無漏田 芳信 酒井 要
vol.26, pp.39-48, 2002-12

The pavilions called Tuji-Dou, Yotsu-Dou and so on, which have four pillars and no wall, exist actually in Bingo District, but the origin of the outlines has not been made clear yet. Such pavilions widely exist even in Chugoku and Shikoku District except for Bingo District, and have similarities at their outlines and uses. To begin with, we surveyed the actual condition of their geographical areas and the name in each region, in order to grasp the characteristics of their geographical distribution. Then, we investigated the descriptions of common name and form about Dou without wall throughout historical documents of municipalities of Bingo District and so on, and grasped the origin of the outlines and the reason why various pavilions have been called Tuji-Dou. (1) The name called Tuji-Dou is only Chugoku District. Particularly, the pavilions exist densely in most of Bingo and Bitchu District, and in a part of Inaba, Houki, Suou and Nagato District. The pavilions called Cha-Dou only in Shikoku District exist densely in the border with Iyo and Tosa District, and in a part of the west Awa District. (2) The Tuji-Dou is a generic name of the various pavilions by the roadside in Bingo District, because each ancient document at the Edo period has only one name about Tuji-Dou. The some errors of historical documents of part of municipalities are caused by the quotation from the chronicle of Numakuma histories. In our viewpoint, the old style of Tuji-Dou in Bingo District is Yotsu-Dou which has four pillars and no wall.
佃 為成 酒井 要 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫 小林 勝
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.3, pp.p237-272, 1988-12

北部フォッサマグナの中央隆起帯を横断する千曲川構造線の東端に位置する長野県小県郡丸子町付近で1986年8月24日,M4.9の地震が発生した.ここは2つの火山前線がぶつかる点のすぐ背後でもある.通常の地震活動レベルは低いが,過去には1912年の上田市付近の地震(M5.2)がある.丸子町の地震活動は前震・本震・余震系列と本震の10日後から始まった群発地震が重なったものであった.2回の主要な活動ピークをもつ例は,北部フォッサマグナ地域では少なくなく,ピーク間の間隔は1918年大町地震の13時間,1969年焼岳の地震の2日,1912年上田の地震の5日,今回の地震の12日,1963年燕岳の地震の20日,1897年上高井の地震の104日というように様々である.2回目が群発地震であったのは丸子の地震と,燕岳の地震,上田の地震である.現地における臨時観測によって精密な震源分布が得られた.震源域は時間とともに拡大したが群発地震後最終的には東西3km,南北2km,深さは6kmを中心に3kmの幅をもつ拡がりであった.定常観測網で求めた震源との比較を行い,観測網に依存する震源の系統的なずれやその値のバラツキから震源の絶対精度と相対精度を推定した.MO~4.5の間のM別頻度分布はGutenberg-Richterの関係から少しずれる.群発地震の回数の減衰(p~2)は本震直後の余震のそれ(p~1)と比べ大きい.燕岳の地震ではどちらもp~2であった.本震の震源断層は発震機構及び余震分布の特性から西上り東落ちの高角逆断層である.これは中央隆起帯東縁でのテクトニックな変動と調和する.1986年の千曲構造線の地震活動はそのピークが東南東から西北西へ約150km/yearの速度で伝播した.1912年~1918年にもこの構造線の両端付近で地震があった.約70年の間隔を置いて同じような活動を繰り返したことになる.The earthquake of M 4.9 which occurred at Maruko town, eastern part of Nagano prefecture, at 11 h 34 m on August 24, 1986, was accompanied by foreshocks, ordinary aftershocks just after the main shock and peculiar swarm-like aftershocks that began 10 days after the event. Seismic sequences with double high adtivity peaks have occurred frequently in and around the northern Fossa Magna region; the intervals between the two peaks ranege from 13 hours to 104 days.
佃 為成 和田 博夫 酒井 要 伊藤 潔
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1-18, 1994

