西原 茂樹
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.21, no.1, pp.69-84, 2013-09-30 (Released:2016-08-04)

本稿の目的は、明治末期から昭和初期にかけての甲子園野球関連言説を読み解き、当時において「甲子園野球」という独特の対象が構築されていく有様を明らかにすることである。 「純真」は1920~30年代の甲子園野球関連言説において頻繁に使用された用語である。これは当初は主催者である新聞社により、選手や関係者が努めて遵守すべき「標語」として位置づけられており、必ずしも甲子園野球のあり方そのものを表現するものではなかった。しかし1920年代半ば以降、様々な論者が最高峰たる東京六大学野球と対比しつつ甲子園野球を言説化していく中で、「純真」は六大学野球とは一味違うこのイベントの魅力を表現し得る用語として捉え直され、その結果、それを核として定型化された一連の「物語」が構築されることとなった。 そこから窺えるのは、存続の危機に晒された明治末期の野球界が生き残りをかけて確立させた「規範」としての「青年らしさ」が、草創期の甲子園大会の運営においても重要な前提となっていたこと、そして昭和初期に商業化の一途を辿る六大学野球への批判が拡大する中で、「青年らしさ」を正しく体現し得る「他者」として甲子園野球を捉える見方が定着し始めたことである。
後藤 千尋 村川 公央 西原 茂樹 白石 奈緒子 北村 佳久 千堂 年昭
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.1, pp.33-37, 2016 (Released:2016-06-13)

Objective: Pharmacist interventions are effective for appropriate medical management.  The Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists has recommended the “pre-avoid report” to foster appropriate pharmacotherapy since 1999.  The “pre-avoid report” format consists of two forms : “serious report” and “preventive report.”  The number of “preventive reports” has comprised about 90% of “pre-avoid reports.”  However, this format of the “preventive report” since 1999 has shown inadequacy due to changes in pharmacists’ ability.  In the present study, we conducted a re-modification of the “preventive report” format using an assay to create the present “preventive report” format.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the pharmacists’ “preventive report” of the “pre-avoid report” from January 2014 to December 2014 in the Department of Pharmacy, Okayama University Hospital.Results: The present format included 101 cases of “others” in the “preventive report” format.  This “others” section consisted of “non-intervention of pharmacotherapy” (51%), “forget to stop pre-operation drugs” (14.7%), and “inadequate treatment (wrong administration day, unnecessary treatment).  These factors were not identified with the present format of the “preventive report.”Conclusion: In the present study, we suggested that it is necessary to revise the format of the “preventive report” to reflect.
西原 茂樹
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.21, no.1, pp.69-84, 2013

本稿の目的は、明治末期から昭和初期にかけての甲子園野球関連言説を読み解き、当時において「甲子園野球」という独特の対象が構築されていく有様を明らかにすることである。<br> 「純真」は1920~30年代の甲子園野球関連言説において頻繁に使用された用語である。これは当初は主催者である新聞社により、選手や関係者が努めて遵守すべき「標語」として位置づけられており、必ずしも甲子園野球のあり方そのものを表現するものではなかった。しかし1920年代半ば以降、様々な論者が最高峰たる東京六大学野球と対比しつつ甲子園野球を言説化していく中で、「純真」は六大学野球とは一味違うこのイベントの魅力を表現し得る用語として捉え直され、その結果、それを核として定型化された一連の「物語」が構築されることとなった。<br> そこから窺えるのは、存続の危機に晒された明治末期の野球界が生き残りをかけて確立させた「規範」としての「青年らしさ」が、草創期の甲子園大会の運営においても重要な前提となっていたこと、そして昭和初期に商業化の一途を辿る六大学野球への批判が拡大する中で、「青年らしさ」を正しく体現し得る「他者」として甲子園野球を捉える見方が定着し始めたことである。
西原 茂樹
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.19, pp.1-18, 2006

This paper sets out to review the earliest Japan-US intercollegiate baseball games heldby newspapers based in Tokyo and Osaka in around 1910, and thereby to clarify the actualsituations in the beginning of baseball games as media events in Japan. The following fourviewpoints could be pointed out as a result of studies in this paper.(1) The baseball games as media events in Japan couldn't have been taken place until newspaper management policy changed course for thinking more and more seriously of business and advertisement activities or holding various events in the beginning of the 20th century.(2) The first large-scale Japan-US intercollegiate baseball games were held by the Jiji Shinpo in Tokyo, and the Osaka Asahi and the Osaka Mainichi in Osaka. The following several differencies were noticed among them. @The games held by the Jiji Shinpo were independent events of baseball games, on the other hand those by the Osaka Asahi and the Osaka Mainichi were held with various related events. @The Jiji Shinpo's reports on its events were meant for readers who were familiar with baseball to some extent, but reports by the Osaka Asahi and the Osaka Mainichi were also meant for those who were just un- familiar with such baseball. @The former held its,events on the college sports ground, but the latter on the sports grounds owned by private railway companies in Kansai area.(3) In the background of these differences, it seems to reflect that there were some notice- able differences of readership among these newspapers, and differences between Tokyo and Osaka in economic environment seen particularly in a rapid economic leap of newspapers and a rapid development of a network of private railway lines.(4) In holding these Japan-US intercollegiate baseball games, the Jiji Shinpo and the Osaka Mainichi asserted repeatedly that baseball (sports) have diverse educational values. It seems that these assertions were maintained not as a mere theory but a firm objection to those who tried to insist that baseball was of little or no value(mainly those engaged in schoolteaching) , against the background of social environment in those days that various ill and harmful effects would arise by the absorption of students into baseball, and what's more, such ideologies as martial arts were much superior to baseball circulated among the public to some extent.
二神 幸次郎 定金 典明 西原 茂樹 三牧 祐一 荒木 博陽 五味田 裕
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.6, pp.630-636, 2002-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
2 2

