高安 肇 山岸 純子 大谷 祐之 石丸 由紀 池田 均
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.6-10, 2006

【目的】小児の予定小手術に際し実施すべき術前検査に関する一定の基準は示されておらず, 検査の内容は施設ごとに相違がある.今回, 小児の予定小手術における術前ルーチン検査の有用性および必要性について検討を行った.【対象と方法】全身麻酔下の予定小手術を目的に入院した1,005例の1,069回の入院を対象に, ルーチンに実施された術前検査の異常の有無と, 手術の中止(延期)ならびに周術期合併症に関し後方視的に検討した.【結果】入院後の手術中止は33回(33例)(3.1%)で, その理由は感冒症状が29例, 乳児肝炎, 鉄欠乏性貧血が各1例, 社会的理由が2例であった.乳児肝炎と鉄欠乏性貧血の症例は術前検査でそれぞれトランスアミナーゼの高値と貧血を指摘され手術が中止された.CRPの高値10例も手術が中止になったが, 全例感冒症状をともなっており, CRPのみを理由に中止された症例はなかった.尿検査, 胸部X線および心電図の異常により手術が中止された症例は認めなかった.周術期の合併症として高血圧を1例に認めたが, その他, 術前検査やその異常に関連する合併症は認めなかった.【結論】小児予定小手術の術前ルーチン検査の有用性を積極的に支持する根拠は乏しく, 問診, 理学所見とその結果, 必要な検査で術前評価を行っても安全に麻酔, 手術を実施し得る可能性が示唆された.特に尿検査, 心電図は手術の可否の判断を目的としたルーチン検査としては不要で, 血液検査も血算, 肝機能, 感染症のチェックなどに限定し得ると考えられた.
宇田 宙照 福島 充也 後藤 康夫 池田 均 塚西 茂昭 信原 克哉
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.13, no.1, pp.11-15, 1989-11-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

The clavicular movement during active elevation of the upper limb was analyzed in this study. Sixty right shoulders in normal sugjects were investigated by using “ Chneradiography” and the “ personal image analysis system”. The lateral lower margin and the conoid tubercle of the clavicle were measured as the points which demonstrate clavicular movement.During elevation of the upper limb in the scapular plane, the elevated ang l e s of the clavicle were calculated with the scapular movement in the following stages; “ setting phase”, the “ hanging joint” prase, “ transit zone”, and the “ joint needing support” phase.The results were as follows:1. The elevated angles of the clavicle increased gradually during elevation of the upper limb. Finally the average of maximum elevated angles of the clavicle was 41.5 degrees at 150degrees of the arm-trunk angle. We noticed the clavicular movement for every 10 degrees was uneven in this study.2. No remarkab l e elevation was noted in the “ setting phase”. The elevated angles of the clavicle reached 4.22 degrees during the setting phase. Clavicular movement is similar to scapular movement, however, it was slightly irregular and unstable.3. In the “ hanging joint” phase, the elevated angle of the clavicle was 3.69 degrees forevery 10 degrees.4. In “ transit zone”, the elevated angle of the clavicle was 4.02 degrees for every 10degrees. The ratio of clavicular movement was closest to the scapular movement in this phase. And this movement was the most characteristic.5. In the final stage, in the “ joint needing support” phase, the elevated angle of the clavicle increased 4.22 degrees of the elevation of the upper limb.6. The absolute relationship between scapular and clavicu l a r movements were obtained from these results.
橋本 卓 金谷 整亮 池田 均 塚西 茂昭 信原 克哉 田中 道夫
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.14, no.2, pp.245-248, 1990-09-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

We have measured the intra-articular pressure simultaneously with arthrography of the shoulder. In this study, changes in the intra-articular pressure were examined in unstable shoudlers associated with loose shoulder, rotator interval lesion, and traumatic recurrent anterior dislocaiton.Of the 731 shoulders (731 patients) in which intra-articular pressure was me a sured from 1981, the measurement was possible in 254 shoulders (254 patients). A total of 91 shoulders, consisting of 20shoulders with traumatic recurrent anterior dislocation,40 loose shoulders, and 31 shoulders with rotator interval lesion, were evaluated.Physiologic saline was in f used into the joint, and canges in the intra-articular pressure were recorded as electric signals through a transducer. The arm was moved up and down passively, and the pressure was measured at intervals of 10.In loose shoulder and rotator interval l e sion, the intra-articular pressure decreased as the arm was lifted higher, but the decreases were smaller than in normal shoulders. In these groups, there was a smaller pressure increase to the position of maximum uplift with a smaller peak value and within a narrower range than in the normal group. These findings were more notable in the shoulders with an FSH angle of 81' or greater. These results suggest that the intra-articular pressure reflects the joint capacity.In traumatic recurrent anterior dislocation, however, the decrease in the pressure in an early stage of arm lifting was the greatest among all groups including the normal group, and the pressure increase with arm lifting was gentler in shoulders with an FSH of 80 °or less, unlike in the other two groups.The changes in the intra-articular pressure in shoulders with traumatic recurrent anterior dislocation may be explained by disruption of the anterior capsular mechanism and muscle contraction due to anxiety over the possibility of dislocaiton during arm lifting as well as the looseness of the articular capsule.
相良 優太 乾 泰大 小川 孝 西川 仁史 池田 均
一般社団法人 日本臨床整形外科学会
日本臨床整形外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:18817149)
vol.42, no.1, pp.39-47, 2017

<p>目的:投球障害肩にみられる投球側の肩甲骨位置異常と,肩関節90°外転位での内旋,外旋(第2肢位すなわち2nd planeでの内旋,外旋;以下2nd内旋,2nd外旋)可動域の変化との関連性について検討した.</p><p>方法:対象は,投球障害肩を加療した37人の小学生と中学生である.理学療法開始前には,全例に肩甲骨位置異常が認められた.肩甲骨の位置が左右対称となるように理学療法を行い,理学療法開始前と肩甲骨の位置が左右対称となった時点での2nd内旋,2nd外旋および全回旋可動域を投球側と非投球側とで比較した.</p><p>結果:理学療法開始前には,投球側の2nd内旋可動域の有意な制限と2nd外旋可動域の有意な拡大が認められた.全回旋可動域には有意差はなかった.一方,肩甲骨の位置が左右対称となった時点では,すべての項目で投球側と非投球側との間の有意差はなかった.</p><p>考察:骨性の要因や軟部組織性の要因以外に肩甲骨位置異常が,2nd内旋可動域と2nd外旋可動域の変化に関連していると考える.</p><p>結論:肩甲骨位置異常は,2nd内旋可動域の制限と2nd外旋可動域の拡大を引き起こす一因である.</p>
保田 奈緒美 下坂 浩則 大久保 滋夫 池田 均 矢冨 裕
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.64, no.6, pp.727-736, 2015-11-25 (Released:2016-01-10)

特異的IgE抗体測定試薬「アラスタット3gAllergy」の基本性能と有用性を評価した。同時,日差再現性は良好であり,最小検出感度も0.048~0.061 IUA/mLと良好であった。希釈直線性は低濃度から高濃度域まで良好な直線性が得られた。さらに,28種のアレルゲン特異的IgE抗体についてイムノキャップとのデータ比較検討を行ったところ,2法の相関性は全てにおいてスピアマン順位相関係数0.7以上と高い相関性が認められたが,ネコ上皮・皮屑,アスペルギルスおよび卵白でアラスタット3gが高値傾向となり,イヌ皮屑,小麦およびピーナツでイムノキャップが高値傾向となるなど,アレルゲンによる測定値の特徴が認められた。