that although more than 80 percent of instructors made preventive heat stroke lessons for students during the past year, the most of them got a poor awareness of the knowledge of heat stroke. In conclusion, it reflected that it was necessary to make general public and students understand concrete heatstroke prevention, and formally added it to the education activities , so as to establish the directivity of the heatstroke prevention measures in the future.
三村 寛一 三村 寛一 奥田 豊子 朝井 均 鉄口 宗広 安部 惠子 三村 達也 塩野祐也 檀上弘晃 上田真也 辻本健彦 織田恵輔 北野雄大

ライフコーダを用いて児童の1 週間の行動記録と運動量を測定し、児童の適正運動量は運動強度6 以上の出現率が10%以上あることが望ましいことを明らかにした。また、体力の低い非活発な児童を対象にライフコーダおよびインターネットを活用して、1 ヶ月間の半監視型運動療法を実施し、その効果は低学年ほど大きく、高学年になるにつれて小さくなることが明らかになり、特に休日における運動実践や学校生活における体育の重要性が示唆された。