李 芳星 西澤 泰彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.637-647, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

This paper aims to clarify the actual studying conditions and characteristics of Chinese architecture students studying in Japan in the first half of the 20th century. This study uses a variety of literature from China and Japan to sort out the information of international students and makes the list containing students’ personal details, study abroad situations, post-graduation activities. Based on this list, this paper analyzes from the following three aspects: 1) Details about the Japanese schools accepting Chinese architecture students and the systems established by each school for international students. 2) On the basis of the previous section, the admission statuses of Chinese architecture students are sorted out, and statuses’ characteristics are analyzed and compared according to the studying aboard systems. 3) Based on the above list, funds sources of Chinese international students are clarified and the relationship between the study aboard systems and funds is analyzed. According these aspects, this paper concludes the followings. 1) According to the current statistics, there were 254 students studying in Japan from 1906 to 1945. Because of the detailed and comprehensive investigation, this number is close to the total number of Chinese architecture students studying in Japan at that time. Although the numbers are hard to compare, the students who went to America were all graduates of Chinese colleges and universities. And most Chinese architecture students who studied in Japan had come to Japan after graduating from secondary education institutions in China and receive preparatory course in Japan before they received higher education in architecture. The number of 254 Chinese students shows the composition of such study abroad by Chinese architecture students at that time. 2) There are 26 Japanese public and private schools that accepted Chinese architecture students, and each has established its own admission system. Among them, Tokyo Higher Technical School accepted the largest number of students, accounting for 43% of the total. It had detailed stipulations in the setting rules for international student base on the “Student Programs in Five Japanese Universities”, the special agreement of Sino-Japan Governments and some measures by Japanese Government. 3) The statuses of Chinese architecture students include elective student, preparatory student, regular student, research student and auditor. To obtain the regular course in architecture is the main purpose of these students to study abroad. However, in public school, it is difficult for foreigners to be educated in the same environment as Japanese. Due to the difficulty of admission, most of the Chinese architecture students entered preparatory course and then regular course. 4) The sources of public funds came from the support of the governments of Japan and China. The most important thing is that the “Student Programs in Five Japanese Universities” not only provided necessary fees for Chinese students, but also stipulated that at least two students should be received by Architecture Department of Tokyo Higher Technical School every year. This is the main reason why the number of Chinese architecture students at Tokyo Higher Technical School is the largest. Thus, the basic conditions and initial information about studying abroad in architecture are clarified.
項 一朗 西澤 泰彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.810, pp.2392-2403, 2023-08-01 (Released:2023-08-01)

The paper aims to discuss the characteristics of Dairen Chain-Store Street ‘Rensa-gai’ completed in 1930 in former Dairen occupied by Japan, by three view-points, modern shopping street, composite building with apartment house, and urban development of Dairen. And this study positions it in the history of Japanese colonial architecture in the first half of the 20th century. This study shows that there were three house plans in Chain-Store Street to solve insufficient housing. The built of Chain-Store Street also solved the problem of high land prices in the central district and formed a new central commercial district in Dairen.
西澤 泰彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.19, pp.147-158, 1999-05-01 (Released:2010-06-15)

The first dry dock in Japan is No.I Dock of Yokosuka Dock Yard and was built up in 1871 by French civil engineers. After that more than thirty dry docks had been built in Japan until the end of Meiji period. Now one of them is designated as a cultural asset, and another one is registered as a cultural asset by Japanese Government. So we need systematize a history and building technology of them. For that purpose, this paper tries to understand over the general state of them by following three steps. Firstly it makes a list of dry docks built up in the Meiji period, secondly we collect each material of them, thirdly, we visit to see existent dry docks.This paper indicates the characteistics of all the dry docks built in Meiji period from the folowing three view points:1) original technology for building dry docks was introduced by French engineers, 2) most of them were built of stone, 3) some of them are located in specified area, Kanagawa, Nagasaki, and the Inlands Sea.
西澤 泰彦

西澤 泰彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.457, pp.215-224, 1994-03-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

After the Russo-Japanese War, South Manchuria Railway Company was established in order to operate some railways and rule the Railway Zone by Japanese Government, and it had the Architects' Office which was the biggest architectural office in the Northeastern Province of China "Manchuria". This paper introduces a history of the Architects' Office and all of architects in it.
西澤 泰彦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.452, pp.187-196, 1993-10-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Okada Tokitaro (1859〜1926) was one of Japanese colonial architects, in 1886 with whom famous architect Tatsuno Kingo established the first one of architectural offices in Japan. In the Russo-Japanese war Okada moved into Dalny, and in 1906 extending his building activities, opened Okada-komusho (architect and contractor) in Dalny. This paper introduces his building activities and shows them linked up with Japanese ruling over the Northeastern Province of China "Manchuria".
西澤 泰彦
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2006, no.146, pp.39-53,L7, 2006-11-17 (Released:2010-09-01)

This article considers some relationship between the home country and some colonies of the Empire of Japan with the viewpoint of the flow of Portland cement, Japanese architects and architectural information within the territory ruled by Japan in the first half of the twentieth century. I have mainly two reasons why I focus on the flow of them. The first one is that all of buildings by Japanese on any cities ruled or occupied by the Empire of Japan had been necessary for colonization. The second one is that I have already recognized a lot of Japanese architects to move into Japanese colonies and to work in the first half of twentieth century.On chapter 1 I try to analyze two matters, the one is to research some history of Portland cement factories in Japan and the Japanese colonies. In the Japanese colonies the first Portland cement factory is the Dairen branch factory of Onoda Portland Cement Co. Ltd., established in 1909 in Dalny, in the Kwantung Leased Territory, in the Manchuria. Not only it had supplied any Portland cement to the Kwantung Government General and the South Manchuria Railway Company, but also it had shipped to the Japanese colony Chosen until 1916 and exported to China. The other is to make analysis some statistics of output of Portland cement, to make it clear that a lot of Portland cement made in Japan and the Japanese colonies had been exported to China, Hong Kong, Java, Philippine, Malaya, Indo-China, Thailand and India, etc.On chapter 2 I research each transfer of some Japanese colonial architects who were the first chief architect of each architectural office on colonial government or the South Manchuria Railway Company Limited. All of them had experienced building activity on the Japanese colony before becoming a chief architect of architectural office. Then transfers of them were not via Japan, but they moved directly one colony to another.On chapter 3, I try to analyze some architectural magazines published in the Japanese colonies from 1920's to 1930's. I find out that all of them had carried any information on new buildings not on each Japanese colony, but on other territory in the East Asia or whole of the world. By reading them, Japanese architects on the Japanese colonial territory had gained latest design and theory of architecture in the world, and they had put the information to their building activity.In conclusion, the territory ruled by the Empire of Japan was the place where Japanese architects had experience to get some new information and to product new works.
大場 修 包 慕萍 西澤 泰彦
