藤 則雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.14, no.4, pp.195-220, 1975-12-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
11 6

Some coastal sand dunes, such as the Himi, Uchinada, Katayamazu and Sanribama dunes, are distributed widely along the coast of the Japan Sea in the central Japan. I have made for about two decades research of the coastal sand dunes throughout the Japanese Islands, especially the Hokuriku district, from the view points of the age of formation of sand dunes, palaeoenvironment during the time of the formation of sand dunes and the relationship between the age of formation and change of sea-level.In this article I have proved the following six items in regard to the coastal sand dunes of the Hokuriku district:(1) Summary of some gists of the distribution, arrangement, basement and age of formation of the coastal sand dunes.(2) The age of formation of the coastal sand dunes which are distributed in the Hokuriku district is divided into seven periods as follows: First period-the Late Pleistocene Riss/Würm Interglacial age, Hiradoko stage; Second period-the late substage of the Earliest Jomonian age to the early substage of the Early Jomonian age; Third period-the late substage of the Early Jomonian age, the highest sea-level stage of the Flandrian transgression age; Fourth period-the earliest substage of the Middle Jomonian age; Fifth period-the Late Jomonian age to Yayoian age; Sixth period-the early substage of the Tumulusian age, the old tomb age, the Minor transgression age; Seventh period-the middle Muromachi age. Among them, the time when larger dunes were formed is the fourth, fifth and sixth periods.(3) Judging from the view point of relationship between the formation of the coastal sand dunes and the palaeoenvironment in the time of formation, both the palaeotemperature and palaeomoisture during the Holocene epoch were not in direct connection with the formation of the coastal sand dunes.(4) The necessary conditions for the formation of the coastal sand dunes are the following: (a) supply of sand, (b) migration of sand, and (c) sedimentation of sand. The conditions were prescribed by a position of strand line, it needs the fix of the position of the strand line for the formation of the coastal sand dunes.(5) From the view point of relationship between the change of sea-level and the formation of the coastal sand dunes, when the environment was changed topographically by the change of sea-level, a scale of sand dune may be changed by the fact that the above-mentioned three conditions are promoted or hindered under this changed environment. Roughly speaking, better conditions for the formation of sand dune may be just after the time when a sea-level changes from rising to lowering.(6) The relationship between the relative change of sea-level, the change of palaeoenvironment and the formation of the coastal sand dunes in every stage of the Holocene epoch is described in this article in the concrete.
藤 則雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.10, no.3, pp.134-146, 1971-10-30 (Released:2009-08-21)

Palynological, stratigraphical and chronological investigations were made on the Holocene buried humus soils intercalated in the coastal sand dunes developed along the Japan Sea in the Hokuriku district, Central Japan.The purpose of the present investigations is to determine a definite age of the formation of the humus soils, palaeoclimatic condition under which they were formed, their topographical environments and the relationship between the formation of their humus soils and coastal sand dune and the cahnge of sea-level.Most of the studied humus soils and peat deposits are considered to have formed during the close of the Middle Jomonian to the Early Old Tomb periods. The conclusion are based on 14C dating, the stratigraphy, topographical setting and archaeological remains found in the humus soils.The palaeoclimatic condition at those periods was cool temperate, judging from such macroplant remains as erect tree stumps, leaves and seeds, and microplants as pollen grains and spores. The annual mean temperature was estimated at some 11°C, and the flora which was developed on the Inner and Middle or Old sand dunes was composed mainly of either a riparian or a mixedslope type, being closely similar to the present lowland vegetation in the northern Honshu.A relative minor rise of the sea-level and migration of the coastal sand dunes seem to have caused the formation of most of the buried humus soils and peat which is called Sotan in Japanese, and submerged and buried forests in the coastal areas of the Japan Sea, Hokuriku district, Central Japan.
藤 則雄
金沢星稜大学論集 (ISSN:13473905)
vol.36, no.2, pp.65-75, 2002-12-01

The present writer proposed the Hokuriku Regression in this special article on the basis of many scientific evidence concerning the buried, submerged and submarine forests, a distribution and buried ancient soil layers of the coastal sand dunes, the archaeological earthenwares and house remains, and a relationship between the climate and sea-level changes during the late Postglacial epoch from the late Jomonian to the early Old Tombian ages ranged as about 3,000 to 1,500 years ago in the Hokuriku region, Central Japan. Difinition of the Hokuriku Regression 1) term : the late Postglacial epoch the late Jomonian to the early Old Tombian ages about 3,000 to 1,500 years ago 2) level and range of the sea-level : about 0 to 2m below the present sea-level about two meters 3) geological and archaeological scientific evidences : (1) submarine and coastal buried forests (2) ancient soil layers and archaeological remains included in the coastal sand dunes (3) archaeological earthenwares and house remains (4) relationship between climete and sea-level changes (5) ancient people's advance into the coastal plains and lowlands
藤井 昭二 藤 則雄
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.21, no.3, pp.183-193, 1982
1 6

