梅田 綾子 清水 悦郎
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.136, pp.152-159, 2017 (Released:2017-07-01)

Certain types of automation technology for navigation supporting is widely accepted in maritime industries. Furthermore, interest in autonomous ship operation has been growing from the view point of safety requirement. Tokyo University of Marine Science And Technology (TUMSAT) has developed a semi-autonomous ship which is operated remotely using long range Wi-Fi and can autonomously operate under conditions of wireless link disconnect. Throughout the development and operation planning process, discussions have been held between TUMSAT and government authorities relating to the establishment of laws and regulations to govern the operation of remotely controlled and autonomous marine vessels. In this paper, case studies and legal issues to be solved by collaboration of legal and engineering are presented.
梅田 綾子 清水 悦郎 南 健悟 三好 登志行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.860, pp.17-00464, 2018 (Released:2018-04-25)

In recent years, engineering technology has become essential for our daily life. We cannot live without civil engineering or information technology even for one day. At the same time, as utilizing technologies sometimes infringe human rights, many laws and regulations exist in our society. In spite of importance to collaborate with legal experts for engineer to realize implementation of their new technologies into society, and a lot of efforts of the Professional Committee of Law and Technology in the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, it has not been understood in Japan for a long time. Many issues have been discussed relating to the growing concern about autonomous vehicles, but it seems insufficient from the view of legal and engineering collaboration. In this paper, a case study is introduced that is an example of legal engineering showing countermeasures for legal issues to realize autonomous shipping performed by Robotics Laboratory in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. Furthermore, knowledge obtained by this case study is proposed as legal engineering which presents how engineers may identify legal issues and perform risk assessment of their developing technologies. By communicating with legal experts, engineers might be able to perform technology development with legal risk mitigation and take a role for rulemaking especially in the field of soft-law.
才川 勇 高井 明 中島 良文 吉田 長作 保田 隆 清水 悦郎 酒井 広志 滝 秀雄 田井 賢 高下 寛
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.97, no.10, pp.1071-1081, 1977-10-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
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Metabolism of 6-[D (-)-α-(4-ethyl-2, 3-dioxo-1-piperazinecarboxamido) phenylacetamido] penicillanic acid (T-1220), a new β-lactam antibiotic, was studied in vivo and in vitro. Only unchanged T-1220 was detected by bioautography in urine of human, monkeys, dogs, rats, and mice receiving T-1220 intramuscularly. When 14C-labeled T-1220 was administered to rats, most of the radioactive product was excreted unchanged in the urine, but two metabolites were detected in a minute amount by autoradiography. These metabolites were identified as 14C-labeled α-{3-[2-(N-ethyl-N-oxaloamino) ethyl] ureido}-benzylpenicillin (14C-T-1220A) and 14C-labeled α-(4-ethyl-2, 3-dioxo-1-piperazinecarboxamido) benzylpenicilloic acid (14C-T-1220B) by thin-layer chromatography, electrophoresis, and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Metabolism of 14C-T-1220 and its mechanism were studied by using high-pressure liquid chromatography for the separation and radioactive measurement for the determination. In the case of the intramuscular administration of 14C-T-1220 to rats, about 92% of the radioactivity was excreted unchanged in urine and bile, but about 94% of the radioactivity in the feces was 14C-T-1220B. The same results were found in rats pretreated with SKF-525A and phenobarbital. In situ studies showed that 14C-T-1220 changed to 14C-T-1220B in the intestinal tracts, and in vitro studies showed that 14C-T-1220 changed to 14C-T-1220B in fecal homogenate. From these results, it seemed that 14C-T-1220 was changed to 14C-T-1220B by β-lactamase produced from intestinal flora.
塩崎 洋 青木 太郎 清水 悦郎 伊藤 雅則
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.47, no.1, pp.105-110, 2012-01-01 (Released:2013-10-26)

A snake is an amazing animal considering that it can make various motions using only its slender body. Many researches on snake-like robots have focused on ground movement. However, aquatic animals such as sea snakes and eels also move in a meandering motion. Considering these facts, the authors decided to develop an autonomous underwater snake-like robot. As an approach to this goal, a sea snake robot was made to examine the basic characteristics of propulsion. In the experiments, three axial force gauges and two cameras at different angles were set on the robot’s head. The frequency, amplitude, and phase difference which constitute the elements of meandering motion were varied, and the movement and forces acting on the robot were measured for both in-water and in-air operation. From the results of experiments, the characteristics of the propulsion force of snake motion water were discussed.
小池 義和 森野 博章 栗原 邦彰 糸井 成夫 河上 達 清水 悦郎
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
vol.19, pp.49-58, 2014

近年,深海探査の要求は高まっており,低コストで簡易な深海探査システムの実現が望まれている.江戸っ子1号プロジェクトは,東京下町の中小企業,大学,研究機関,金融機関,企業有志がフリーフォール型の簡易深海探査システム実現を目的として集まって実施したプロジェクトである.プロジェクトでは,深海7800 mでの3Dビデオ撮影に成功している.このプロジェクトに参加した筆者らは,江戸っ子1号プロジェクトで使用したフリーフォール型深海探査システムのガラス球内部に温度センサと気圧センサを設置し,深海の温度プロファイル,着底,離底の検知ができないかを検討した.その結果,センサ出力から得られる体積変化分から着底,離底の検出が可能となることを確認した.
森野 博章 清水 悦郎
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ASN, 知的環境とセンサネットワーク (ISSN:09135685)
vol.114, no.166, pp.189-194, 2014-07-23
