池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.2, pp.86-98, 2014-11-30 (Released:2015-07-24)

In this study, hoarding tendencies were defined as the trait through which many possessions were accumulated and could not be discarded because of their subjective meaning. Two internet surveys were conducted. In Study 1, a hoarding tendency scale for non-clinical individuals was developed, with questionnaires sent to 410 participants. In Study 2, animistic thinking was taken up as one of the determinants of hoarding, and the relationship between animistic thinking and hoarding tendencies was investigated. Two hundred and thirty-four participants were asked to complete a questionnaire. The main findings were as follows: (1) The results of factor analysis indicated that the hoarding tendency scale consisted of six factors (28 items), such as “having too many things” and “avoidance of discarding things.” These subscales indicated the common and particular attitudes of hoarders toward their possessions. (2) The hoarding tendency significantly correlated with compulsive buying. This result indicated that the hoarding tendency scale demonstrated sufficient criterion-related validity. (3) Animistic thinking, especially “part of the possessor” and “the anthropomorphication of possessions,” had a significant effect on hoarding tendencies.
池内 裕美
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会誌 (ISSN:18835864)
vol.28, no.3, pp.186-193, 2017-05-31 (Released:2019-11-07)

「ホーディング」(hoarding) とは,「他の人にとってほとんど価値がないと思われるモノを大量にため込み,処分できない行為」と定義され,1990年頃から臨床心理学や精神医学の領域において,特に強迫性障害 (OCD) の観点から多くの研究がなされている。しかしその一方で,ホーディング自体は誰にでも,すなわち非臨床的な人にもみられる,極めて日常的な行為であるという主張もある。 そこで本論では,より重篤な強迫的ホーディングと非臨床群を対象とした日常的なホーディングの両方に焦点を当て,ホーディングをめぐるさまざまな課題について既存研究を基に概説する。より具体的には,精神疾患や幼少期の家庭環境といったホーディングと関連する諸要因,ため込む人の特性,ため込む理由やその対象,さらにはホーディングのもたらす諸問題等について取りあげる。そして,最後にホーディングに陥らないための予防や対策について考察する。
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.3, pp.167-177, 2010

The purposes of this study were to develop an animism scale for adults and to examine the relationship between animistic thinking and the "memorial service for dolls" in terms of voluntary loss. In this study, animism was defined as the tendency to regard inanimate objects as living, and to regard objects in nature as gods. Questionnaires were given to 395 people who had held a memorial service for dolls and 204 people who had not. The results of the factor analysis indicated that this animism scale consisted of three factors: the apotheosis of natural products, the parts of possessors, and the anthropomorphication of possessions. Animism was more prevalent in the following groups of individuals: a) those who held a memorial service for dolls, b) female individuals, and c) younger individuals, that is, individuals aged 39 and under. The third result in particular was discussed in terms of the influences of video games and the media rather than the traditional Japanese polytheistic religion of Shinto. Furthermore, participants were asked about psychological changes after they finished holding a memorial service for dolls. As a result, some people who held a memorial service for dolls felt grief and guilt, although they voluntarily parted with their dolls.
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-15, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-08-01)

In this study, a hoarding tendency is defined as a trait whereby many possessions are saved and cannot be discarded because of their subjective meaning. For this study, an internet-survey of non-clinical individuals was conducted. First, the effects of age and gender on expression of hoarding were investigated. Next, as the main purpose of this study, the causal relationships between hoarding tendencies and various problems that hoarding causes were investigated. Four hundred and fifty-three participants were asked to complete a questionnaire. The main findings were as follows: 1) Females and people in their 30s significantly tended to hoard possessions. 2) The results of analysis indicated that hoarding caused mental problems, economic problems, social problems, and functional problems. In addition, a covariance structure analysis for the proposed model suggested that excessive attachment to possessions, such as “avoidance of discarding possessions” and “extended self,” caused an excessive build-up of items in the home, and these functional problems resulted in the above-mentioned problems. 3) Furthermore, the results of multi-sample simultaneous analysis indicated that the causal model for participants in their 60s was greatly different from that of other age groups. That model revealed that people in their 60s did not hesitate to throw belongings away and did not have the various problems that hoarding causes.
池内 裕美 藤原 武弘 土肥 伊都子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.1, pp.27-38, 2000

