脇田 彩
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.63, no.4, pp.585-601, 2013-03-31 (Released:2014-03-31)

本稿の目的は, 日本社会における女性の階層再生産の概要を, 実証的に記述することである.女性を階層研究の対象とする際, 階層的地位には2つの区別すべき側面, すなわち個人単位の地位と, 世帯の生活水準があることが明らかになる. しかしその2つの側面からなる女性の階層再生産の全体像は, あまり記述されていない. 本稿では階層的地位の2つの側面を区別し, それぞれに対する出身階層の影響を示した. 従属変数である個人単位の地位の測度として個人所得, 世帯の生活水準の測度として夫妻の合計所得, そして独立変数である出身階層の測度として両親の職業の組み合わせを用いた.2005年SSM調査データを用いた分析の結果, 女性の階層再生産の特徴として, 2点が明らかになった. 第1に, 女性の出身階層は, (1) 両親の職業的地位がともに高い家庭, (2) 典型的な専業主婦家庭, (3) 両親どちらかが農業に就いていた家庭, そして (4) 父親がブルーカラーの家庭という, 4つのグループで捉えられる. 第2に, 女性の階層的地位の2つの側面に対する, 出身階層の効果は異なる. 個人単位の地位の達成には両親の職業的地位がともに高い女性, 次いで両親どちらかが農業に就いていた女性が有利である. 一方, 世帯の生活水準の達成には典型的な専業主婦家庭出身の女性がもっとも有利である. これら2つの特徴が, 女性が両親から階層的地位を受け継ぐ過程をより複雑に見せていると考えられる.
元治 恵子 辻 竜平 太郎丸 博 三輪 哲 田辺 俊介 長松 奈美江 脇田 彩 斉藤 知洋

脇田 彩
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.57, no.2, pp.3-18,134, 2012

This study examines gender neutrality in occupational prestige scores focusing on gender information of people whose occupations are evaluated by respondents. In this study, a survey was conducted in which student respondents were asked to evaluate56 occupations with the gender of the incumbents specified, the male and female occupational prestige scores were calculated based on the respondents' evaluations. The analysis produced three findings regarding the effects of the evaluated persons' gender information on their occupational prestige scores. First, there is little difference between male and female average occupational prestige scores. Second, both male and female occupational prestige scores computed from the respondents correlate strongly with the occupational prestige scores from the 1995 social stratification and social mobility (SSM) survey, in which the gender of occupational incumbents was not specified. Third, in the occupations with higher percentages of female workers, female occupational prestige scores tend to be higher than male scores. Two important results were obtained regarding the gender neutrality of occupational prestige scores. First, regardless of gender information, the occupational prestige score provides a stable index of social status. Second, for occupations with a large female workforce, the occupational prestige score's gender neutrality may not be reliably assumed because people whose occupations fit the stereotypes of their gender are evaluated higher than those people of a different gender in the same occupations. To confirm these results, a larger survey of respondents with diverse characteristics is required to clarify how gender information influences the evaluation of people, and to explain in detail the relationship between gender and occupational prestige scores.
脇田 彩
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.57, no.2, pp.3-18,134, 2012

This study examines gender neutrality in occupational prestige scores focusing on gender information of people whose occupations are evaluated by respondents. In this study, a survey was conducted in which student respondents were asked to evaluate56 occupations with the gender of the incumbents specified, the male and female occupational prestige scores were calculated based on the respondents' evaluations. The analysis produced three findings regarding the effects of the evaluated persons' gender information on their occupational prestige scores. First, there is little difference between male and female average occupational prestige scores. Second, both male and female occupational prestige scores computed from the respondents correlate strongly with the occupational prestige scores from the 1995 social stratification and social mobility (SSM) survey, in which the gender of occupational incumbents was not specified. Third, in the occupations with higher percentages of female workers, female occupational prestige scores tend to be higher than male scores. Two important results were obtained regarding the gender neutrality of occupational prestige scores. First, regardless of gender information, the occupational prestige score provides a stable index of social status. Second, for occupations with a large female workforce, the occupational prestige score's gender neutrality may not be reliably assumed because people whose occupations fit the stereotypes of their gender are evaluated higher than those people of a different gender in the same occupations. To confirm these results, a larger survey of respondents with diverse characteristics is required to clarify how gender information influences the evaluation of people, and to explain in detail the relationship between gender and occupational prestige scores.