田澤 実 Tazawa Minoru
法政大学情報メディア教育研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:18827594)
vol.23, pp.119-126, 2010-06-01

The goal of this study was twofold; examination of (1) whether self-understanding in career choice is fostered through the coursework using visitor employed photography (VEP); and (2) whether this coursework was effective for students on choosing their career. In the first study, whether the coursework using VEP foster self- self-understanding in career choice was examined through longitudinal research. The results showed the changes in categories between pictures taken at time 1 and those at time 2. Half of the students recognized that the categories of the pictures they took had changed. In the second study, the effectiveness of the coursework on career choice was examined with using both subjective and objective indicators. The results showed that 80 % of the students who took the coursework had chosen their career by two months before their graduation. More than 40 % of the students recognized that the coursework using VEP was actually helpful in their career choice. It was suggested that coursework using VEP has certain effect as career educational strategy.
田澤 実
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 (ISSN:13493043)
vol.5, pp.71-97, 2008-03

Based on the findings of Tazawa (2003, 2004), several desirable ways of deciding on a course are suggested. These include (1) expansion, (2) severance, (3) focusing, (4) single, and (5) reproduction. First, an index of ideas on how decide on a course was constructed, its relationship to other characteristics was examined, and its validity was confirmed. Then, using this index, the desirable methods of deciding on a course for university students were identified. In Study 1, the relationship between ego-identity and the index was examined. In Study 2, the relationship between career indecision, vocational indecision and the index was examined. And in Study 3, the relationship between attitudes towards career and the index was examined. In Study 4, desirable methods of deciding on a course were analyzed using free descriptions. Further more,grade-differences in desirable methods of deciding on a course were examined. Results indicated that the index of desirable methods had adequate validity. Moreover, they showed that students who thought a single type was desirable were not in an appropriate condition for making a reliable decision. The importance of considerating plural courses at least once in the decision process is emphasized.