鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.78-89, 2010 (Released:2010-01-06)
3 9

In recent years, application of Social Networking Services (SNS) and Blogs are growing as new communication tools on the Internet. Several large-scale SNS sites are prospering; meanwhile, many sites with relatively small scale are offering services. Such small-scale SNSs realize small-group isolated type of communication while neither mixi nor MySpace can do that. However, the studies on SNS are almost about particular large-scale SNSs and cannot analyze whether their results apply for general features or for special characteristics on the SNSs. From the point of view of comparison analysis on SNS, comparison with just several types of those cannot reach a statistically significant level. We analyze many SNS sites with the aim of classifying them by using some approaches. Our paper classifies 50,000 sites for small-scale SNSs and gives their features from the points of network structure, patterns of communication, and growth rate of SNS. The result of analysis for network structure shows that many SNS sites have small-world attribute with short path lengths and high coefficients of their cluster. Distribution of degrees of the SNS sites is close to power law. This result indicates the small-scale SNS sites raise the percentage of users with many friends than mixi. According to the analysis of their coefficients of assortativity, those SNS sites have negative values of assortativity, and that means users with high degree tend to connect users with small degree. Next, we analyze the patterns of user communication. A friend network of SNS is explicit while users' communication behaviors are defined as an implicit network. What kind of relationships do these networks have? To address this question, we obtain some characteristics of users' communication structure and activation patterns of users on the SNS sites. By using new indexes, friend aggregation rate and friend coverage rate, we show that SNS sites with high value of friend coverage rate activate diary postings and their comments. Besides, they become activated when hub users with high degree do not behave actively on the sites with high value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. On the other hand, activation emerges when hub users behave actively on the sites with low value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. Finally, we observe SNS sites which are increasing the number of users considerably, from the viewpoint of network structure, and extract characteristics of high growth SNS sites. As a result of discrimination on the basis of the decision tree analysis, we can recognize the high growth SNS sites with a high degree of accuracy. Besides, this approach suggests mixi and the other small-scale SNS sites have different character trait.
鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.78-89, 2010
3 9

In recent years, application of Social Networking Services (SNS) and Blogs are growing as new communication tools on the Internet. Several large-scale SNS sites are prospering; meanwhile, many sites with relatively small scale are offering services. Such small-scale SNSs realize small-group isolated type of communication while neither mixi nor MySpace can do that. However, the studies on SNS are almost about particular large-scale SNSs and cannot analyze whether their results apply for general features or for special characteristics on the SNSs. From the point of view of comparison analysis on SNS, comparison with just several types of those cannot reach a statistically significant level. We analyze many SNS sites with the aim of classifying them by using some approaches. Our paper classifies 50,000 sites for small-scale SNSs and gives their features from the points of network structure, patterns of communication, and growth rate of SNS. The result of analysis for network structure shows that many SNS sites have small-world attribute with short path lengths and high coefficients of their cluster. Distribution of degrees of the SNS sites is close to power law. This result indicates the small-scale SNS sites raise the percentage of users with many friends than mixi. According to the analysis of their coefficients of assortativity, those SNS sites have negative values of assortativity, and that means users with high degree tend to connect users with small degree. Next, we analyze the patterns of user communication. A friend network of SNS is explicit while users' communication behaviors are defined as an implicit network. What kind of relationships do these networks have? To address this question, we obtain some characteristics of users' communication structure and activation patterns of users on the SNS sites. By using new indexes, friend aggregation rate and friend coverage rate, we show that SNS sites with high value of friend coverage rate activate diary postings and their comments. Besides, they become activated when hub users with high degree do not behave actively on the sites with high value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. On the other hand, activation emerges when hub users behave actively on the sites with low value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. Finally, we observe SNS sites which are increasing the number of users considerably, from the viewpoint of network structure, and extract characteristics of high growth SNS sites. As a result of discrimination on the basis of the decision tree analysis, we can recognize the high growth SNS sites with a high degree of accuracy. Besides, this approach suggests mixi and the other small-scale SNS sites have different character trait.
橋本 康弘 土井 真一 根本 信義 佐伯 昌彦 小山 治 橋場 典子 吉村 功太郎 桑原 敏典 磯山 恭子 中原 朋生 渡部 竜也 三浦 朋子 小澤 昌之

宇野 良子 橋本 康弘 岡 瑞起 李 明喜 荒牧 英治
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.491-498, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

In participatory design, not only the designer, but other people such as end users participate in the process of designing to satisfy as many people as possible with the final product. The problem is, however, that interaction among people does not necessarily lead to good results. In our project we aim to make a design that reflects many people's intentions without interaction among them. We use rich text data from the web and computationally analyze the data to extract the intentions of people concerning the design. In this paper, we propose what data to use and how to analyze the data from a cognitive linguistic point of view. The points are that (i) we should use texts which are written spontaneously (such as those found in micro-blogs) and (ii) we should analyze the tense markers and epistemic modalities of the texts to extract intentions. We also introduce in the paper our workshop held at a library in an art university. In this workshop, we have visualized the intentions of students on digital maps.
菊池 八穂子 橋本 康弘
名古屋学院大学教職センター年報 = THE NAGOYA GAKUIN DAIGAKU KYOSHOKU CENTER NENPOU; The Annual Report of the Center of Teacher Training Course (ISSN:24326569)
no.1, pp.77-87, 2017-02-28

池上 高志 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.6, pp.811-819, 2015-11-01 (Released:2017-09-07)

