松原 敏浩 栗林 克匡 佐々木 政司 藤田 達雄 吉田 俊和
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.10, no.2, pp.147-162, 1996

The purpose of this study is two folds. The first one is to investigate leadership structure of principal, vice-principal, and other subleaders at elemenntary school and junior high school. The second is to investigate relationship between leadership and teachers' morale. A mail qustionnaire survey was conducted, and 355 teachers provided usable data for the present study.<BR>The results of this study were as follows:(1) Two factors for elementary school principals and four factors for junior high school principals were found as leadership factors by a factor analysis on a leadership scale. Transformational leadership and consideration were common among elementary and junior high school;(2) Three factors (consideration, assistance of principal, management) were found as leadership factors of vice-principal at elementary and junior high school;(3) Three factors were found for teachers in charge of the general affairs concerning instruction;(4) The relationship between school leadership and teacher's organizational commitment was found at elementary and junior high school;(5) Interactive effects of transformational leadership (by principal) and consideration (by subleader) on the teachers' organizational commitment were found.
吉田 俊和 Yoshida Toshikazu 安藤 直樹 Ando Naoki 元吉 忠寛 Motoyoshi Tadahiro 藤田 達雄 Fujita Tatsuo 廣岡 秀一 Hirooka Shuichi 斎藤 和志 Saito Kazushi 森 久美子 Mori Kumiko 石田 靖彦 Isida Yasuhiko 北折 充隆 Kitaori Mitutaka
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 心理学 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.46, pp.53-73, 1999-12-27

Social annoyance was defined as any behavior which may bother, annoy, or irritate others, usually occurring between strangers. Social annoyance is aimed solely toward fulfilling one's own personal needs, at the sacrifice of inconveniencing others. This series of studies investigated social annoyance from a cognitive perspective. Study I examined the concept through three surveys. In Surveys 1 and 2,undergraduates (N=672) responded to questionnaires which included items which dealt with their attitudes toward social annoyance. These questionnaires consisted of attitude ratings of 120 annoying behaviors, along with various personality scales (e.g., Locus of Control (Kanbara et al, 1982), Social Consciousness (Wada & Kuze, 1990)). Factor analysis of the 120 behaviors revealed two factors, labeled "deviation from rules and manners", and "inconveniencing others." These attitudes showed positive correlations with the personality variables of "respect for norms", "philanthropic values" and "moral values". Survey 3 involved undergraduates (N=417) who responded to a questionnaire which included items asking for their perception of how they think others might feel toward the 120 annoying behaviors. Results indicated that subjects perceive the annoyance that others experience exceeds what they themselves experience. In Study II, social annoyance within two specific social events, i.e. weddings and funerals, were examined. Subjects were undergraduates and graduate students (N=136,mean age=21.0), along with their mothers (N=91,mean age=49.2). The questionnaire included items which dealt with : (1) attitudes toward 12 annoying behaviors, and means of coping; (2) the degree to which they perceive themselves as a social entity versus an individual entity (Social Consideration); and (3) their perception of how society should be (Belief about Society). Factor analyses showed that Belief about Society consists of three sub-scales : regulative, symbiotic and selfish belief. Furthermore, mothers scoring high on regulative and/oo symbiotic perceived annoyance the most, while students showed a positive correlation between Social Consideration and attitude toward social annoyance. These results suggest that belief about society and social consideration are important concepts toward examining social annoyance.
松原 敏浩 吉田 俊和 藤田 達雄 栗林 克匡 石田 靖彦
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.38, no.1, pp.93-104, 1998-06-30 (Released:2010-06-04)
2 2

本研究は学校組織行動の因果関係のプロセスを検討しようとするものである。先行研究に基づいて一つの因果モデルが構成された。すなわち, リーダーシップ→組織風土, 教師のモラール→教師の学習指導スタイル→子どもの行動特徴である。リーダーシップ, 組織風土, 学習指導スタイル, 子どもの行動特徴, 子どもの親の学校への態度などの尺度の構成がおこなわれた。小学校の教師を対象にして組織行動の因果モデルを検討するために郵送調査が行われた。367名から有効なデータが得られた。主な結果は次のようなものであった。1. 因子分析の結果は各尺度がほぼ前回通りの因子構造をもつことを示した。2. 管理職のリーダーシップは組織風土や教師のモラールと密接な関係を示した。また組織風土や教師のモラールは教師の学習指導スタイルと密接な関係を示した。3. パス解析の結果はモデルが全体としてはほぼ支持されることを示した。結果についての討論がなされた。