"Extended self" is defined as "the aggregation of all obiects that people regard as a part of themselves; for example, their body parts, parents, friends, pet animals, job, social roles, etc." The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the emotional reaction of involuntary loss of the extended self, that is, "material possessions" and 2) to examine the structure of "extended self" and its relation to the values attached to the possessions. We collected samples from the victims of the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake (209 university students) and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake (87 university students). The questionnaire asked them to describe what kind of favorite possessions they lost, the emotions when they lost them, the values they attached to the possessions and to what extent they regarded the external objects as a part of themselves. The results showed both similarities and differences between the victims of two earthquakes. The main findings were as follows: 1) Most victims of both earthquakes showed a similar emotional reaction, that is, "sadness" to the loss of important possessions. 2) For the values they attached to their lost possessions, "functional value," "emotional value," "self-presentational value," and "symbolic value of relationship" were extracted. 3) The more emotional value the victims of the Hanshin Earthquake gave to their possessions, on the other hand, the more self-presentational value the victims of the Northridge Earthquake gave to their possessions, the more the victims of both earthquake regarded their possession as a part of extended self.
池内 裕美 藤原 武弘
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.3, pp.169-178, 2009-02-27 (Released:2017-02-10)

In life, people experience the loss of people they cherish, possessions, familiar environments, health, and of other things. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological recovery process from loss, focusing on the differences among recovery processes by the type of loss, and the determinants of the length of recovery. Three hundred and ninety-seven participants (162 males, 235 females) who lived in Nishinomiya City were asked to complete a questionnaire by the mail-survey method. The main findings were as follows: (1) The differences among the recovery processes and the number of stages in the recovery process depended on the type of loss. (2) The recovery length was mainly affected by the type of loss, the existence of anticipatory grief, and the difference in age. It was indicated that people (especially elderly people) who did not have any anticipatory grief needed more time to recover. Furthermore, people needed more time to recover from physical loss and separation compared to other types of loss.
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.3, pp.188-198, 2010-03-20 (Released:2017-02-20)

Recently, consumer complaints and consumer claims have become a major social issue. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological mechanism of complaining behavior with reference to the theory of aggressive behavior in social psychology. Two hundred and fifteen participants (106 males, 109 females) who lived in Japan were asked to complete a questionnaire by the mail survey method. After a covariance structure analysis, the proposed model was found to fit the data very well. The main findings were as follows: (1) High levels of self-esteem and the self-control of emotion led to having a positive attitude for complaining behavior. (2) Attitudes toward complaining behavior and dissatisfaction with products had a direct effect on actual complaining behavior. Furthermore, dissatisfaction with products was affected by the differences between the expectations for products and the performances of products. (3) Complaining behavior led to a decrease in consumer dissatisfaction. This result indicated the existence of a "cathartic effect."
池内 裕美 藤原 武弘
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.2, pp.92-102, 2000

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of loss of material possession and social support network on QOL (Quality of Life). In this study, QOL was defined as "the subjective feeling of satisfaction or happiness" and was measured by "the grade of well-being" and "the state of mind and body health." Three hundreds and sixty-five victims of the Great Hanshin Earthquake(105 males, 256 females, and 4 undetermined sex) who lived at temporary houses in Nishinomiya City were asked to complete a questionnaire by personal interview method. The main findingswere as follows: (1) the victims who had lost their important possessions were higher in well-beingscore than ones that did not. On the other hand, the victims who had not lost them were higher inmind and body health score than ones that did. (2) The number of social support network had no effect on well-being score. But the victims who had a large number of social support network stended to be higher in mind and body health score than ones that had a small number of them.
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
pp.1602, (Released:2018-06-15)

