清水 麻由 今井 孝成 山崎 さやか 矢川 綾子 宮沢 篤生 中村 俊紀 北條 菜穂 石川 良子 神谷 太郎 板橋 家頭夫
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.65, no.2, pp.128-133, 2016 (Released:2016-04-16)

【目的】インフルエンザ予防接種ガイドラインには,鶏卵完全除去中や鶏卵摂取後にアナフィラキシー歴がある児は専門施設へ紹介するとし,安全性についての記載はない.今回,特に重症な鶏卵アレルギー児を対象に当科でインフルエンザワクチンを接種した後の副反応について検討し,17例のケースシリーズとして報告する.【方法】対象は平成25年度にインフルエンザワクチンを希望し,当該ワクチンの接種歴がなくかつ重症な鶏卵アレルギー児(鶏卵完全除去中かつ卵白またはOvomucoid(OVM)特異的IgE値がスコア4以上である児〔以下完全除去児〕,または鶏卵摂取にてSampson分類でGrade III以上の強いアナフィラキシー症状の既往のある児〔以下アナフィラキシー児〕)とした.接種前に10倍希釈ワクチン液でプリックテストを施行し,2分割接種を行った.主要評価項目は,接種後30分以内,24時間以内の副反応の出現状況とした.【結果】17例(完全除去児9例,アナフィラキシー児8例)を対象に,のべ33回接種を行い,接種後の副反応は,分割接種30分以内,24時間以内とも認めなかった.【結論】重症な鶏卵アレルギーであっても,インフルエンザワクチンは安全に接種できる可能性が高い.
石川 良子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.25-46, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 1

The purpose of this paper is to describe and interpret interviews with persons who regard themselves as “hikikomori, ” and to point out the negative effects, especially for such individuals, caused by the confusion of the concepts of “hikikomori” with “NEETs.”“Hikikomori, ” which refers to youth in a state of social withdrawal, has been noted since the latter half of the 1990s in Japan. In recent years, the concept of “NEETs” has also come to attract attention. “NEETs” refers to young people who are “not in education, employment, or training.” The concept of “hikikomori” has been partly incorporated into discussions about “NEETs, ” and it is commonly said that the two can be discussed in the same context. Moreover, some organizations dealing with “hikikomori” have started to support “NEETs.” However the understanding of “hikikomori” that has accumulated may be distorted by the confusion between the two concepts.Moreover, this confusion has a direct effect on individuals who consider themselves to be “hikikomori.” Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two concepts. Based on this perspective, the author describes and interprets interviews with such individuals, and points out the problems of providing support for “hikikomori” sufferers within the concept of “NEETs”.The interviewed revealed the following facts. People who consider themselves to be “hikikomori” see themselves as inferior and withdraw from relationships with others because though they have difficulty working, they worry excessively that “working is the natural state for an adult.” Their self-esteem cannot be restored immediately even if they participate in a self-help group. Informants re-construct stories about themselves and their lives and come to see the norm of life-courses in relative terms, and regain self-esteem from this. However, this can lead to a decline in their motivation to start working. Moreover, informants cannot overcome their distrust and fear of society. Therefore, sufferers of “hikikomori” seek a new way of life as they again ask themselves various questions, such as, “why must we work?” “What do I want to do?” “Who am I?” and so on. As they think through these questions, they resolve to make a fresh start.This process of struggle is in essence the process of recovery from “hikikomori.” Current measures for “NEETs, ” are based on the idea that it is more important to start working than to think too much about the meaning of working. However, individuals suffering from “hikikomori” have regained their self-esteem by asking the various questions concerning working and their own lives. Therefore, it is likely that the confusion of the two concepts will not only deprive people suffering from “hikikomori” of the opportunity for recovery but will also lead them to abandon their own efforts voluntarily.
石川 良子 Ryoko ISHIKAWA 東京都立大学大学院 Graduate School of Social Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.25-46, 2006-12-10

