冨田 寛 田中 真琴 生井 明浩
Biomedical Research on Trace Elements (ISSN:0916717X)
vol.18, no.1, pp.54-62, 2007 (Released:2007-05-29)

1. In Japan, patients with taste disorder as a primary symptom of zinc deficiency are increasing.2. The incidence of taste disorder due to diet (insufficient intake of zinc) is especially high. The serum zinc value in patients with taste disorder due to diet was 20μg/dl (in many cases mean value is 60-79μg/dl )lower than the healthy group, but the half cases remained in more than 80μg/dl.3. The efficacy of oral administration of zinc in patients with taste disorder due to diet did not correlate with the zinc value before this therapy, but about 85%.4. Increasing rate of serum zinc values after the oral zinc therapy in patients with taste disorder due to diet was significantly high more than the placebo group. Lower serum zinc values in the patients were more effective. Correlate with the amount of oral administration of zinc.5. We would like to propose 80μg/dl as the diagnosis value(cutoff value) of zinc deficiency, referring to the above results and the conclusion of the Yokoi's study(Association between plasma zinc concentrations and zinc kinetic parameters in premenopausal women).
池田 稔 生井 明浩 佐藤 正美 野村 泰之
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.51, no.4, pp.208-214, 2008 (Released:2009-11-19)

Burning tongue syndrome is a collective name for diseases that cause a burning pain of the tongue, however, no clear clinical or laboratory abnormalities may be observed. The pain is a superficial, described as a burning sensation, and may occur in the tongue, palate, lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva, and teeth. Seventy-five percent of patients with burning tongue syndrome are middle aged women in their 50's and they are often post-menopausal. However, this syndrome may be observed in all ages regardless of gender. A variety of pathological causes have been proposed for this mysterious syndrome.Pain can be classified as nociceptive, neuropathic, or psychogenic, and the mechanism for the onset of burning tongue syndrome has been investigated in relation to all of these. Pain can be classified as acute or chronic. While acute pain may be alleviated with rest or analgesics, chronic pain lasts beyond a reasonable time needed for healing of an acute disease or wound and it may overlap with psychogenic pain. Many cases of burning tongue syndrome have been classified as chronic pain (psychogenic pain).Marked inflammation or tissue damage in burning tongue syndrome that are sufficient to account for the pain have not been detected. However, mild glossitis, micro-trauma caused by dentures, and dry mouth are often observed. Therefore, burning tongue syndrome may result from chronic pain caused by chronic irritation to the nociceptor in these minor lesions. In recent years, burning tongue syndrome has been proposed to be a neuropathic pain of the lingual nerve involving a taste disorder.Since the causes and background factors of burning tongue syndrome are not obvious, multiple treatments exist. The cases with dry mouth are treated with oral drugs such as pilocarpine hydrochloride, to promote salivation. For cases with taste disorder, zinc therapy using polaprezinc has been effective. For cases with suspected non-organic pain, anti-anxiety drugs or anti-epileptics, such as benzodiazepine, are recommended. The anti-epileptics, Rivotril® and Landsen®, enhance the GABA neuron activity specifically and are considered to be effective for neuropathic pain in burning tongue syndrome. For cases with masked depression, tetracyclic antidepressants or SSRIs are recommended. Patients with masked depression may have physical complaints and autonomous neurological symptoms, while the symptoms of depression are inconspicuous. Therefore, they have some common characteristics with patients with burning tongue syndrome.
生井 明浩 池田 稔 土肥 二三生 吉川 琢磨 木田 亮紀
口腔・咽頭科 (ISSN:09175105)
vol.12, no.3, pp.369-372, 2000-06-01 (Released:2010-06-28)

味覚障害の原因には, 従来より亜鉛が重要と考えられているが, 亜鉛の内服では味覚障害の改善の認められない症例がある.亜鉛と同様生体内の必須微量元素であるビタミンB群に着目し, 味覚障害患者の血中ビタミンB1とB2の測定を行った.対象は, 味覚障害患者のうちの血清亜鉛値正常者43例 (30歳―77歳, 平均59.7歳.男性17名, 女性26名) であった.43例全例血中ビタミンB1値は正常であった.43例中17例 (39.5%) に血中総ビタミンB2値の低下を認めた.低下症例の平均は44.4±3.8ng/ml, 全症例の平均53.8±12.4ng/mlであった (正常値50―84ng/ml).総ビタミンB2値の低下を認めた17例中10例に活性型ビタミンB2 (FAD) の経口投与を行った.10例中6例 (60%) に味覚の改善を認めた.味覚障害にビタミンB2欠乏も関与している可能性が推察された.
吉川 琢磨 生井 明浩 池田 稔 木田 亮紀
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.100, no.8, pp.864-869, 1997-08-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
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小児の異物誤飲事故は, 日常診療において遭遇する機会が多いが, 小型電池によるものは早期より重篤な合併症を引き起こしうるため, 近年多数の報告がなされている. しかしそのほとんどが胃あるいは腸に異物が落下していた例であり, 食道内に停滞していた症例についての報告は多くはない. 今回我々は, 従来の小型電池よりも電圧の強いリチウム電池を誤飲し食道潰瘍をきたした1症例を経験したので報告する. さらに, 犬を用いて実験的にリチウム電池による食道潰瘍を作製し, 食道粘膜の傷害程度と電池の停滞時間の関係について組織学的に検討を行った. 対照としての100円硬貨の挿入後4時間の組織と電池挿入後1時間の組織では, 異常所見は認められなかった. 電池挿入後2時間では, 肉眼上異常所見は見られなかったが, 組織学的には粘膜上皮中間層の解離が認められた. 電池挿入後4時間では, 肉眼上も明らかな潰瘍性変化が認められ, かつ組織学的にも粘膜上皮の剥離, 脱落などの変性が認められた. 今回の実験結果から小児の異物誤飲時の治療指針としては, 早期に異物の種類を診断し, 特に組織傷害力が強い電池異物と診断された場合には, 異物誤飲後4時間以内の早期の摘出を心掛け, 重篤な合併症を回避することが重要と思われる.

1 0 0 0 OA 顔面銃創例

久我 むつみ 生井 明浩 濱田 敬永 渡辺 健一 大森 英生 池田 稔
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.10, pp.1379-1382, 1994-10-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

We recently treated a patient with a penetrating gun shot wound from the posterior part of the left ear to the left maxillary sinus. The patient was a 35-year-old male who had been injured by a bullet entering behind his left ear. X-ray films and CT scans of the paranasal sinuses at the time of the initial examination showed a bullet in the frontal part of the left maxillary sinus. Intracranial damage was not suspected. Treatment was carried out on the same day. The wound behind the left ear was opened, and a Caldwell-Luc operation was performed. The bullet was removed from inside the left maxillary sinus. The patient had slight difficulty in movement of the articulus mandibularis. No abnormality of the cranial nerves, including the facial nerve, was observed, and the patient's recovery after the operation was good.
生井 明浩 池田 稔 吉川 拓磨 工藤 逸大 小野田 恵子 木田 亮紀
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.92, no.7, pp.801-804, 1999-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Polaprezinc is an anti-ulcerative drug that contains zinc. We used this drug for the treatment of 41 taste disorder patients (21 to 76 years). The rates of improvement were 80.0% in drug-induced, 100.0% in zinc deficient, and 62.5% in idiopathic taste disorders. The overall rate of improvement in all patients was 73.2% (30 cases). These results revealed that polaprezinc is useful for taste disorder patients lacking zinc.