水谷 晃啓
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.723, pp.487-494, 2016 (Released:2016-05-30)

Through the analysis of the design method of Kenzo Tange Laboratory, the University of Tokyo, and the theory as its background, this study has clarified how the clear system in the urban design of Tange Laboratory has been adopted to the computer simulation and examined the significance of the method in the present context. After organizing the cases where computer is used in the early stage of Japanese architecture field, the study has clarified that the use of computer by Tange Laboratory had uniqueness in the point that the target of such use was the urban area. The study showed that this viewpoint of the use of computer by Tange Laboratory was related to the leading study in the United States at that time that was conducted by K. Lynch and C. Alexander, and discussed about its characteristics. The study indicated that the computer simulation method of Tange Laboratory could be broadly classified into the one of macro type that treats the whole nation and the one of micro type that treats human spatial cognition. The simulation of macro type is related to the simulation method of social sciences at that time, such as system dynamics or discrete simulation, which was distinctive in the point that such simulation intended to introduce the viewpoints of social sciences in addition to the rationality of civil engineering. The simulation of micro type is related to urban space analysis by K. Lynch, which was outstanding in the point that such simulation was carried out to understand how the elements of scenery image would influence the human spatial cognition, without liMITing to the issues whether the spot is visible or invisible. Through the analysis for the project of Tange Laboratory that was conducted by using these computer simulations, the study clarified that the computer simulation method of Tange Laboratory was the one that was developed from the study on the urban area of Tange Laboratory conducted before the introduction of computer simulation. In addition, it showed that the use of computer by Tange Laboratory has developed on the background of the development of computer technology in the same period of time and maintenance of social information environment, while correlating to urban design projects which had been worked on in parallel. The study clarified that the attempt of the introduction work for the use of computer by Tange Laboratory was the one that intend to develop “URTRAN” that has three subroutines as “URBOT”, “RIBOT” and “GRAPHOT”. The characteristics of “Urgorithm”, the concept of the use and development of the computer of Tange Laboratory, was that it focused on feedback circuit and human-machine system. The ideas, which attempt to produce designing plans from more diversified optimization conditions by placing the intervention of the human will on the computer processing, were the significant ones that led to the current use of computer. The study showed that the use of computer by Tange Laboratory and its concept, “Urgorithm”, was also applicable to the current computational design.
水谷 晃啓 徳原 崚人
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.73, pp.1665-1670, 2023-10-20 (Released:2023-10-20)

In this paper, we conducted a sketch map survey of two attributes with and without land knowledge to understand the characteristics of the city image created using a map application. Through the analysis of the sketch maps, it became clear that the use of map applications is effective in creating city images for users without land knowledge. In addition, we found that the formation of city images through app use was influenced by (1) the image before using the app, (2) the usage of application functions, and (3) the time of use using the app.
河野 裕美 水谷 晃
公益財団法人 山階鳥類研究所
山階鳥類学雑誌 (ISSN:13485032)
vol.46, no.2, pp.108-118, 2015-03-20 (Released:2017-03-20)

カツオドリSula leucogasterは,世界の熱帯から亜熱帯海域に4亜種が分布する.本種は島嶼間の移動が少なく,遺伝的交雑が低いと考えられてきた.しかし,東太平洋海盆を挟んで西側に生息する亜種カツオドリS. l. plotusが東方へ,東側に生息する亜種シロガシラカツオドリS. l. brewsteriが西方へそれぞれ分散して繁殖した例が報告されている.さらに,西部太平洋に位置する琉球列島南部の仲ノ神島において,2009年5月17日に頭部から頸部が白色の亜種シロガシラカツオドリの成鳥の雄1羽が飛来した.その後,2014年まで,同じ場所で同個体と思われる雄が断続的に確認され,2012年から2014年まで仲ノ神島個体群の繁殖スケジュールと同調して,亜種カツオドリと思われる雌と繁殖し,雛を巣立たせた.さらに2011年以降には,同島の別の場所で白色頭部の雄1羽が断続的に記録されるようになった.この雄は雌に対する求愛を行ったが,2014年までつがいは形成されなかった.本観察により亜種シロガシラカツオドリの日本における繁殖行動が初めて確認され,同時に別亜種の繁殖地に飛来した個体によるつがい形成から繁殖までの過程を記録できた.
堀江 憲吾 亀山 紘司 水谷 晃輔 菅原 崇 清家 健作 土屋 朋大 安田 満 横井 繁明 仲野 正博 出口 隆 酒々井 夏子 広瀬 善信
泌尿器科紀要 = Acta urologica Japonica (ISSN:00181994)
vol.60, no.10, pp.517-521, 2014-10

