菅原 隆 宮下 采子 松田 由佳里 吉田 光徳 樫村 勉 菊池 雄二 副島 一孝
一般社団法人 日本熱傷学会
熱傷 (ISSN:0285113X)
vol.47, no.2, pp.72-77, 2021-06-15 (Released:2021-06-15)

尿道までいたる陰茎凍傷を合併した凍傷の症例を治療する機会を得たので報告する. 症例は26歳の男性. 冬山登山中に遭難し, 3日後に救助された. 前医救命センターで初療後, 受傷後29日目に凍傷の治療目的に当院に転医した. 当院で初診時に両手指と両足趾, 左鼠径部, 陰茎に黒色壊死を認めた.  受傷後33日目に壊死組織のデブリードマンを行った. その後, 陰茎腹側に尿道欠損を生じたためデブリードマン後14日目に口腔粘膜移植による尿道再建術を行い, 再建した尿道は陰嚢皮膚よりの皮弁で被覆を行った. 術後経過は良好で, 術後1年半以上が経過した現在も良好な排尿機能を維持しており, 退院後に挙児も得ており勃起機能と妊孕性も温存されている.  凍傷による尿道損傷は非常にまれな病態であると考えられる. 尿道損傷に対して本例では口腔粘膜移植による再建を行った. 術後良好な結果が得られており, 凍傷による尿道損傷に対して尿道再建術は有用であった.
菅原 隆文 村上 礼隆 植竹 宣江 開 浩一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.6, pp.829-833, 2015 (Released:2015-06-01)

Recently, extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli has been more frequently isolated from blood specimens than in the past. In this study we investigated a panel of therapeutic agents used to treat 37 patients with ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia. Antimicrobial agents administered as definitive therapy displayed higher efficacy rates than when empiric therapy was administered (efficacy rates, 95.7% vs. 62.5%). The success rate of carbapenem was 95.8% (23/24) in patients with ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia. In addition, the success rate of cefmetazole against ESBL-producing E. coli sensitive to this drug was 87.5% (7/8). In conclusion, patients at high risk of infection due to ESBL-producing E. coli should be empirically treated with carbapenem antibiotics. In addition, cefmetazole may be a treatment option for patients with ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia.
石川 博康 玉井 克人 見坊 公子 角田 孝彦 澤村 大輔 梅木 薫 菅原 隆光 矢島 晴美 佐々木 千秋 熊野 高行 三上 英樹 三上 幸子 高木 順之 門馬 節子 菊池 朋子
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.113, no.8, pp.1229-1239, 2003-07-20 (Released:2014-12-13)

帯状疱疹の現状把握を目的とし,2000年4月から2001年3月までの1年間に東日本地区の総合病院と診療所の計11施設を受診した帯状疱疹患者1,065例を対象に統計的解析を行った.結果として,1)8月が最多であったが季節差は認めなかった.2)男女比では女性が多く(M:F=1:1.4),年齢別では60代を中心とした大きな峰と10~20代の小さい峰との2峰性を示した.3)発症部位は上肢~胸背部が最多で31.2%を占め,胸髄部発症例は全体の50.8%であったが,部位別分節別で比較すると頭顔部が最多であった.4)汎発化は2.3%にみられ,70代を中心に頭顔部症例が多かった.5)PHN(postherpetic neuralgia:帯状疱疹後神経痛)は5.3%に残存し,70代を中心に腹背部に多かった.6)抗ウイルス薬は全体の79.0%に投与されていた.7)頭顔部症例の13.4%に眼病変が,1.1%にRamsay-Hunt症候群がそれぞれ合併していた.8)全体の8.8%に基礎疾患を認めた.9)2回以上の再罹患率は全体の3.6%であった.10)医療機関別の比較では患者の年齢層が有意に異なっており,総合病院は60代以上の高齢者主体で診療所は50代以下が多かった.
島内 洋志 氏平 増之 鍵和田 忠男 菅原 隆之 石島 洋二 関 忠郎
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
資源と素材 : 資源・素材学会誌 : journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (ISSN:09161740)
vol.122, no.3, pp.119-128, 2006-03-25

