田中 佑子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.12, no.1, pp.43-53, 1996
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This study examined the effects of family separation on tanshin-funin employees' organizational commitment and family commitment, and of both commitments on their primary appraisal and stress reactions. Subjects were 247 tanshin-funin employees, who transferred without the accompaniment of their family, 239 taido-funin employees, who transferred taking their family, and 225 non-transferees. Factor analysis found four factors for organizational commitment; "continuance commitment", "work willingness", "value acceptance" and "utilitarian commitment". Four factors were found for family commitment: "mental bonding", "work willingness", "group orientation", "reason-ability of family" and "utilitarian commitment". Two factors were found for a primary appraisal: "their own problem" and "a family and domestic problem". The results indicated that: (1) "work willingness for organization" and mental bonding" became stronger due to family separation. (2) Tanshin-funin employees' "value acceptance" "group orientation" and both "utilitarian commitments" significantly influenced stress reactions through "their own problem" or "a family and domestic problem".
貝沼 やす子 田中 佑季
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.56, no.12, pp.620-627, 2009-12-15
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(1) 米ペーストには粒径が6μm付近のでんぷん微粒子の存在が殆どを占めていた.米粉は粒径10~100μmにかけて広く分布していた.また,米ペーストの吸水率は50~60%と強力粉より少なかったのに対し,米粉は100%を超えており,強力粉より大きかった.<BR>(2) パン生地のファリノグラム解析において,米ペースト添加生地はコントロール生地と同等程度の硬さであったが,米粉添加生地はコントロールより明らかに硬かった.<BR>(3) 走査型顕微鏡観察では,米ペースト添加パン生地はコントロールパン生地に比べるとグルテン形成が少なくなっているものの,米粉添加パン生地よりもグルテンが形成されており,でんぷん粒とよく絡み合っていた.米ペースト添加パン生地は発酵させた際の体積増加率がコントロールパン生地より大きかったが,米粉添加パン生地は明らかに小さかった.<BR>(4) 米ペースト添加パンは米粉添加パンよりもパンの膨化状態・内相の品質・テクスチャーが改善されており,コントロールパンに近い,柔らかくきめの整った良好なパンとなっていた.<BR>(5) 米ペースト添加パンは米粉添加パンよりも低温に保存した場合のパンの硬化が抑制されており,コントロールパンと同等の変化を示した.<BR>これらのことから,米をペースト状にし,そのままパン生地に添加するという新たな米添加パンの調製法は,米の調理特性を活かした有用性のある調製法であると考えられる.また,パン以外の小麦粉調理で代替利用できる可能性も秘めており,米粒,米粉に次ぐ,米の新たな活用法としての有効性が期待できる.現時点では研究室規模の実験であったが,今後は実用化に向けて米ペーストを効率的に製造できる機器の開発,米ペーストを添加した業務用生地の調製法などの検討を行っていく予定である.
田中 佑子 中澤 潤 中澤 小百合
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.44, no.2, pp.156-165, 1996-06-30

This study examined the influence of husbands' absence on wives' psychological stress. Women whose husbands transferred with(N=180) or without(N=229) being accompanied by their families, completed questionnaires about stress reaction, child-care anxiety, children's problem behaviors, parent-child communication and fathers' cooperation with child-care. ANOVA analysis revealed that women who did not accompany their husbands(tanshin-funin) reported more stress reactions such as, "feeling lonely", "anxiety" and "poor physical condition" than did women who accompanied their husbands(taido-funin). Results of path analysis indicated that (1) tanshin-funin wives' child-care anxiety accounted for twice as much variance in their stress reaction, compared with taido-funin wives', and (2) tanshin-funin children's early delinquent behaviors influenced their mothers' child-care anxiety and stress. In addition, tanshin-funin wives recognized that their spouses' father/husband role performance affected children's problem behavior and women's stress. These data suggest that physical husband/father absence does not have so much of a direct negative effect on their families' well-being, but physical absence plus functional absence lead to more child's problem behavior, and wives' child-care anxiety or negative stress.