A 72-year-old Japanese man was referred to a hospital because of urinary retention. Digital rectal examination revealed a stony, hard nodule in the prostate. A high level of serum PSA was not detected. Prostatic biopsy was performed, and pathological examination indicated adenocarcinoma of the prostate. He was referred to our hospital for treatment. Imaging examinations revealed no metastases (T4N0M0), so we re-evaluated the biopsy specimens. Immunohistochemical examination revealed prostatic small cell carcinoma. His levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and pro-gastrin-releasing peptide (Pro-GRP) were high. We treated him with combination chemotherapy comprising irinotecan and cisplatin, and the treatment waseffective. After four coursesof the chemotherapy, levelsof NSE and Pro-GRP had decreased, and the prostatic mass had decreased in size. Needle rebiopsy of the prostate demonstrated no evidence of malignancy. Adjuvant external beam radiation therapy wasals o performed. The patient iss till alive at 18 month after diagnosis with no evidence of relapse or metastasis of the disease.
水谷 晃啓
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.23, no.53, pp.309-312, 2017 (Released:2017-02-20)

Towards the development of the new urban design system, this paper shows the development of an interactive design support system. Starting with an introduction of several cases in other fields, the paper discusses the significance and the specificity of the design method using the tool and clarifies its potential. Furthermore, it evaluates the use of the program developed in this study, depending on impressions of users and specifies the direction of further development. As the result, it is proved that the program is opened to communicate with designer’s intention and also is able to continue developing by the communication itself.
水谷 晃三 高井 久美子
研究報告コンピュータと教育(CE) (ISSN:21888930)
vol.2015-CE-132, no.34, pp.1-8, 2015-11-27

プログラミングは知識だけでなく実際にソースコードを作成する技能も同時に必要となる.プログラミング授業を動画教材による反転授業とする場合はソースコードの作成を伴うような事前学習が理想的である.筆者らは,効果的な反転授業のモデルを検討するため,(1) 授業中に行っていた講義に相当する動画教材を用意し事前学習を行うように指導,(2) 授業時間中の講義は一切行わず受講者は演習課題に取り組む,という反転授業を,プログラミング初学者を対象とした授業で試みた.本論文ではその実践報告と評価結果について述べる.
村上 智一 小花和 宏之 河野 裕美 下川 信也 田林 雄 水谷 晃
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発) (ISSN:21854688)
vol.72, no.2, pp.I_766-I_771, 2016 (Released:2016-08-30)

本研究の目的は,サンゴ礁海域を対象として,SfM(Structure from Motion)による水中3次元計測(水中SfM)の可能性を明らかにすることである.そこで,サンゴ礁海域である西表島網取湾において,枝状サンゴ,塊状サンゴおよび海草であるウミショウブを対象に水中SfMと実施コストが高い従来の測量を同時に行い,これらの結果を比較・検討した. その結果,水中SfMは,サンゴの高さ,長径,短径および枝状サンゴの枝幅を最大誤差4.5 cm,最小誤差0.1 cmの精度で計測でき,サンゴ保全のためのモニタリングなどにおいて有用となることが明らかとなった.一方,ウミショウブは,連続写真撮影中に葉が波や流れによって揺らぐため,SfMによる3次元化が不十分であった.