An M6.6 earthquake occurred on February 7,1993, around a sea rise extending southwest-northeast direction off the northeastern tip of Noto Peninsula. The hypocenters of the mainshock and aftershocks were located using telemetered data from university stations. The aftershocks during the first two days are concentrated in the narrow active fault zone along the northwest side of the rise. Other concentrations occurred along active faults on the southeast side of the rise. Most of the focal depths are 10-15km, consistent with the interpretation of T phases and pP phases recorded at some stations. Northwestward dipping 3-dimensional distributions for large aftershocks suggest two possible fault planes, which coincide well with the two fault planes of the CMT solution. The gross nature of the seismic fault is of a thrust type, which contradicts the strike slip solution estimated from the initial motions. The Noto region is part of the tectonic zone along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, where zonal shortening due to compression is predominant as in the Japan Sea coast region in northern Honshu, Japan. The alignment of aftershocks along the topographic lineaments and submarine active faults may reflect this tectonism.1993年2月7日の能登半島沖地震は,禄剛崎沖の南西から北東へ伸びる海底の高まり付近で発生した.この余震の分布をできるだけ精密に求めるため京大防災研上宝観測所と東大地震研信越地震観測所の観測網のデータを統合して震源計算した.この地域の構造はきわめて不均質であり,その影響を極力さけるためもっとも震源域に近い観測点を用いて地震決定を行なった.
佃 為成 酒井 要 小林 勝 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.3, pp.433-456, 1989-12-25

酒井 要 大島 秀明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.752, pp.1909-1918, 2018 (Released:2018-10-30)

The renewal maintenance of the public facilities becomes the important problem of the Japanese local government. The maintenance of the public facilities by the compound type is one of the one solving this problem. Therefore, it is expected that plans to maintain a library in complex public facilities increase. This study is intended to grasp the condition of the plan to install a library in complex public facilities. This article examines the influence that complex public facility gives to the use of the library after having grasped it about the facilities situation of the library. The procedures of the analysis are as follows: 1. Grasp the situation of the library from a collection of books scale, an exclusive possession area in a setting form, the establishment year. 2. Grasp the situation of an established library from municipality type and agriculture area classification. 3. Grasp the situation of a library installed in the complex facilities from a kind, the installed number of public facilities, a combination pattern. 4. Examine the influence of facilities installed in complex facilities on users' use by libraries. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1. The facilities condition of the library to install in the compound complex becomes severer than the construction in the independent building. It was revealed that limitation about the floor space was particularly big 2. It was revealed that it was more effective than municipality type to use the agriculture area classification as an analysis item. 3. The meeting place, multipurpose hall, government building, lifelong education facilities, culture facilities were typical examples of public facilities installed in the complex facilities. The numerical value that was the highest in a setting ratio of the public facilities was 53%, but the high numerical value of a frequent setting ratio was around 30%. 4. It was revealed that the number of the library visitors increased by installing it in the compound complex. However, in the public facilities prepared into the compound comlex facilities, there was the facilites which had no effect which increased the visitor of the library.
佃 為成 酒井 要 小林 勝 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.3, pp.433-456, 1989-12-25

佃 為成 酒井 要 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫 小林 勝
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.3, pp.237-272, 1988-12-23

佃 為成 酒井 要 小林 勝 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.3, pp.p433-456, 1989-12

