西 真紀子 熊谷 崇 ウェルトン ヘレン
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.66, no.4, pp.399-407, 2016 (Released:2016-08-03)

リスク評価(CRA)に基づき,患者個人にカスタマイズドしたう蝕予防,つまりパーソナライズド・カリエス予防(PCP)は日本人にまだ新しい医療サービスである.Rogersのイノベーション普及理論によると,普及の初期段階のキーパーソンは,イノベーションについての知識が高いとされている.われわれは,PCPプログラムへのアクセス困難が,この新しいプログラムの普及を妨げていると仮定した.アンケート調査による本横断研究の目的は,う蝕と歯周病のリスク評価を促進することを目的としたあるNPO 法人(PSAP)を通した成人(20 歳以上)を対象に,(1)PCP 利用者の割合を調べ,(2)PCPプログラムを受けていない理由をまとめ,(3)カリエスリスクについての知識がPCPへのアクセスと関係しているかを決定することにより,この仮定を調査することである.被験者はPSAPの初期の賛同歯科医院会員の患者(グループA:N=389),新規の賛同歯科医院会員の患者(グループB:N=78),新規一般会員(グループC:N=68)とした.主要なアウトカム変数は,患者によるPCPプログラムの利用,PCPプログラムを受けていない理由,選ばれたカリエスリスクファクター/インディケータの合計と,8つのリスクファクター/インディケータを選んだ回答者の割合である. グループAはPCPプログラムの利用率が最も高く(83.0%, 99% CI: 71.4–94.7),グループB (59.0%, 99% CI: 21.8–96.1),グループC (27.9%, 99% CI: 13.4–42.5)と続いた.グループAとCには,統計学的有意差があった(p<0.01).PCPプログラムを受けていない最も多い理由は,グループAB(グループAとBの混合)で"それについて知らなかった"(68.4%),グループCで"かかりつけ歯科医がしてくれない"(53.1%)だった.彼らはグループABのPCP非利用者よりカリエスリスクの知識が高く,リスクファクター/インディケータの中にはグループABのPCP利用者よりもよく知っているものもあった.これらの知見を一般化すると日本における潜在的なPCP利用者は,彼らの歯科医師がこのサービスを提供していないためにPCPプログラムへアクセスする機会がないのだろう. 結論として,PCPプログラムへのアクセスは,歯科医師が提供しているサービスに決定され,患者の知識はPCPへのアクセスに関係なかった.日本において社会決定要因へのアプローチを通してPCPプログラムの利用可能性を高めるために更なる努力が必要である.
塩井 太介 熊谷 崇宏 日下 佳祐 伊東 淳一
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.142, no.3, pp.198-205, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-01)

This paper proposes a low vibration stopping method by switching between the free-run and short-circuit braking modes of a compressor. Vibrations are generated by the bouncing of the rotor caused by load torque fluctuations. The proposed method suppresses the bouncing by stopping the motor during the suction process, thereby preventing the generation of a large torque. In order to stop the motor during the suction process, the proposed method switches from the free-run to short-circuit braking mode at the top dead center, which is the starting point of the suction process. Furthermore, the inrush current during the short-circuit braking mode is suppressed using a hysteresis current controller. The vibrations are evaluated under four pressure conditions using the conventional and proposed methods. The results show that, the proposed method achieves more than 50% reduction in the amplitudes of the vibrations at all four pressure conditions. Notably, the proposed method reduces the amplitude of the vibration by 71% under the high-pressure condition.
熊谷 崇宏 伊東 淳一 日下 佳祐 佐藤 大介
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.12, pp.962-975, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

This paper proposes an automatic design method of typical parameters such as number of phases, number of poles, stack thickness, stator outer diameter, rotor outer diameter, and number of turns of a switched reluctance motor from the requirement of the N-T characteristic. In particular, a specific parameter related to the magnetic saturation is defined in order to arbitrarily determine how much to use the magnetic properties of the iron core material. In the proposed method, the typical motor parameters in order to realize a miniaturized volume which satisfies an input N-T characteristic are obtained by setting the parameter related to magnetic saturation, maximum electrical frequency, maximum current density, maximum copper loss, conductor slot fill factor, magnetic properties of material, and input voltage. The designed motor is analyzed using the Finite Element Method in order to validate the proposed method.
熊谷 崇宏 伊藤 健 西川 滉大 伊東 淳一 山根 和貴 山田 伸明 名和 政道
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.4, pp.313-323, 2021-04-01 (Released:2021-04-01)

