150 0 0 0 OA 子宮移植の現状

木須 伊織 阪埜 浩司 青木 大輔
一般社団法人 日本移植学会
移植 (ISSN:05787947)
vol.57, no.1, pp.9-22, 2022 (Released:2022-05-19)

A new medical technique called uterus transplantation has been considered as an option for raising children of women with uterine factor infertility. Clinical studies have already begun overseas, and 87 uterus transplantations have been performed so far, and 49 babies have been born. Uterus transplantation, like other assisted reproductive technology, involves many medical, ethical, and social challenges that must be carefully considered for clinical application. However, uterus transplantation is highly expected to bring the gospel to women with uterine factor infertility who were previously unable to raise children.
夏原 由博 村上 真樹 青木 大輔 中山 祐一郎 前中 久行
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.565-568, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)

Identifying conservation units in a species and prioritizing their conservation were attempted in order to efficient conservation practice. We defined a conservation unit as a distinct populations between which individuals cannot be exchanged because of unique genetic and ecological characteristics. Conservation priority was given to conservation units that were restricted in distribution or those where habitats were not protected, because habitat loss is one of the most important factors leading to species extinction. We identified a gap between species distribution and conservation status using the land use master plan. We considered nature conservation areas, natural park areas, and protected forest areas as protected land, urbanization promotion areas as not protected, and agricultural promotion areas and private forest areas as at intermediate risk. The Japanese clouded salamander Hynobius nebulosus was used as a model species. An assessment was carried out after defining the conservation units of this species based on reported geographic variation in allozyme, mt-DNA, or morphology. The presence/absence of the species and land use regulation were recorded on a 1-km grid. The greatest numbers of records of species occurrence were in agriculture promotion areas (17.4%) and private forest areas (39.5%) with 791 records. Of the ten conservation units, the Tottori population was given at highest priority for conservation.
宮城 悦子 沼崎 令子 中西 透 片岡 史夫 猿木 信裕 井畑 穰 伊藤 則雄 吉田 憲生 新原 温子 村松 孝彦 今泉 明 山本 浩史 高須 万里子 光島 徹 杤久保 修 山門 實 青木 大輔 平原 史樹
公益社団法人 日本人間ドック学会
人間ドック (Ningen Dock) (ISSN:18801021)
vol.26, no.5, pp.749-755, 2012 (Released:2012-07-13)