The purpose of this paper is to describe and interpret interviews with persons who regard themselves as "hikikomori," and to point out the negative effects, especially for such individuals, caused by the confusion of the concepts of "hikikomori" with "NEETs." "Hikikomori," which refers to youth in a state of social withdrawal, has been noted since the latter half of the 1990s in Japan. In recent years, the concept of "NEETs" has also come to attract attention. "NEETs" refers to young people who are "not in education, employment, or training." The concept of "hikikomori" has been partly incorporated into discussions about "NEETs," and it is commonly said that the two can be discussed in the same context. Moreover, some organizations dealing with "hikikomori" have started to support "NEETs." However the understanding of "hikikomori" that has accumulated may be distorted by the confusion between the two concepts. Moreover, this confusion has a direct effect on individuals who consider themselves to be "hikikomori." Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two concepts. Based on this perspective, the author describes and interprets interviews with such individuals, and points out the problems of providing support for "hikikomori" sufferers within the concept of "NEETs." The interviewed revealed the following facts. People who consider themselves to be "hikikomori" see themselves as inferior and withdraw from relationships with others because though they have difficulty working, they worry excessively that "working is the natural state for an adult." Their self-esteem cannot be restored immediately even if they participate in a self-help group. Informants re-construct stories about themselves and their lives and come to see the norm of life-courses in relative terms, and regain self-esteem from this. However, this can lead to a decline in their motivation to start working. Moreover, informants cannot overcome their distrust and fear of society. Therefore, sufferers of "hikikomori" seek a new way of life as they again ask themselves various questions, such as, "why must we work?" "What do I want to do?" "Who am I?" and so on. As they think through these questions, they resolve to make a fresh start. This process of struggle is in essence the process of recovery from "hikikomori." Current measures for "NEETs," are based on the idea that it is more important to start working than to think too much about the meaning of working. However, individuals suffering from "hikikomori" have regained their self-esteem by asking the various questions concerning working and their own lives. Therefore, it is likely that the confusion of the two concepts will not only deprive people suffering from "hikikomori" of the opportunity for recovery but will also lead them to abandon their own efforts voluntarily.
石川 良子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.48, no.2, pp.39-55,156, 2003-10-31 (Released:2016-05-25)

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a viewpoint to understand "Hikikomori" without referring to dyscommunication between parents and children as a cause of "Hikikomori," based on narratives by members of a self-help group.In this paper, we regard "Hikikomori" as passing, and focus on information about self and interactions with others. The term "Hikikomori" does not always indicate withdrawal from communication with all others.For example, informants sometimes go out for shopping or walks, on the one hand; on the other hand, they avoid meeting almost all their neighbors, friends and acquaintances. We can consider both episodes deliberate or unintended passing, namely, in order to avoid negative reactions from others, they try to keep anonymity that means relative shortage of biographical information by managing their own discreditable information about themselves. In addition, informants can associate with their intimates if they are familiar with the discreditable information about informants and passing is not needed. However, even in this case, informants sometimes avoid associating with their intimates if the negative reactions from them can be expected. From this view, it is not very important with whom informants communicate. In conclusion, we suggest that informants avoid the situations where they recognize themselves as stigmatized individuals, which cause them moral conflicts, and that we can consider "Hikikomori", in a sense, a rational strategy to ease their own moral conflicts.
石川 良子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.48, no.2, pp.39-55,156, 2003

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a viewpoint to understand "Hikikomori" without referring to dyscommunication between parents and children as a cause of "Hikikomori," based on narratives by members of a self-help group.In this paper, we regard "Hikikomori" as passing, and focus on information about self and interactions with others. The term "Hikikomori" does not always indicate withdrawal from communication with all others.For example, informants sometimes go out for shopping or walks, on the one hand; on the other hand, they avoid meeting almost all their neighbors, friends and acquaintances. We can consider both episodes deliberate or unintended passing, namely, in order to avoid negative reactions from others, they try to keep anonymity that means relative shortage of biographical information by managing their own discreditable information about themselves. In addition, informants can associate with their intimates if they are familiar with the discreditable information about informants and passing is not needed. However, even in this case, informants sometimes avoid associating with their intimates if the negative reactions from them can be expected. From this view, it is not very important with whom informants communicate. In conclusion, we suggest that informants avoid the situations where they recognize themselves as stigmatized individuals, which cause them moral conflicts, and that we can consider "Hikikomori", in a sense, a rational strategy to ease their own moral conflicts.
石川 良子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.48, no.2, pp.39-55,156, 2003

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a viewpoint to understand "Hikikomori" without referring to dyscommunication between parents and children as a cause of "Hikikomori," based on narratives by members of a self-help group.In this paper, we regard "Hikikomori" as passing, and focus on information about self and interactions with others.<br> The term "Hikikomori" does not always indicate withdrawal from communication with all others.For example, informants sometimes go out for shopping or walks, on the one hand; on the other hand, they avoid meeting almost all their neighbors, friends and acquaintances. We can consider both episodes deliberate or unintended passing, namely, in order to avoid negative reactions from others, they try to keep anonymity that means relative shortage of biographical information by managing their own discreditable information about themselves.<br> In addition, informants can associate with their intimates if they are familiar with the discreditable information about informants and passing is not needed. However, even in this case, informants sometimes avoid associating with their intimates if the negative reactions from them can be expected. From this view, it is not very important with whom informants communicate.<br> In conclusion, we suggest that informants avoid the situations where they recognize themselves as stigmatized individuals, which cause them moral conflicts, and that we can consider "Hikikomori", in a sense, a rational strategy to ease their own moral conflicts.