菊池 清子
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.13, no.11, pp.639-652, 1975-11-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

A clinical follow-up study on bronchiectasis in 116 children, who had been diagnosed between 1951 and 1971, showed the following results:1. Subjective course and prognosis:Coughing, sputum and other respiratory complaints were remarkably reduced in both operated and non-operated groups and almost 80% of the patients feel recovered from their pulmonary disease and spend a normal school life or are able to work without any trouble.2. Objective course and prognosis:In the non-operated group, bronchographic findings showed that the ectatic bronchi still had remained in all cases after 1-21 years process and furthermore, newly ectatic bronchi were noticed. In the operated group, bronchographic findings showed that no ectatic bronchi had appeared in completely resected cases, but in incompletely resected cases ectatic bronchi had newly developed or ectatic tendencies were noted. Pulmonary function tests such as vital capacity, one-second forced expiratory volume and maximum voluntary ventilation revealed no remarkable differences between the operated and non-operated groups. Normal volume was noticed in the completely resected group, but in the non-operated group, residual volume had increased.3. General results:In the non-operated group, no one had recovered completely and only 28.6% had slightly improved, 42.8% were almost unchanged and 28.6% had deteriorated. In the operated group, 50.0% had almost recovered completely and of the improved cases almost 83.3% proved to have good prognosis, but 8.3% unchanged and 8.3% deteriorated cases were noticed. Considering the objective and subjective data, it is clear that there is a great discrepancy between the results of the objective and subjective course and progresses. This is an important point in seeking to cure bronchiectasis in children. Considering these points, 1 suggest the three following major principles in the attempt to cure bronchiectasis in children:1) Complete resection of the invading focus should be performed after bronchography examinations and full consideration of the post operative pulmonary function.2) Operation should be decided after observing irreversible changes of the bronchus after six months or one year follow up.3) Treatment of bronchiectasis in children should be combined with antibiotics, drainage, treatment of complication and so on when necessary.
菊池 清 妹尾 千賀子 中村 嗣 大日 康史 菅原 民枝 岡部 信彦
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.25, no.6, pp.351-356, 2010 (Released:2011-02-05)

菅原 民枝 大日 康史 多屋 馨子 及川 馨 羽根田 紀幸 菊池 清 加藤 文英 山口 清次 吉川 哲史 中野 貴司 庵原 俊昭 堤 裕幸 浅野 喜造 神谷 齊 岡部 信彦
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.81, no.5, pp.555-561, 2007-09-20 (Released:2011-05-20)
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目的: 現在ムンプスワクチンの予防接種は任意接種であるが, 定期接種化された場合の費用対効果分析を行った.方法: 本研究は, 外来診療における医療費と家族の看護負担に関する調査を行い, 入院や後遺症死亡例の重症化例の情報を加味した.外来診療の医療費と家族看護に関する調査は, 平成16年6月15日から平成18年1月15日までの19カ月間, 人口10万人都市で, 小児科を標榜する9診療所と県立病院大学付属病院の11医療機関で実施した.入院例調査は, 平成16年1月から平成17年12月までの2年間, ムンプス及びムンプスワクチン関連により24時間以上入院あるいは死亡した例について実施した.結果: 外来診療に関する回収は189枚家族票112枚であった. 外来診療の疾病負担は, 家族看護費用も含めて平均値471億円 (最大値2, 331億円, 最小値6億円) であった.ムンプスの入院患者数は全国で4596例と推測した. 入院は, 家族看護も含めて平均値13.5億円であった. 後遺症, 死亡例を加え総疾病負担は, 平均値525億円 (最大値2434億円, 最小値109億円) であった.費用対効果分析では, 予防接種費用を6000円とすると, 増分便益費用比は, 5.2であり, 95%信頼区間下限においても1を上回っていた.考察: 増分便益費用比は1を上回っており, 定期接種化によってもたされる追加的な便益が, 追加的な費用を上回っていた. したがって, ムンプスワクチンの定期接種化に向けて政策的根拠が確認された.