In the transportation system using a large scaled dump truck, it is important to replace a wheel safely, quickly and easily when a wheel is burst or too much abraded partially. Conventionally, wheel replacement work has been depended on the replacement machinery for exclusive use. Considerable amount of expenditure was necessary to purchase the replacement machinery for exclusive use. Because of this reason, development of wheel replacing unit (handler unit ) has been expected for holding down the production cost.<BR>In this study, motion of a wheel replacement handler was analyzed both theoretically and experimentally, then handler unit was developed and wheel replacement test was carried out. Results obtained from the study are as follows; 1) Optional height of the axis of the large diameter wheel which is to be replaced can be adjusted easily, applying the analyzed equation obtained from theoretical study on the link motion. 2) It was found that a large scale wheel supported by a pair of steel pipes of which diameter and weight were 3.6 m and 5.2 t respectively could be rolled for setting the bolt holes to the bolt positions, when the pipe diameter was larger than 4 in. 3) As a result of rolling test for a large scale wheel using a pair of steel pipes of which diameter were 7in, it was proved that setting work of bolt holes to the bolt positions could be done within the time of 14-20 min. 4) Conclusively, it can be said that the handler unit newly developed in this study has the wide applicability, simplicity and cost performance comparing with conventional wheel replacing machinery.
伊藤 聡史 志摩 政幸 菅原 隆志 地引 達弘 秋田 秀樹 雨澤 弘機 大貫 晃
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.45, no.2, pp.269-275, 2010 (Released:2012-12-06)
2 6

A basic study on the development of sliding materials which can be used in seawater is made in this paper. As well known, stainless steel and titanium alloy are both fine anti-corrosive materials in seawater, but these are easily worn as resulting from corrosive type of wear in seawater. In order to overcome the disadvantage silicon (Si) particles were embedded into the surface layers of them, by applying the rubbing treatment process which was developed by the authors. The wear tests were done in artificial seawater by using the reciprocating wear apparatus. The results show that the coefficient of frictions are not so improved, but wear resistant properties are improved, especially for Si treated stainless steel mated by the same substrate material. Based on the results the wear mechanism of the developed materials is discussed.
阪田 安彦 岩本 康男 菅原 隆文 阿部 圭輔 赤木 恵 宮森 伸一 伊藤 充矢 大谷 彰一郎 雑賀 隆史 野間 純 檜垣 健二 二宮 基樹 開 浩一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.12, pp.780-784, 2012-12-10 (Released:2013-12-10)

Docetaxel is used to treat various types of carcinomas. Since docetaxel is insoluble in water (solubility, 0.002 mg/mL), to improve its solubility, it is administered with alcohol. The amount of alcohol required to improve the solubility of Onetaxotere® is twice as much as that required to improve the solubility of Taxotere®.In this study, we investigated the immediate breath alcohol level of and feeling of drunkenness experienced by patients after administration of chemotherapy with Onetaxotere®. The study was performed in 50 patients, from March 2012 to June 2012. In addition, 25 patients served as controls: these patients were administered chemotherapy with paclitaxel. Breath tests revealed no alcohol in any of the patients who were administered Onetaxotere®. Furthermore, none of these patients experienced a feeling of drunkenness. In contrast, breath tests performed in the control patients revealed alcohol in 15 cases, and 4 out of the 15 patients experienced a feeling of drunkenness.Breath tests revealed alcohol in 60.0% of the patients who were administered paclitaxel. The result is similar to those reported in other studies. No alcohol was detected in any of the patients who were administered Onetaxotere®. Moreover, these patients did not experience a feeling of drunkenness. These findings suggest that the patients who received Onetaxotere® were unaffected by the alcohol used to administer the drug.
佐野 知子 原田 雅史 菅原 隆光 伊坂 直紀 増岡 昭生 三上 昭廣 島森 美光 黒澤 菜穂子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.8, pp.897-903, 2013 (Released:2013-08-01)
5 6

As hospitalized patients in psychiatry departments are often prescribed multiple psychotropics depending on their psychiatric symptoms, psychotropics are considered as important factors potentially associated with a high risk of falls. In this study, we attempted to investigate, from the aspect of drug prescription, to what degree the number and doses of psychotropics must be adjusted in order to reduce risk of falls in hospitalized psychiatric patients. The subjects were 526 patients, consisting of a fall group of 313 patients, who had experienced 1 to 5 falls (510 events) and a control group of 213 patients who had never experienced falls. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the correlations between the occurrence of falls and the number and doses of psychotropics. The results showed that the risk of falls increased with increasing number of antipsychotics and anxiolytics/hypnotics prescribed, with the risk increasing, by 3.75-fold with the increase in the dose of chlorpromazine (CP)-equivalents to more than 600 mg, by 2.08-fold when the dose of diazepam (DAP)-equivalents to more than 15 mg, and by 7.80-fold with increase in CP-equivalents to more than 600 mg concomitantly with an increase in DAP-equivalents to more than 15 mg. In addition, a tendency towards increase in the frequency of falls was observed when more than 5 psychotropics were prescribed concomitantly. The above results suggested that the risk of falls may be reduced by appropriately adjusting the number of drugs and the doses of psychotropics used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
菅原 隆