The sea-level changes since the Postglacial ages in the Hokuriku region are investigated by means of studying emerged topography, shell beds, submerged forests, sand dune and their ages.<br>As the result of investigation, the sea-level was higher than that of the present between 4, 500 and 5, 500y.B.P. along the east side of the Noto Peninsula and the Toyama Bay. While the present sea level is the highest at the Kahoku lowland on the southwestern side of the Noto Peninsula.<br>This controversial result has been solved by following considerations.<br>The coastal areas along the Toyama Bay consist of rock coasts and alluvial plains. The rock coast is uplift zone and the alluvial plain is subsidence zone generally in the order of 10<sup>4-6</sup> years. If uplift is severe in this region, emerged sea shells of older ages must be in a high place and sea level of younger ages must be in a low place. But the emerged sea shells clustered between 2 and 6m and higher than the present sea-level and their ages clustered in between 4, 500 and 5, 500y.B.P.<br>This evidence shows that the rate of eustatic sea-level changes is quicker than that of the uplift in the order of 10<sup>3</sup> years.<br>Elevation of the boring site becomes the highest point of the sea-level so long as discussion was done about the boring cores. The present sea-level is the highest since the Postglacial age, because the altitude of the lowland is the same latitude of the present sea-level.
宮城 悦子 沼崎 令子 中西 透 片岡 史夫 猿木 信裕 井畑 穰 伊藤 則雄 吉田 憲生 新原 温子 村松 孝彦 今泉 明 山本 浩史 高須 万里子 光島 徹 杤久保 修 山門 實 青木 大輔 平原 史樹
公益社団法人 日本人間ドック学会
人間ドック (Ningen Dock) (ISSN:18801021)
vol.26, no.5, pp.749-755, 2012 (Released:2012-07-13)

藤 則雄
日本古生物学會報告・紀事 新編 (ISSN:00310204)
no.86, pp.295-"318-1", 1972-06-30

能登半島に広く分布する新第三系に関する花粉学的研究のうち, 今回は, その第IV報として, 能登半島北端の輪島市に発達する中新世後期の塚田含珪藻泥岩層についての花粉学的研究の結果を報告する。塚田層は輪島市の一本松公園付近と宅田付近に, 局部的に発達する含珪藻泥岩を主体とする累層である。本層は硬質頁岩の薄層によって, 上部層と下部層とに2分される。上部層は泥岩よりなり, 下部層は砂岩薄層を夾在する泥岩よりなっている。塚田層の13層準からの16試料と, 他に, 参考までに洪積世後期の稲舟段丘堆積物からの1試料, 中新世中期の地層からの2試料(粟蔵層-1試料, 縄又層-1試料)について分析し, 各層準毎の化石群集の構成・変化の内容を明らかにし, これらの分析結果に基づいて, 塚田層堆積時の古気候・古地理的条件・地質時代について考察した。(1)塚田層堆積時の古地理的条件 : 本層からの花粉の構成は, upland系の植物をいくらか含んではいるが, mixed-slope・riparian要素を主体とする。本層に含まれている化石珪藻の構成内容や岩相などからの資料をも併せて判断すると, 本層の堆積盆地は, 入口の広い入江が直接外海に面しており, その入江の奥の, 出入りの多い水域であった, と推定される。本層と同時代といわれる能登半島中央部の和倉層・聖川層からの花粉構成は, 寒冷系の要素が塚田層のそれの1/2〜1/3である。このことは, 和倉層・聖川層の堆積域が半島中央部の, 入江や湾奥で, 北方からの風や海流の影響を直接うけないような環境であったのに対して, 塚田層の堆積域では, 比較的直接うけるような環境下であった, と推定される。(2)塚田層堆積時の古気候 : 温暖系の植物の花粉の頻度は10%で, 和倉層の30%や台島期の砂子坂層・山戸田層のそれらが50〜60%であるのに比較すると, かなり低率である。本層の主体をなすのは温帯系の要素で, 60〜70%を占めている。本層の下部と上部とを比較すると, 下部に, 温暖系要素が多い。本層では, 寒冷・冷凉系要素は, 温暖系要素に対してよりも, むしろ温帯系要素と正の相関々係を示す。塚田層と同時代といわれる和倉層・聖川層の花粉構成に比較すると, 細かな点では違いがあるが, 大局的には同じである, と判断され, 塚田層堆積当時の古気候は, 現在の北陸地区の気候に殆んど同じか, 若干冷凉か位であろう。(3)塚田層の地質時代 : 本層からの花粉群集は, 大局的には中新世後期の和倉層・聖川層, 鮮新世前期の荻の谷層の花粉群集に酷似し, 本層の地質時代もこれらの地層の時代に対比されよう。
藤 則雄 北中 拓夫
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.94, no.2, pp.137-140, 1988-02-15