In this study, a hoarding tendency is defined as a trait whereby many possessions are saved and cannot be discarded because of their subjective meaning. For this study, an internet-survey of non-clinical individuals was conducted. First, the effects of age and gender on expression of hoarding were investigated. Next, as the main purpose of this study, the causal relationships between hoarding tendencies and various problems that hoarding causes were investigated. Four hundred and fifty-three participants were asked to complete a questionnaire. The main findings were as follows: 1) Females and people in their 30s significantly tended to hoard possessions. 2) The results of analysis indicated that hoarding caused mental problems, economic problems, social problems, and functional problems. In addition, a covariance structure analysis for the proposed model suggested that excessive attachment to possessions, such as “avoidance of discarding possessions” and “extended self,” caused an excessive build-up of items in the home, and these functional problems resulted in the above-mentioned problems. 3) Furthermore, the results of multi-sample simultaneous analysis indicated that the causal model for participants in their 60s was greatly different from that of other age groups. That model revealed that people in their 60s did not hesitate to throw belongings away and did not have the various problems that hoarding causes.
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.3, pp.188-198, 2010

Recently, consumer complaints and consumer claims have become a major social issue. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological mechanism of complaining behavior with reference to the theory of aggressive behavior in social psychology. Two hundred and fifteen participants (106 males, 109 females) who lived in Japan were asked to complete a questionnaire by the mail survey method. After a covariance structure analysis, the proposed model was found to fit the data very well. The main findings were as follows: (1) High levels of self-esteem and the self-control of emotion led to having a positive attitude for complaining behavior. (2) Attitudes toward complaining behavior and dissatisfaction with products had a direct effect on actual complaining behavior. Furthermore, dissatisfaction with products was affected by the differences between the expectations for products and the performances of products. (3) Complaining behavior led to a decrease in consumer dissatisfaction. This result indicated the existence of a "cathartic effect."
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.3, pp.167-177, 2010-03-20 (Released:2017-02-20)

The purposes of this study were to develop an animism scale for adults and to examine the relationship between animistic thinking and the "memorial service for dolls" in terms of voluntary loss. In this study, animism was defined as the tendency to regard inanimate objects as living, and to regard objects in nature as gods. Questionnaires were given to 395 people who had held a memorial service for dolls and 204 people who had not. The results of the factor analysis indicated that this animism scale consisted of three factors: the apotheosis of natural products, the parts of possessors, and the anthropomorphication of possessions. Animism was more prevalent in the following groups of individuals: a) those who held a memorial service for dolls, b) female individuals, and c) younger individuals, that is, individuals aged 39 and under. The third result in particular was discussed in terms of the influences of video games and the media rather than the traditional Japanese polytheistic religion of Shinto. Furthermore, participants were asked about psychological changes after they finished holding a memorial service for dolls. As a result, some people who held a memorial service for dolls felt grief and guilt, although they voluntarily parted with their dolls.
池内 裕美
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.70, no.10, pp.486-492, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-10-01)

池内 裕美 藤原 武弘
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.3, pp.169-178, 2009

In life, people experience the loss of people they cherish, possessions, familiar environments, health, and of other things. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological recovery process from loss, focusing on the differences among recovery processes by the type of loss, and the determinants of the length of recovery. Three hundred and ninety-seven participants (162 males, 235 females) who lived in Nishinomiya City were asked to complete a questionnaire by the mail-survey method. The main findings were as follows: (1) The differences among the recovery processes and the number of stages in the recovery process depended on the type of loss. (2) The recovery length was mainly affected by the type of loss, the existence of anticipatory grief, and the difference in age. It was indicated that people (especially elderly people) who did not have any anticipatory grief needed more time to recover. Furthermore, people needed more time to recover from physical loss and separation compared to other types of loss.
加藤 潤三 池内 裕美 野波 寛
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.20, no.2, pp.134-143, 2004

