藤井 廉 今井 亮太 西 祐樹 田中 慎一郎 佐藤 剛介 森岡 周
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11694, (Released:2020-08-06)

【目的】運動恐怖を有する腰痛有訴者における重量物持ち上げ動作時の体幹の運動障害の特徴を明らかにすることである。【方法】腰痛がある労働者(以下,腰痛群)26 名と腰痛がない労働者(以下,非腰痛群)18 名が参加した。課題は重量物持ち上げ動作を5 回行い,動作時の体幹屈曲・伸展角速度および運動時間を計測した。運動恐怖の指標であるTSK を基に,腰痛群を低恐怖群(12 名)と高恐怖群(14 名)に群分けし,3 群間における体幹角速度,運動時間の比較および痛み関連因子との関係性を分析した。【結果】高恐怖群は非腰痛群,低恐怖群と比較して,1 試行目の体幹の伸展運動に要する時間に有意な延長と,体幹伸展角速度に有意な低下を認めた。腰痛群における1 試行目の体幹伸展角速度と運動恐怖に有意な正の相関を認めた。【結論】運動恐怖を有する腰痛有訴者は,重量物を挙上する際の体幹伸展方向への運動速度が低下することが明らかとなった。
田中 慎一郎 間瀬 一彦
公益社団法人 日本表面科学会
表面科学 (ISSN:03885321)
vol.23, no.12, pp.753-758, 2002-12-10 (Released:2008-10-09)

The core-level-excitation-induced ion desorption from surface is investigated. Two studies using electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy are shown. On Si(100)/H2O surface, it is shown that ion desorption is mainly induced by the shake-up/off excitation accompanying the Auger decay when the photon energy is near the O1s threshold. At a photon energy higher than the shake-up threshold, most of ions desorb resulting from the shake-up excitation accompanying the core-excitation. In both cases, the desorption is induced by the multi-hole final state. On ice surface, the kinetic energy of O1s photoelectrons gives the highest coincidence yield of H+ desorption is shifted by about −0.7 eV compared to the O1s peak observed in the conventional core-level photoelectron spectroscopy. It is ascribed to a core-level shift in the O1s level from which hydrogen ions desorb.
田中 慎一
土地制度史学会(現 政治経済学・経済史学会)
土地制度史学 (ISSN:04933567)
vol.16, no.3, pp.1-20, 1974-04-20 (Released:2017-10-30)

This article tries to clarify the actual condition of the adjustment of "the tax collection ledgers" (1907-1910) which was a principal factor of reforms of the tax collection system in so called Kankoku-Zaisei-Seiri (1904-1910), and the adjustment of " the tax collection ledgers" is to be chiefly considered in the process of elucidating both the policy which secures land taxes, an important element of the annual revenue, and the historic significance of the policy itself. And this article also tries to clarify the historic significance of the adjustment of "the tax collection "edgers" in the preceeding history of so called Chosen-Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo (1910-1918). Japanese Imperialism set about adjusting Sakufubo (or Kinki) in July 1907, because it seemed to be impossible to collect land taxes by means of Ryo-an and Sakufubo was the most important tax collection ledger of all. This Sakufu-Jigyo started on a full scale at Zaimu-Kantokukyoku in the district of Korea in 1908, and Japanese Imperialism excluded Rizoku in the district of Korea and hurried to accomplish this work with the aid of the land-lord class in the agricultural district. This article clarifies the actual condition of the Sakufu-Jigyo which started in Taikyu, Zenshu, Gen-zan and Koushu under Zaimu-Kantokukyoku in 1908 or 1909 and elucidates that the Sakufu-Jigyo had several differences in some respects. Japanese Imperialism tried to know in the Sakufu-Jigyo On whom land taxes should be imposed and to whom land ownership should be given. The Sakufu-Jigyo was in short the real beginning of Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo in Korea. After the completion of Chizei-Choshu-Daicho, Japanese Imperialism began making Kessu-Renmeibo in July 1909. This Kessu-Renmeibo was of great importance, for it unified the ledgers that had been made in various ways till then in the Sakufu-Jigyo under Zaimu-Kantokukyoku. This work, however, was not successful, because the Kessu-Renmeibo was made with the intention that land taxes ought to be imposed upon peasants and land ownership should not be given to anyone. Consequently Japanese Imperialism began making new Kessu-Renmeibo again in June 1910 in order to secure land taxes. The Kessu-Renmeibo was made with the intention that land taxes should be imposed upon landlords and land ownership should be given to them. This work was successful, and Tochi-Shinkokusho in "Tochi-Chosa Jigyo" (1910-1918) was made on the basis of the Kessu-Renmeibo. Japanese Imperialism planned so that the landlords may form a new ruling class in the agricultural district. The Kessu-Renmeibo was the last stage in the process of the adjustment of "the tax collection ledgers" which Japanese Imperialism had been making since 1907 and at the same time it was the first stage in the process of "Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo". The Kessu-Renmeibo operated to link these two processes together. Therefore the adjustment of "the tax collection ledgers" was the real beginning of Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo in Korea. Accordingly Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo in Korea should be regarded not merely as so called Chosen-Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo (1910-1918) but as both the adjustment of "the tax collection ledgers" (1907-1910) and "Tochi-Chosa-Jigyo" (1910-1918).
舟橋 怜佑 前島 伸一郎 岡本 さやか 布施 郁子 八木橋 恵 浅野 直樹 田中 慎一郎 堀 博和 平岡 繁典 岡崎 英人 園田 茂
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
pp.10516, (Released:2017-06-13)

【目的】リハビリテーション(リハ)目的で入院した右被殻出血患者を対象に,半側空間無視の有無やその検出法に関与する要因について検討した.【対象と方法】対象は回復期リハ病棟に入院した右被殻出血103 名で,発症から評価までの期間は40.5±27.4 日.発症時のCT より血腫型を評価し,血腫量を算出して,半側空間無視がみられたかどうかや,その検出法を診療録より後方視的に調査した.【結果】半側空間無視は103 名中58 名(56.1%)でみられた.血腫量が多く,血腫が内包前後脚または視床に及ぶ広範な場合に半側空間無視は高率にみられた.半側空間無視の検出率は消去現象と注意で最も高く,次いで模写試験,視空間認知の順であった.【結論】回復期リハの時期でも被殻出血の半数以上に半側空間無視を認め,その発現には血腫量や血腫型が関与した.半側空間無視の検出に複数の課題を用いることで,見落としを大きく減らすことができた.