山本 信人 大石 裕 烏谷 昌幸

烏谷 昌幸 Karasudani Masayuki
サステイナビリティ研究 (ISSN:2185260X)
vol.5, pp.91-107, 2015-03

This article examines the process of constructing policy legitimacy on nuclear power in postwar Japan, with the objective of identifying new sociological implications for journalism studies. Since an early stage -- particularly in the 1950s and 1960s -- the concept of "Peaceful Uses of The Atom" has frequently been used as an influential political symbol to legitimatize the policy of promoting nonmilitary use of nuclear power. Before the debate over nuclear power safety emerged in the 1970s, while the majority of Japanese people had strongly opposed the concept of "Atoms for War" in light of the fact that Japan was the first nation in the world to be bombed with atomic weapons, they earnestly supported the idea of "Atoms for Peace". That is why politicians, scientists and journalists had disputed over where to draw the line between peaceful and military uses, which constitutes the political spectrum over nuclear policy. There are three findings in this article. First, politicians, scientists and journalists had conflicting perspectives about the definition of "peaceful uses." On this, it is necessary to analyze where they draw the line. Second, negative labeling such as "nuclear allergy" and "pro-nuke agitator" often reflected the perception gap between those who attempted to broaden the definition of "peaceful uses" as much as possible and those who strongly opposed that broadened interpretation. Third, the process of constructing policy legitimacy on nuclear power depended not only upon the debate over "peaceful uses" as a legitimate symbol, but also upon recognition of the USSR as "friend /enemy." The majority of strong proponents of nuclear energy development were also anticommunists and often condemned the fact that progressive intellectuals had avoided criticizing USSR's nuclear tests. In conclusion, the article argues that it is important for journalism studies to develop a theory to analyze how journalists define what is a legitimate policy scope. 本研究の目的は、原子力政策をめぐる正当性の境界について分析と理論的考察を加え、ジャーナリズム研究の一助とすることにある。日本の原子力開発政策の初期段階、1950年代から60年代にかけては、「平和利用」という概念が原子力政策を正当化する象徴として積極的に活用された。被爆国であった日本では「軍事利用」が絶対悪とみなされた一方で、「平和利用」政策が国民に好意的に受入れられた。そのため、どこからどこまでが「平和利用」の範囲と認定されるかが政策の正当性を決定する上で大きな問題となったのである。分析の成果は大きく分けて3つある。第一は、原発導入に関して積極論、慎重論、反対論が「平和利用」の概念の広がりに関して異なる認識をもっていたことを明らかにしたことである。その上でそれぞれの線引きの思想的根拠がいかなるものであったかを説明した。第二は、「核アレルギー」や「核武装論者」などの政治的レッテルが、正当性の境界に対する異なった認識の落差から生まれてくるものであることを明らかにした。第三は、原子力政策の正当性が軍事利用か平和利用かという軸だけではなく、親米か親ソかという政治的イデオロギーに関わる軸によっても大きく左右されていたことを指摘した。以上の分析を踏まえ、結論としては、ジャーナリズムの言論を分析していくうえで、正当性の線引きをどれだけ明快に行っているかが非常に興味深い論点であることを指摘した。
谷 昌幸
vol.67, no.2, pp.52-53, 2020-02

土の「基本」に立ち返る No. 23
烏谷 昌幸
メディア・コミュニケ-ション (ISSN:13441094)
no.55, pp.63-77, 2005-03

1 はじめに2 「イラク戦争」と「自衛隊イラク派遣」に関する世論3 「自衛隊イラク派遣」論議の中の「憲法」4 04年・憲法記念日における「9条改正」論5 結語
烏谷 昌幸
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.84, pp.29-51, 2014-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this paper is to examine how Japan's nuclear policies were discussed in TV documentaries during the program concentration period subsequent to the Chernobyl nuclear accident. To this end, the author analyzes three TV programs that discussed nuclear plant location policies, nuclear fuel cycle policies and policies regarding radiation exposure control for nuclear plant workers, focusing on how the TV staff obtained the facts that were essential for critical reviews in each program. The results reveal that the three programs critically reviewed nuclear policies by making effective use of facts obtained through one of the following processes: cooperating with the media, leaking confidential information, whistleblowing and investigative reporting. By placing the critical facts in the historical context of the post-Chernobyl period, the author studies how these critical facts were obtained and examines the meaning of the facts. In conclusion, the author points out the importance of understanding TV documentaries as products jointly produced by journalists and information sources.
釜谷 昌幸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00316-17-00316, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

