三神 憲一 溝畑 潤 道上 静香
滋賀大学経済学部研究年報 (ISSN:13411608)
vol.17, pp.17-32, 2010

Just around 40 years ago, Jim Greenwood, who were a professor of Loughborough University and successively served as a captain for the National Scottish Rugby Team, was invited by Tsukuba University toteach as a visiting professor. In his report titled "Japanese Rugby in the Flesh," he harshly criticizes the training methods of Japanese university rugby teams as well as their lack of training equipment and facilities whencompared to world-class rugby teams. His stark criticism was also due to the major culture shock he experienced concerning the Japanese concept of group mentality, in which group interests must always come beforethe individual. Roughly 20 years later, Michael Patton was invited to serve as a special coach for the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nagasaki Rugby Team. Back in the nineties, Patton was active on the internationalstage, as both a top professional rugby player and coach. Compared to Greenwood's work, which mostly involved examining university rugby teams based in the Kanto area (central Japan), Patton's analysisis primarily based on his experiences with high school rugby teams located in the regional area of Nagasaki in Kyushu (western Japan). Patton stresses the urgency of creating distinctive coaching manuals for eachgrade level. He keenly observes that the traditional sport of rugby has been ineffectively remade in Japan as can be seen in its: (1) training methods, which are based on group mentality, (2) lack of matches played bythe team and (3) lack of equal opportunities afforded to each player. As this Japanese version of rugby continuesto prevail, Patton urges both coaches and players to return to the basics and reconsider the quintessenceof team sports (including rugby), which should ultimately be fun, enjoyable and interesting for everyone involved.
宮地 弘太郎 道上 静香 細木 祐子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.13, pp.229-238, 2012-03

日本男子学生テニス選手の強化策について,第26回ユニバーシアード競技大会の強化活動及び,本大会における結果から考察する。次回大会においての男子チームの目標は,1)シングルス入賞/ダブルス,団体メダル獲得/MIX ダブルス銀メダル,2)競技者として社会人としての人間形成の2点である。その為には,今後も継続的な強化活動の中で,1)についてはATP ランキングの更なる向上,2)についてはスポーツマンシップ教育であると考える。The way to make a hard-hitting measure of tennis players who are Japanese male students from an enhanced activity of the 26th Universiade game cup and the result of this cup are discussed. There are two goals for the next cup. The first goal is to win the single prize, to get medals for doubles and groups and to get a silver medal for mix doubles. The second one is to build a character as an athlete and a member of society. It is necessary for the first goal to improve ATP ranking more while continuing an enhanced activity. And alsofor the second goal, it is necessary to do a sportsman education.
道上 静香 中川 雅央

佐藤 陽治 岩本 淳 久保田 秀明 道上 静香 梅林 薫
学習院大学スポーツ・健康科学センター紀要 (ISSN:13447521)
vol.8, pp.25-34, 2000-02

Tennis used to be estimated that the exercise intencity was within the AT (Anaerobic Threshold) level formerly according to the preceding studies. There were, however, some reports which indicated that the playing load of modern tennis often overpassed the onset of blood lactate accumulation(OBLA). One of the possible explanations for exceeding the AT level in modern tennis is that the tempo of modern tennis may be rapider than before. Therfore, the present study was desighned to measure and compare the time between one ground stroke and next one in the tennis games respectively at 80's and the present, 1998-1999. The following results, statistically significant at 5% level, were obtained. 1)The rally (ground stroke) tempo at the present, 1998-1999 was rapider than 80's. without distinction of sex, 0.30(sec) in female, 0.14(sec) in male. 2)The rally (ground stroke) tempo of the net player was rapider than baseliner without distinction of sex, 0.20〜0.30(sec) in female at 80's, 0.18〜0.24(sec) in male at 80's, 0.06(sec) in male at 1999. 3)The rally (ground stroke) tempo in female at 80's was approximately 1.61 (sec) and it was 0.16(sec) slower than the tempo in male. The rally (ground stroke) tempo in female at the present, 1999 was equal to the tempo in male. The general conclusions drawn from these data is that the rally (ground stroke) tempo accelerating in modern tennis reinforces the intencity of exercise in tennis.
道上 静香
大学体育研究 (ISSN:03867129)
no.24, pp.157-161, 2002-03

18th Congress of the International Society of Biomenchanis(ISB)がスイスのチューリッヒにあるEidgenossische Technische Hocheschule(スイス連邦工科大学、ETH)で、7月8日から13日の6日間に渡って開催された。この学会は、10以上のテーマが掲げられており、その中の1つに、私の専門分野であるSports biomechanics が含まれている。Sports biomechanics の分野では、最大級の学会である。 ...