大島 徹 藤川 智彦 熊本 水頼
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.65, no.635, pp.2837-2844, 1999-07-25 (Released:2008-02-26)

Animals have various muscular as power souses and they, living in the gravitational environments, have very similar basic muscular arrangements in their muscular arrangements reflecting differences in their locomotive life styles. We have reported that the coordinating muscular activities among the three pairs of antagonistic muscles contributed to the output force direction control, in all round (360°) direction, the force/position control and the stiffness control at the endpoint of the extremities. In the present paper, relations between the differences in the muscular arrangements in animals and the differences in the characteristic differences in their locomotive styles were analyzed in terms of functional anatomy and of control engineering. The results obtained that the muscular arrangements in animals was reflected in their locomotive styles. All animals had the essential muscular arrangements to realize the force and the stiffness properties at the endpoint of the extremities.
大島 徹 藤川 智彦 熊本 水頼
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.67, no.11, pp.1824-1828, 2001-11-05 (Released:2009-04-10)
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It has been reported that, in the two joint motor link system of the human arm, complicate muscular alignments were simplified into three antagonistic pairs of six muscles including mono- and bi-articular muscles and these six muscle strengths were defined as functionally effective muscular strengths (FEMS), and the output force distribution exerted at the endpoint of the two-joint link system comes hexagonal shape, and further the six FEMS could be estimated based on the hexagonal characteristics of the output force distribution. In this study, it has been revealed that the same relationship between the output force distribution and the FEMS could be seen in the human leg as seen in the human arm, and the leg FEMS could be estimated with the ratio between the physiological cross sectional arias (PCSA) of the antagonistic biarticular leg muscles, because of its very little variation among the previous reports.
熊本 水頼
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.49, no.9, pp.631-639, 2012-09-18 (Released:2012-10-19)

Recently the unique functional characteristics of bi-articular muscles have been revealed by means of EMG kinesiological analysis and control engineering analysis. A two-joint limb link mechanism provided with one antagonistic pair of bi-articular muscles passing over two adjacent joints as well as two antagonistic pairs of mono-articular muscles at both end joints could control output forces exerted at the end point of the link mechanism in an arbitral direction with only a single input command signal informing the desired direction. The output force distribution of the limb link mechanism with three pairs of six muscles showed a hexagonal shape, whereas the link mechanism without the paired bi-articular muscles and only with the two pairs of mono-articular muscles showed a tetragonal shape. Configurational characteristics of the hexagonal output force distribution indicated that an individual functionally different effective muscular strength can be evaluated from the output force values of four designated points on the output force distribution line. Such a limb link mechanism could also dissolve contact tasks in order to maintain postural stability. Clinical applications utilizing the unique control properties of bi- articular muscles may shed light on future rehabilitation medicine therapies.
中川 宏 熊本 水頼
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.18, no.2, pp.83-89, 1973-10-25 (Released:2017-09-27)

ウェイトリフティングの選手について, ベンチプレスを行なわせたときの筋の作用機序について筋電図学的に検討した. 1) 手関節の姿勢制御を示すような筋の働きは認められなかった. 2) 肘関節はただ単純に伸展を行なっているだけで, 姿勢制御を示す筋の働きは殆んど認められなかった. 3) 筋力に余裕のあるとき, 肘関節伸展は上腕三頭筋外側頭のみで行なわれ, 筋力の劣るときは同筋長頭も参画した. 長頭の収縮がもたらす肩関節伸展の力は, 肩関節屈曲筋群の活動の増強で消却された. 4) 肩関節は水平位内転と屈曲の合成された動きを示す筋放電様相を呈した. 5) 挙上能力の劣るものには, 無駄な, かつまた抑制的と考えられる筋放電も認められた.