This study is aimed at applying the performance-based maintenance (PBM) concept to determine inspection schedule. Previously, the time-based maintenance concept has been applied to determine the inspection schedule for nuclear plant components. In the PBM concept, frequency of inspection is determined by operation time before the inspection. Duration before the next inspection is extended if the component indicates no cracking for a long time. In this study, the change in structural reliability due to applying the PBM concept was investigated by probabilistic fracture mechanics analyses. In order to calculate the probability of leakage or fracture (failure probability), growth of fatigue cracks initiated at the primary coolant pipe of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants was simulated considering variations in yield and tensile strengths, fatigue crack growth rate, initial crack shape and so on. It was demonstrated that the failure probability was reduced by performing inspections according to the time-based maintenance concept. Frequency rather than detectability of inspection had a larger impact on reducing the failure probability. It was shown that, by applying the PBM concept, the number of inspections could be reduced significantly without increasing the failure probability. It was concluded that the PBM concept could optimize the inspection schedule.
谷 昌幸
vol.67, no.10, pp.13-17, 2020-10

技術特集 堆肥利用に追い風
小野寺 誠 針谷 昌幸 金剛 力 新谷 政樹 何 祺 綿貫 啓一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.85, no.880, pp.19-00138, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

We proposed an advanced mesh generation technique that reuses the proven analysis models by similar sub-part search. The purpose of this research is to reduce interactive mesh improvement work time and to comply with the mesh specifications. It is our feature technique to search sub-parts similar to the archived sub-parts of proven models from new design CAD. In this technique, the similar sub-parts are retrieved from a CAD model described by boundary representation and made correspondence relation surface pairs of a retrieval model (proven model) and a target model (CAD of new design). A similarity score is based on the attributed graphs of a retrieval model and a target model. And, this score is calculated by a geometrical similarity and topological similarity. If there is such search noise, unreusing sub-parts must be canceled by interactive operation. This is an obstacle to automation. Therefore, with the goal of eliminating search noise, we developed a technique to improve the accuracy of similar partial shape retrieval. By quantifying the geometric relationships such as concentric circles and face-to-face distance as similarity, high precision could be realized. It was applied to a door switch cover part of an automobile which is a verification model, and it was confirmed that search noises disappeared.
烏谷 昌幸
法学研究 = Journal of law, politics and sociology (ISSN:03890538)
vol.90, no.1, pp.49-73, 2017-01

有末賢教授退職記念号第1節 「リアリティ」とは何か?第2節 マス・コミュニケーション論, 政治コミュニケーション論における「リアリティ」論第3節 「リアリティ」論への批判的再構成第4節 テクスト密着型のジャーナリズム研究に向けて
釜谷 昌幸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.858, pp.17-00457-17-00457, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)

Structural integrity of cracked pipes is assessed by predicting crack growth. In the fitness-for-service code of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), the crack growth is predicted using stress intensity factor at the deepest and surface points. A semi-elliptical crack is assumed not to become deeper than a semi-circular crack. However, in reality, the stress corrosion cracking initiated at nickel alloy welds stops growing at the fusion line and becomes deeper than a semi-circular crack. Furthermore, crack shape is close to a rectangular shape rather than a semi-elliptical shape. In this study, validity of the JSME code procedure was discussed for predicting the growth of stress corrosion cracking at nickel alloy welds. Crack growth was simulated by finite element analysis together with an auto meshing technique. Various residual stress distributions and retardation of the crack growth at the fusion line were considered in the simulation. It was demonstrated that the growth prediction procedure prescribed in the JSME code brought about a conservative prediction even if the crack became deeper than the depth of a semi-circular shape crack. It was revealed that, when the growth to the surface direction was retarded at the fusion line, the change in crack size in the depth direction could be predicted conservatively by the current JSME procedure. It was suggested that, when the retardation at the fusion line is assumed in the growth prediction, the crack shape should be modelled by a rectangular shape.
小野寺 誠 針谷 昌幸 金剛 力 新谷 政樹 何 祺
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00073-17-00073, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)