北部フォッサマグナの糸魚川・静岡構造線に長野盆地西縁断層(善光寺地震断層系)及び千曲川構造線のそれぞれの延長がぶつかる地域において発生した1986年12月30日の地震の震源パラメータや余震活動および先駆的活動の特徴,テクトニクスとの関連について調べた.震源域直上の1臨時観測点を含む近傍の観測点のデータを用いて余震の高精度震源決定を行い,さらに本震の震源についても定常観測点に基づく結果を補正した.この際,深発地震データから推定した走時の観測点補正時間を導入した.本震の深さは5.5kmで,その近傍に集中した余震(狭義の余震)の発生域はN15~20°Wの走向をもち,僅かに西に傾いた,ほぼ垂直な面上にあり,水平に6km,深さ方向に4kmの広さに収まる.この余震分布は初動の押し引きから得られた断層面の一つ(走向N19°W,傾斜角73°,すべり角26°)にほぼ一致する.この狭義の余震の外に点在する広義の余震は東西,南北にそれぞれ20kmの広さに分布する.気象庁の観測点の変位地震計記録の初動P波から推定した震源断層の破壊は,本震の震源付近から,余震が密集している南の領域へ向けて3km/sの速度で伝播した.その全面積は6km2,平均的な変位は75cm.変位の立ち上がり時間は0.5sである.また,地震モーメントは1.3×1024dyne・cm,応力降下は220barである.本震の破壊領域は既存の断層上にはなかったが,広義の余震は,2本の新第三紀層中の断層(小谷-中山断層,持京断層)が会合する地点,両断層に画された東南側の領域一帯,北部の両断層に挾まれた地域や,孤立的に東部の一地点に分布する.活動の範囲は時間とともに,拡大縮小の変化が認められた.最大余震はM3.5(広義の余震)で,本震の大きさに比べ,極めて小さく,余震回数も多くはなかったが,その減衰の定数はp=1で,通常と変わらない.この地震に先行した微小地震活動があった.その震源域は広義の余震の一つのクラスターとほぼ一致する.また,周囲半径100km以内の地震活動が1~2年前から1年後にかけて活発であった.直前の5~9日前には,飛騨山地を隔てた跡津川断層でも,目立った活動があった.大町市付近の系魚川・静岡構造線に沿った地域には,過去にも度々M6程度の地震が発生している.その中で1958年の地震の震央は,今回の地震の活動域にある.このときにも跡津川断層の活動が連動した(1858年飛越地震,M6.9).糸魚川・静岡構造線等を含む広域のネオテクトニクスの枠組みのなかに今回の地震の活動域が位置づけられるとともに,小規模の地殻ブロックの役割も注目される.A remarkable earthquake of Af 5.9 occurred at 09:38 on December 30, 1986, 10km northeast of Omachi city, Nagano Prefecture. This earthquake was accompanied by precursory microearthquake activity from one year before, at nearly the same place with one of the clustering spots of aftershocks, which is located in the vicinity of the meeting point of the Tertiary faults: the Otari-Nakayama and Mochigyou faults. The historical earthquake of M 5.7 in 1858 took place around this spot. Adjacent to this area, there were two other historical events with magnitude around 6 in 1890 and 1918. Synchronized seismic activity between the Omachi region and the Atotsugawa fault region, about 60 km apart from each other, was found in this 1986 event as in 1858. The surrounding seismicity within 100 km from the epicenter of the 1986 event had been active from several years before.
阿部 芳郎 松村 秀一 真子 義邦 坂田 英昭 三浦 健司 酒井 要
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
油化学 (ISSN:18842003)
vol.34, no.6, pp.456-466, 1985

Poly [(sodium acrylate) -<I>co</I>- (vinyl alcohol)] P (A-VA), poly [(sodium acrylate) -<I>co</I>- (methyl vinyl ether)] P (A-MVE), polyL (sodium 2-hydroxyacrylate) -<I>co</I>- (sodium acrylate) P (HA-A), poly [(disodium maleate) -<I>alt</I>- (vinyl alcohol) P (Ma-VA), poly (disodium fumarate) -<I>alt</I>- (vinyl alcohol)] P (F-VA) were prepared, and their building performances in detergents were examined. Their sequestering power for Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> and dispersing power MnO<SUB>2</SUB> were determined and compared with the corresponding properties of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) and disodium 3-oxapentandioate (ODA). The biodegradability of the oligomers was also studied under aerobic conditions.<BR>These oligomers showed better detergency building performances than those of ODA, and some of them were superior to those of STPP. Oligomeric P (A-VA) prepared by UV polymerization showed the best building performances in detergent systems and biodegradability tested in this report. The introduction of hydroxyl groups and ether groups to poly (sodium acrylate) promoted their detergency power and biodegradability.
佃 為成 酒井 要 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫 小林 勝
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.3, pp.237-272, 1988-12-23