Our hospital established a Center for Clinical Research of New Drugs and Therapeutics in April 1999. The Center consists of 6 departments : i.e. departments which help to coordinate clinical research, which help to manage the investigated drugs, preview clinical research study protocols, coordinate clinical research, educate research staff and support clinical research at other medical institutions. Pharmacists are involved in all 6 departments of the Center and have been playing various roles. Under this situation, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) started to review investigator-initiated clinical research on drugs, regarding the study protocol, written information (IC) for trial subjects and other information about the drugs beginning in January 2000. All research was performed according to the new Good Clinical Practice, but studies were initiated without providing sufficient compensation in cases of severe adverse drug reactions. The IRB reviewed thirty-four clinical research protocols from January 2000 to December 2001 and an average of 1.5 cases were reviewed by the IRB per meeting. The average reviewing time was 28 minutes (max. 68 minutes). Sixteen, eight, eight and two protocols of clinical research involved Phase III, I/II and II trials and medical instruments, respectively. Considerable clinical research has been performed by such departments as Internal Medicine I, II and Urology, in particular.We recognized that considerable clinical research has been performed with unapproved drugs at our hospital. After the IRB review, pharmacists played various important roles, e.g. dispensing test drugs, preparing some manufactured drugs and confirming the written informed consent. However, up to now the clinical research coordinator (CRC) has not sufficiently supported these studies. The CRC should thus support this research by improving the quality of these studies and the safety performance for patients.
二神 幸次郎 西原 茂樹 定金 典明 谷口 律子 荒木 博陽 川崎 博巳 五味田 裕
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.6, pp.589-593, 2001-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
5 5

During a three-week long practical training program for pharmacy students at our hospital, senior pharmacy students had a one-day observation of pharmacists performing new drug investigations. Using a questionnaire survey we investigated whether the observation of the work of clinical research coordinator (CRC) influenced the student's understanding of the new drug investigation procedures. The observation of CRC's work consisted of counseling/interviewing prior to the doctor's consultation and visiting a clinical laboratory to observe new drug investigations. The items evaluated were impressions of the clinical investigation of new drugs, precautions for preparing investigational drugs, understanding the new Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines and other important aspects in the clinical investigation. Each group consisted of 26 students. Only 10 out of 26 students observed counseling/interviewing before the doctor's consultation with CRC. The impression of the clinical investigation procedure in group I, which observed the CRC's work was more favorable than in group II, which did not observe it. The understanding of the important aspects of the clinical investigation procedures in group I was markedly better than in group II. We thus consider that the observation of the CRC work is very useful for students not only to learn new drug investigation procedures, but also to understand the meaning of the new GCP guidelines.
川上 英治 二神 幸次郎 定金 典明 西原 茂樹 荒木 博陽 川崎 博己 五味田 裕
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.25, no.1, pp.69-75, 1999-02-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

Pharmacists need to have a clear policy for managing investigational drugs under circumstances that are consistent with Good Clinical Practice. We studied the management and support system for the clinical research of investigational drugs based on the management of investigational drugs. We experienced 126 cases of pharmaceutical consultations in 650 prescriptions for investigational drugs from April 1997 to March 1998. Seven cases which might induce a patient to drop out, were included in pharmaceutical consultations. We found it was important to communicate with all investigators regarding giving adequate prior information to having a clearly defined protocol. Our pharmaceutical program for the clinical research of investigational drugs was thus found to be useful in the management of investigational drugs.
川上 英治 二神 幸次郎 定金 典明 西原 茂樹 荒木 博陽 川崎 博巳 五味田 裕
病院薬学 = Journal of the Nippon Hospital Pharmacists Association (ISSN:03899098)
vol.25, no.1, pp.69-75, 1999-02-10

Pharmacists need to have a clear policy for managing investigational drugs under circumstances that are consistent with Good Clinical Practice. We studied the management and support system for the clinical research of investigational drugs based on the management of investigational drugs. We experienced 126 cases of pharmaceutical consultations in 650 prescriptions for investigational drugs from April 1997 to March 1998. Seven cases which might induce a patient to drop out, were included in pharmaceutical consultations. We found it was important to communicate with all investigators regarding giving adequate prior information to having a clearly defined protocol. Our pharmaceutical program for the clinical research of investigational drugs was thus found to be useful in the management of investigational drugs.