清水 保夫
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.69, no.12, pp.1562-1577, 1978-12-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

To ascertain anaerobic urinary tract infection, a total of 615 urine specimens from 97 male and 117 female patients were cultured. Most of them have chronic urological disease, such as cancer of the bladder, benign prostatic hypertrophy and urinary calculus. Urinary bacteriological exminations were investigated to serially dilute the urine specimens obtained by two methods. Clean midstream catch technique was applied for the samples of male subjects and sterile catheterization for famele.112 strains of anaerobes were recovered from 27 per cent of 214 patients (78 of 615 specimens). Peptococcus anaerobius and Peptococcus variabilis were most frequent and isolated 18 times and also 7 strains of Bacteroides fragilis could be found in this study. This result seems similar to that obtained for the anterior urethral flora by other investigators.Among 30 urine samples with anaerobes of more than 105 viable cells counts per ml., anaerobes were isolated in 5. There is less significnat association between viable cell count and pyuria when anaerobic bacteria were cultured in large quantities of mine sample than when aerobic bacteria were cultured in similar conditions.The bacterial count and species of yielded anaerobes from urine samples are not the decisive factor for diagnosing anaerobic urinary tract infection. Additional factors, such as clinical findings and predisposing or underlying conditions of the patient, must always be considered. Now criterion for diagnosis of anaerobic urinary tract infection sholud be established.
小塚 良允 田村 博昭 清水 保 長谷川 美知子 田中 熟 日高 敏男 鳥浜 慶熈 杉山 陽一 石井 奏
公益財団法人 日本感染症医薬品協会
The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.28, no.5, pp.684-686, 1975

近年における抗生物質の開発進歩には目覚しいものがあり, 各種感染症に対してあるいは汚染手術の術後感染予防に対して著明な効果を期待できるまでに至つている。しかし, その投与方法に関しては, 未だに慣用的な要素が多く, 今後の研究の余地が残されている。抗生物質の本来の効果を期待するには, 薬剤の濃度と起炎菌の感受性との関係を解明した上での正しい投与法をおこなう必要がある。<BR>産婦人科領域における術後感染症として最も重要なのは, 子宮頸癌-広汎子宮全摘除術における骨盤死腔炎である。私どもは, この種の手術にさいして, 子宮全摘除後の骨盤死腔内に, Sodium cophalothin (商品名, ケプリン, 以下CETと略す) の粉末29を散布し, 術後骨盤死腔炎の予防効果を挙げている。今回, CET2g骨盤死腔内投与後の血中濃度を測定し, 術後の抗生物質の投与方法について検討する機会を得たのでその成績を報告する。
石崎 達 宮本 昭正 清水 保 可部 順三郎 牧野 荘平 児玉 太郎 信太 隆夫
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.2, no.3-4, pp.217-229, 1964-12-20 (Released:2010-02-23)

To investigate air pollution respiratory diseases (especially T-Y asthma) among Japanese, mass survery in the Niigata area and T-Y area was carried out. Subjects submitted for statistic analysis were 2825 in total. There were increased incidence of respiratory symptoms such as chronic coughing, increased sputum production and throat irritation among the subjects who are living in T-Y area. This incidence was highest in the native group of T-Y area and particulary high among smokers and subjects with allergic constitution. There were no increased incidence of air way obstructive diseases in T-Y area but group of subjects who were exposed to heavy air pollution tended to have low vital capacity. These reaults give the evidence that air pollution is harmful for respiratory tract.There were no definite evidence that respiratory sensitivity to inhaled acetylcholine in subjects in T-Y area was increased, inspite of the fact that asthmatic patients have significantly high sensitivity to acetylcholine. On the other hand, 7 cases of T-Y asthma at Zama U. S. Army Hospital showed the range of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.Among 237 cases of asthmatic patients at our clinic there were only 15 cases who deveolped their 1st onset of asthma in T-Y area after their move to this industrialized area from rural areas but none of them presented compatible characteristics with the entity of the so-called T-Y asthma, though some presented quite similar pictures. From our study, it may not be quite feasible to use the name of T-Y asthma for Japanese since the incidence of air way obstructive diseases does not seem to have particularly increased in T-Y area. Possible reasons for the differnce between our views and those of the U. S. military physicians were discussed.
安田 憲二 竹生田 秀夫 宮川 隆 清水 保夫
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.36, no.3, pp.183-187, 1997-06-15 (Released:2017-05-31)

1995年7月6日(木)午前9時59分ごろ,神奈川県内の秦野市伊勢原市環境衛生組合清掃工場の焼却炉において爆発事故が発生し,3名の職員が死傷した.事故の原因は,灰落としシュートおよび灰押し 出し機内で発生した水素を主成分とする可燃ガスが,シュート点検口から供給された空気と混合して爆発限界内の混合気体になり,クリンカー等の着火源によって発火し,燃焼爆発に至ったものと推定された.
仲條 眞介 吉田 宏 大清水 保見
日本作物学会東北支部会報 (ISSN:09117067)
no.51, pp.57-58, 2008-12-20