This paper proposes an advanced mesh generation technique that reuses the proven analysis models by similar sub-part search. The purpose of this development is to reduce interactive mesh improvement work time and to comply with the mesh specifications. The number of product specifications is increasing due to global business development and diversification of needs. Hence, the execution frequency of simulation is increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the working hours. Furthermore, quality improvement and standardization of analysis models are required because the general designers have learned to manage V&V. This technique consists of two distinctive techniques. First, it is the technique to search the sub-parts from newly design CAD where have similar shape with the archived feature sub-parts contained in the proven CAD models. In this technique, the similar sub-parts are retrieved from a CAD model described by boundary representation and made correspondence relation surface pairs of a retrieval model (proven model) and a target model (CAD of new design). A similarity score is based on the attributed graphs of a retrieval model and a target model. And, this score is calculated by a geometrical similarity and topological similarity. Second, mesh can be generated automatically by arranging and merging the mesh of similar sub-parts. Experimental results show that this technique can efficiency achieve mesh generation without interactive mesh improvement operation.
黒田 雅利 釜谷 昌幸 山田 輝明 秋田 貢一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.852, pp.17-00072-17-00072, 2017 (Released:2017-08-25)

In order to assess the fatigue damage of austenitic stainless steels by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) method more simply and easily, it should be more preferable to use a commercially available general-purpose EBSD analysis software rather than to employ an in-house developed EBSD analysis programme. In the present study, EBSD measurement was performed for Type 316 austenitic stainless steels subjected to cyclic loading, and the applicability of the EBSD parameter relevant to the pattern quality, which could be obtained by the commercial software, to the fatigue damage assessment was discussed by comparing the other EBSD parameter of the averaged local misorientation (Mave), which could be calculated by the in-house developed programme. As a result, the EBSD parameter relevant to the pattern quality, which signified the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the histogram distribution of the image quality (IQ), was saturated at the beginning stage of the fatigue cycles, while Mave was increased monotonically with the cycles. This suggested that the FWHM of IQ could be useful to detect the initial stage of the fatigue damage, while Mave was suitable for the quantitative evaluation of the fatigue damage. XRD measurement was also carried out for the same samples employed in the EBSD measurement, and the XRD data was compared with the EBSD data to discuss the crystallographic mechanism of the change in the FWHM of IQ. As a result, it was found that the FWHM of the (111) XRD peak correlated well with the FWHM of IQ. Because the (111) plane in fcc metal such as austenitic stainless steel was most preferable for slip system, this implied that the change in the distribution of the pattern quality generated by the fatigue loading could be due to the slip deformation.
釜谷 昌幸 北條 智博 望月 正人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.80, no.817, pp.SMM0252-SMM0252, 2014 (Released:2014-09-25)
2 2

Load carrying capacity of austenitic stainless steel component is increased due to hardening caused by neutron irradiation if no crack is included in the component. On the other hand, if a crack is initiated in the reactor components, the hardening may decrease the load carrying capacity due to reduction in fracture toughness. In this paper, in order to develop a failure assessment procedure of irradiated cracked components, characteristics of change in failure strength of stainless steels due to cold working were investigated. It was experimentally shown that the proof and tensile strengths were increased by the cold working, whereas the fracture toughness was decreased. The fracture strengths of a cylinder with a circumferential surface crack were analyzed using the obtained material properties. Although the cold working altered the failure mode from plastic collapse to the unsteady ductile crack growth, it did not reduce failure strengths even if 50% cold working was applied. The increase in failure strength was caused not only by increase in flow stress but also by reduction in J-integral value, which was brought by the change in stress-strain curve. It was shown that the failure strength of the hardened stainless steel components could be derived by the two-parameter method, in which the change in material properties could be reasonably considered.