This study proposes a reduction method for iron loss in stator core using the optimum pulse pattern for a high-speed interior-permanent-magnet-synchronous-motor (IPMSM). In this paper, a simple evaluation function for iron loss of stator core in a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) drive is introduced. In particular, the iron loss in stator core is approximately estimated from the flux level obtained from the integral of the line-to-line voltage of the PWM drive. In addition, the pulse pattern is optimized to reduce the iron loss in stator core based on the introduced evaluation function. To validate the evaluation function, the correlation coefficient between the evaluation value and the measured iron loss is calculated in 12 random pulse patterns applied to the inductor and IPMSM. As a result, the correlation coefficients are 0.991 and 0.982 in the inductor and IPMSM, respectively. In addition, the iron loss of the IPMSM with the optimum pulse pattern is reduced by 8.5% and 3.7% in comparison with a carry-asynchronous PWM and carry-synchronous PWM, respectively.
熊谷 エツ子 田中 龍二 熊谷 崇 東田 善治 尾道 三一 中村 郁夫 田上 省三 甲木 孝人 澤田 昭三
Journal of Radiation Research 編集委員会
Journal of Radiation Research (ISSN:04493060)
vol.29, no.3, pp.203-210, 1988-09-15 (Released:2006-06-16)
3 1 4

To clarify the long-term effects of occupational exposure to low doses of radiation, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific antibody titers in sera from 104 radiological technologists (R.T.) and 118 controls in Kumamoto prefecture were measured by the immunofluorescence method. Antibody titers to viral capsid antigen (VCA)-IgG increased with the years of experience as R.T., and the prevalence of abnormal antibody titers to both VCA-IgG and early antigen (EA)-IgG were significantly higher in R.T. with over 15 years of experience or 30 rads of cumulative radiation dose than in the controls. However, there was no correlation between exposure and the frequency of abnormal EBV-associated nuclear antigen (EBNA) antibody titers. The EBV-specific antibody titers of 24 Hiroshima atomic-bomb survivors were also measured. They were similar to those of the R.T. with over 30 years of experience. The EBV-specific antibody titers of R.T. suggest that there may be an impairment of immunologic competence after continuous long-term exposure to low doses of radiation. Also, the correlation of EBV-specific antibody titers and frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations in 53 R.T. was studied. Some correlations were found between the antibody titers to both of the VCA-IgG and EBNA and the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations.
熊谷 エツ子 田中 龍二 熊谷 崇 東田 善治 尾道 三一 中村 郁夫 田上 省三 甲木 孝人 澤田 昭三
Journal of Radiation Research (ISSN:04493060)
vol.29, no.3, pp.203-210, 1988-09
1 1

To clarify the long-term effects of occupational exposure to low doses of radiation, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific antibody titers in sera from 104 radiological technologists (R.T.) and 118 controls in Kumamoto prefecture were measured by the immunofluorescence method. Antibody titers to viral capsid antigen (VCA)-IgG increased with the years of experience as R.T., and the prevalence of abnormal antibody titers to both VCA-IgG and early antigen (EA)-IgG were significantly higher in R.T. with over 15 years of experience or 30 rads of cumulative radiation dose than in the controls. However, there was no correlation between exposure and the frequency of abnormal EBV-associated nuclear antigen (EBNA) antibody titers. The EBY-specific antibody titers of 24 Hiroshima atomic-bomb survivors were also measured. They were similar to those of the R.T.with over 30 years of experience. The EBV-specific antibody titers of R.T. suggest that there may be an impairment of immunologic competence after continuous long-term exposure to low doses of radiation. Also, the correlation of EBV-specific antibody titers and frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations in 53 R.T. was studied. Some correlations were found between the antibody titers to both of the VCA-IgG and EBNA and the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations.
長谷 博子 松下 調子 明田 喜仁 大八木 薫博 熊谷 崇行 野浪 亨
歯科材料・器械 (ISSN:02865858)
vol.23, no.1, pp.16-20, 2004-01-25
