草原 和博 棚橋 健治 溝口 和宏 桑原 敏典 鴛原 進 橋本 康弘 山田 秀和 渡部 竜也 藤本 将人 田中 伸 田口 紘子 後藤 賢次郎 小川 正人 川口 広美

溝口 和宏
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
no.15, pp.29-41, 2006-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine a theory and characteristics of Justice in Urban America Series, which was developed in 1970's by Robert Ratcliffe with Law in American Society Foundation as a material for law-related education of social studies in junior high school, and to grasp the possibilities of social studies curriculum focusing on law. The material is a part of the comprehensive law-related education curriculum that covers from mid- elementary to late-secondary, and is composed with an another series which is called "Trail marks of liberty series" based on the historical survey of the development of legal system in the U.S.A. I. The theory of curriculum organization is described as follows: 1) The curriculum, which is named Justice in Urban America Series, is organized as a series of legal study that is covered various fields of social problems in urban America. 2) Legal study in each unit is constructed not only with the analysis of the legal process dealing with social problems, but with inquiring the causes of problems. 3) Analyzing the legal process that is focused on "the planning of the legislature," "the enforcement by the administrative organs," and "the assessment by the administration of justice" can be realized for students to grasp the functional relations in the public system of problem solving. 4) Analyzing the judgments of legal cases in each lesson, which are issued the justification of planning or enforcement by the government with laws, also can be realized for students to form their own criteria on the public issues concretely based on the constitutionalism as a flame of reference. 5) Therefore, Justice in Urban America Series can be defined as "Social Studies curriculum based on Law" that ensures students to recognize the legal process in the constitutional democracy objectively. II. The characteristics of curriculum organization are described as follows: 1) Because Justice in Urban America Series ensures students to have a dynamic and structured viewpoint on the systematic way of problem solving in our society through the law, it can be evaluated as an alternative organizing theory against with the law-related education which is based on the positive law or general ideas of law teaching laws as themselves. 2) Though the series has no chance for students to evaluate the values of American democracy comparing with other countries critically, it can be evaluated as an eminent proposal of curriculum theory to develop student's ability of discernment on public concern in the flame of law and constitutionalism.
唐木 清志 山田 秀和 森田 真樹 川崎 誠司 桑原 敏典 橋本 康弘 吉村 功太郎 渡部 竜也 桐谷 正信 溝口 和宏 草原 和博 桐谷 正信 溝口 和宏 草原 和博 磯山 恭子 藤本 将人

アメリカ社会科で展開されるシティズンシップ教育の動向を, 理論レベルと実践レベルから多面的・多角的に考察し, その現代的意義及び日本社会科への示唆を明らかにした。具体的な研究成果としては, 2009年3月に刊行された最終報告書に載せられた13名の論文と, 2009年1月13日にミニシンポジウムを開催したことを挙げることができる。研究を通して析出された「多様性と統一性」や「争点」といった分析枠組み(本研究では「視点」という言葉を用いている)は, 今後日本の社会科においてシティズンシップ教育を推進するにあたっても, 重要なキーワードとなるであろう。