谷内 達
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.83, no.3, pp.243-247, 2010-05-01 (Released:2012-01-31)

谷内 達
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.91, no.1, pp.30-50, 1982

One of the most important aspects of the mining activities in remote Australia since the 1960 's is large-scale infrastructure development by mining companies. This paper studies various types of infrastructure projects associated with the mining activities, from a viewpoint of development stages in terms of remoteness.<BR>Three study areas are selected; Pilbara region, Kalgoorlie region and Central Queensland, in order of remoteness. Mining railways and mining towns in the study areas are classified into three types, according to the extent of financial contribution by the mining companies.<BR>The railways of the first type are the iron are railways in Pilbara region. They are constructed, owned, operated and exclusively used by the mining companies. The railways of the second type are the coal railways in Central Queensland. They are constructed or upgraded, owned and operated by the government as a part of the State railway system, but are fully financed and almost exclusively used by the mining companies. The railways of the third type are the nickel railways in Kalgoorlie region. They are constructed and upgraded, owned and operated by the government, but are partly financed by the mining companies.<BR>The towns of the first type are the iron are mining towns in Pilbara region. They are company towns, which are constructed and managed by the mining companies. The towns of the second type are quasi-company towns, with a minor role of the government. Dampier and Wickham in Pilbara region and Kambalda near Kalgoorlie fall into this category. The towns of the third type are open towns, which are constructed and managed mainly by the governments with financial contribution by the mining companies. Port Hedland and Karratha in Pilbara region and the coal mining towns in Central Queensland fall into this category.<BR>These different types of infrastructure development can be interpreted as a reflection of different stages of regional development; the more developed, the less involved by mining companies. The idea is tested and supported by the historical cases in Mount Isa.<BR>One of the significant modifications of the development process mentioned above is an influence of the government policies, where higher priorities are given to more local participation in order to discourage influences of overseas capital, and to more local processing for the more value-added within the State or national economy. The reversed order of railway types against the general order of remoteness between Kalgoorlie region and Central Queensland can be partly explained by this point.<BR>A case study in this paper suggests that, from a viewpoint of regional development, infrastructure should not be simply defined by physical or institutional forms, but should be identified by examining actual functions. This functional concept of infrastructure would be useful for identifying the role of mining activities in regional development, especially in remote Australia.
谷内 達
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.57, no.2, pp.111-123, 1984-10-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

日本の主要都市の発達を鉄道網と関連させて概観するために, 1880年-1980年を6期に分け,各期における上位100都市の相対的地位の変化を構造的および空間的に比較検討した。すなわち都市人口および鉄道旅客収入額を指標に用いて,順位規模曲線および順位相関係数により構造的変化を検討し,順位・成長率による区分を加えた都市分布図により空間的変化を検討した。 現在の都市システムの構造的・空間的特徴および交通網の骨格は1908年当時のものと大差なく,基本的には1880年,さらには1868年以前にまでさかのぼることができる。 1880年以来の都市の発達は,都市システムの新規生成というよりも,既存の都市システムの再調整過程であった。 1880年以来の主要な変化は,大都市集中の進行と太平洋岸の縦貫線沿線諸都市の成長であった。 1908年以前には変化が比較的大きかったのに対して1908年以後は安定的で,すでに成立しつつあった大都市・縦貫線優位の傾向がさらに強まった。 1908年以前の変動は鉄道網の骨格形成期でもあったが,鉄道網の拡張と新規路線沿いの諸都市の成長との間に明白な対応関係を空間的に見出すことは困難である。むしろ鉄道網は大都市・縦貫線優位の傾向をさらに助長したと言える。三大都市圏の成長の鈍化,広域中心都市の成長,高速道路・新幹線・航空の発達などを含めて最近および近い将来の動向を考察する際にも,大都市・縦貫線の定義の若干の拡張によって,基本的な傾向は変わらないと考えることができよう。
谷内 達
東京大学教養学部人文科学科紀要 (ISSN:0563797X)
no.101, pp.p99-118, 1995

Retrospective estimates of urban population distribution in the Tokyo and Osaka (or Keihanshin, i.e. Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe) Metropolitan Areas have been made to reconstruct the historical processes of urbanization, dating back to 1960, 1935, 1908 and 1883. A method has been explored by the author to estimate micro-scale distribution of population by standard mesh comparable with the published mesh data, which have been available since 1970. Outline of the method to estimate distribution in 1960 is as follows: 1. Meshes both in 1960 and 1970 are delimited according to the borders of local government areas (LGAs) or equivalent small areas in 1960. 2. The meshes in 1960 within each LGA are classified into three categories, i.e. DID meshes, stable meshes and growing meshes, through comparisons of topographical maps and other various sources. DID meshes represent the DIDs (Densely Inhabited Districts, defined and published since 1960); stable meshes are mainly those of rural nature with minor changes, and population can be relatively easily estimated; and growing meshes are those with rapid population growth mainly caused by urbanization, and population in 1960 is estimated as the remainder by deducting populations of the other two categories from total population of the LGA. 3. Population in each category is allocated among the meshes according to the known distribution in 1970, assuming that relative distribution among the meshes within each category would not be so much different between the two dates. Population distribution for the earlier dates can be estimated in almost the same way, except the lack of DID data: this defect is partly compensated by smaller size of LGA with relatively clear distinction between urban and rural LGAs, and also partly by more precise estimates of growing meshes, mainly through comparisons of landscape features on the topographical maps with similar ones in 1960 or 1970, for which population data are already available. The results are summarized in Tables 1-3 and Figures 1-6. A mesh with population over 2,000 is operationally defined as urban, based on the comparison between the mesh data and the DID data in 1985. Major findings are as follows. 1. Urban population in the Osaka M.A. have failed to catch up with the Tokyo M.A. after 1935, although the former was almost comparable to the latter before 1935 (Tables 1 and 3). 2. One of the common features is that urban population and area (number of meshes) in both areas expanded around major centres (Tables 1-2 and Figures 1-3 and 6), showing concentric patterns with growing and expanding outer areas in contrast to declining inner areas from the earlier periods (Figures 4-5), partly reflecting the changing urban transport system from trains to suburban railways as well as motorization. 3. Urban areas in both areas have expanded more rapidly than urban population, resulting in declining average density after 1908 or 1935 (Table 2), as well as decreasing percentage in high density meshes over 16,000 (Table 2 and Figures 1-3). And also, meshes with rapid apparent inflow over 8,000 (including additional natural increase by migrants) have been giving way to those with slower apparent inflow (Table 3 and Figures 4-5). Although the spatial expansion with declining density may be interpreted to reflect improvement of living environment, we should not neglect that it has also affected the overall land use by taking over more farmlands and woodlands.