The Web is perhaps the most complex system that we know today. Its massive scale, complex dynamism, open richness, and social character mean that it may be more profitable to study it by using tools and concepts appropriate for understanding nervous systems, organisms, ecosystems and society, rather than approaches more traditionally employed to study engineering technology. Simultaneously, the scientists trying to understand this wide array of complex natural systems may have much to gain by considering the emerging study of the Web. In this paper, taking examples from our recent studies on the Web, we concretely discuss the relevance of the Web as a large model, as opposed to small models often used in physics or biology, for understanding living systems. An idea is forwarded of a default mode network that introduces autonomy, evolvability and homeostasis into the Web. For example, we argue for the existence of two modes of the states in Twitter; the excitation and baseline. The Web turns out to be an excitable media similar to a brain or certain kinds of chemical systems. R. Ashby's laws of requisite variety is also revisited to study its relevance in the light of controlling complex systems.
岡 瑞起 李 明喜 橋本 康弘 宇野 良子 荒牧 英治
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.24, 2010

我々は、見た目に特別な意匠はなくても人間や社会のプロセスに良い変化をもたらす提案を「デザイン」と定義し、実践を通じた情報技術を活用したデザインプロセスの形式化に関する研究に取り組んでいる。実践として「Augmented Campus:拡張するキャンパス」というテーマのもと、キャンパスをより活性化するための環境をデザインすることを目的としたワークショップを行った。その取り組みについて紹介する。
古泉 大輔 橋本 康弘 陳 ユ 大橋 弘忠
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第2回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.135, 2007 (Released:2008-11-27)

内藤 優太 橋本 康弘 陳 Yu 大橋 弘忠
vol.2007, pp.131, 2007

Choviwatana Palin 木内 俊克 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘 小渕 祐介 隈 研吾
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.54, no.2, pp.90-101, 2019-10-25 (Released:2019-10-28)

山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 鳥海 不二夫 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
日本社会情報学会学会誌 (ISSN:13440896)
vol.23, no.1, pp.33-43, 2011-09

江島 昇太 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘 加藤 和彦
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

近年、ソーシャルメディアは新たな情報源として、あるいは新たな関係性構築のための手段として、人々の生活に広く浸透している。中でも SNS において、ユーザが行動を起こすモチベーション要因は、どのようなところにあるのだろうか。本研究では、ユーザの行動に対するフィードバックや、周りのユーザ同士の関係性をネットワークとして捉えたとき、その構造から計算できる特徴量でユーザの行動を説明できないかを調べる。
佐藤 晃矢 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘 加藤 和彦
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.5, pp.667-674, 2015

Social Tagging System (STS) which is one of the content management techniques is widely adopted in the online content sharing service. Using STS, users can give any strings (tags) to contents as annotations. It is important to know the usage of tag statistics for accomplishing an effective database design and the information navigation. The frequency of tag usage as well as their dynamics are similar to the ones found in the natural language. It is possible to reproduce the branching process of the tag dynamics using a classical model called Yule-Simon process. Another characteristic aspect of tags is the tag co-occurrence generated from the simultaneous use of tags. Using the tag co-occurrence, STS is able to reconstitute the hierarchy of tags, and recommend the tag which is probably used next. However, Yule-Simon process does not consider the tag co-occurrence and thus how the tag co-occurrence is generated from the model like Yule-Simon has not been addressed yet. In this paper, we propose to expand the Yule-Simon process to model the tag co-occurrence. From the point of view of network hierarchy, we confirm the similarity in the structure of the tag co-occurrence with the empirical data obtained from a social network service called 'RoomClip'. The present result suggested that this simple model like extended Yule-Simon process generates the tag co-occurrence feature.
橋本 康弘 佐藤 晃矢 岡 瑞起 池上 高志
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

佐藤 晃矢 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘 加藤 和彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.5, pp.667-674, 2015-09-01 (Released:2015-08-27)

Social Tagging System (STS) which is one of the content management techniques is widely adopted in the online content sharing service. Using STS, users can give any strings (tags) to contents as annotations. It is important to know the usage of tag statistics for accomplishing an effective database design and the information navigation. The frequency of tag usage as well as their dynamics are similar to the ones found in the natural language. It is possible to reproduce the branching process of the tag dynamics using a classical model called Yule-Simon process. Another characteristic aspect of tags is the tag co-occurrence generated from the simultaneous use of tags. Using the tag co-occurrence, STS is able to reconstitute the hierarchy of tags, and recommend the tag which is probably used next. However, Yule-Simon process does not consider the tag co-occurrence and thus how the tag co-occurrence is generated from the model like Yule-Simon has not been addressed yet. In this paper, we propose to expand the Yule-Simon process to model the tag co-occurrence. From the point of view of network hierarchy, we confirm the similarity in the structure of the tag co-occurrence with the empirical data obtained from a social network service called ‘RoomClip’. The present result suggested that this simple model like extended Yule-Simon process generates the tag co-occurrence feature.
草原 和博 棚橋 健治 溝口 和宏 桑原 敏典 鴛原 進 橋本 康弘 山田 秀和 渡部 竜也 藤本 将人 田中 伸 田口 紘子 後藤 賢次郎 小川 正人 川口 広美

和泉 潔 橋本 康弘 鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.211, pp.13-18, 2009-09-18

So-net SNS(β版)において,アクティブに稼動するSNSの中からのべ約1,200個のSNSを抽出し,決定木分析を用いて成長するSNSの判別を行なった.その結果,高い精度で判別可能であることが明らかとなった.決定木を生成する際に用いる変数に,ネットワーク構造に関する変数を導入したところ,判別能力が向上することが確認された.この結果より,ネットワーク構造がSNSの成長に影響を与えていることが示唆された.さらに,高成長したSNSの特徴分析を行ない,4つのパターンに分類しそれぞれの特徴を明らかにした.代表的な二つのSNSについてコミュニティ構造の推移を分析することによって,SNSのより詳細な違いが分析できる可能性が示唆された.