The purpose of this research was to investigate the influences of two types of goal intentions (local-environment focused and environmental-problem focused) on environment-conscious behavior. A questionnaire was randomly assigned to 735 residents who lived in the area within 2 km of the Muko River. Upon analyzing the results, goal intention could be divided into two types. Structural Equation Modeling revealed that behavioral intention was significantly influenced by a local-environment focused goal intention, social norms, cost evaluation and attachment to the Muko River, but not by an environmental-problem focused goal intention. These results suggest that people adopt environment-conscious behavior from the point of view of local conservation, and not overall environmental preservation.
池内 裕美
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会誌 (ISSN:18835864)
vol.28, no.3, pp.186-193, 2017

「ホーディング」(hoarding) とは,「他の人にとってほとんど価値がないと思われるモノを大量にため込み,処分できない行為」と定義され,1990年頃から臨床心理学や精神医学の領域において,特に強迫性障害 (OCD) の観点から多くの研究がなされている。しかしその一方で,ホーディング自体は誰にでも,すなわち非臨床的な人にもみられる,極めて日常的な行為であるという主張もある。<br> そこで本論では,より重篤な強迫的ホーディングと非臨床群を対象とした日常的なホーディングの両方に焦点を当て,ホーディングをめぐるさまざまな課題について既存研究を基に概説する。より具体的には,精神疾患や幼少期の家庭環境といったホーディングと関連する諸要因,ため込む人の特性,ため込む理由やその対象,さらにはホーディングのもたらす諸問題等について取りあげる。そして,最後にホーディングに陥らないための予防や対策について考察する。
池内 裕美 藤原 武弘 土肥 伊都子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.1, pp.27-38, 2000-07-25 (Released:2016-12-20)

"Extended self" is defined as "the aggregation of all obiects that people regard as a part of themselves; for example, their body parts, parents, friends, pet animals, job, social roles, etc." The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the emotional reaction of involuntary loss of the extended self, that is, "material possessions" and 2) to examine the structure of "extended self" and its relation to the values attached to the possessions. We collected samples from the victims of the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake (209 university students) and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake (87 university students). The questionnaire asked them to describe what kind of favorite possessions they lost, the emotions when they lost them, the values they attached to the possessions and to what extent they regarded the external objects as a part of themselves. The results showed both similarities and differences between the victims of two earthquakes. The main findings were as follows: 1) Most victims of both earthquakes showed a similar emotional reaction, that is, "sadness" to the loss of important possessions. 2) For the values they attached to their lost possessions, "functional value," "emotional value," "self-presentational value," and "symbolic value of relationship" were extracted. 3) The more emotional value the victims of the Hanshin Earthquake gave to their possessions, on the other hand, the more self-presentational value the victims of the Northridge Earthquake gave to their possessions, the more the victims of both earthquake regarded their possession as a part of extended self.
池内 裕美
The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.2, pp.86-98, 2014

In this study, hoarding tendencies were defined as the trait through which many possessions were accumulated and could not be discarded because of their subjective meaning. Two internet surveys were conducted. In Study 1, a hoarding tendency scale for non-clinical individuals was developed, with questionnaires sent to 410 participants. In Study 2, animistic thinking was taken up as one of the determinants of hoarding, and the relationship between animistic thinking and hoarding tendencies was investigated. Two hundred and thirty-four participants were asked to complete a questionnaire. The main findings were as follows: (1) The results of factor analysis indicated that the hoarding tendency scale consisted of six factors (28 items), such as "having too many things" and "avoidance of discarding things." These subscales indicated the common and particular attitudes of hoarders toward their possessions. (2) The hoarding tendency significantly correlated with compulsive buying. This result indicated that the hoarding tendency scale demonstrated sufficient criterion-related validity. (3) Animistic thinking, especially "part of the possessor" and "the anthropomorphication of possessions," had a significant effect on hoarding tendencies.
池内 裕美
セミナー年報 (ISSN:18822010)
vol.2006, pp.139-152, 2007-03-31
